47 Elephant Jokes That Will Spread Laughter

Jokes about animals, especially elephants,  bring a smile to kids’ and anyone’s faces and make them forget their worries. But why do people love cracking jokes on animals such as elephants?

Well, the answer lies in their unique physical characteristics, their intelligence, and their humorous behaviour. And when we talk about Elephants, these are large animals with big ears and trunks that can be used for many comedic situations.

Here we’ve compiled the list of best Elephant Jokes that display humorous behaviour you can use as material for funny stories.

Elephant Jokes

1. What do you call an elephant that laughs a lot?

An elaughant.

2. What did the momma elephant say to her kid when he was misbehaving?

“Tusk, tusk!”

3. How do you raise a baby elephant?

With a forklift.

4. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros?


5. What’s an elephant’s favorite part of a tree?

The trunk.

6. Why do elephants drink so much?

To try to forget.

7. What’s the only way an elephant flies?

By dumbo jet.

8. Why are elephants always so broke?

They work for peanuts.

9. What’s an elephant’s favorite font to use?

Ella font.

10. Why did the elephants get kicked out of the pool?

Because their trunks kept falling down.

11. What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?

He called a tow truck.

12. What game should you never play with an elephant?


13. What’s the best way to raise a baby elephant?

With a forklift.

14. What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?

He called the tow truck.

15. Why do elephants paint their toenails red?

So they can hide on cherry trees.

16. What did the elephant want for his birthday?

A trunk full of presents.

17. How do you do with a blue elephant?

Tell it silly jokes.

18. What do you call an elephant that hates taking baths?

A smellyphant.

19. What did the elephant say to her son when he misbehaved?

“Tusk tusk!”.

20. How do you get an elephant out of the water?


21. What sport will an elephant always beat you at?


22. How do elephants talk to each other?

On the ele-phone.

23. When an elephant is bored, what’s it like to do?

Watch elevision.

24. Why do elephants never forget?

Because nobody ever tells them anything.

25. What do elephants and trees have in common?

They both have big trunks.

26. What has big ears and makes toys for Santa?


27. How do elephants keep cool in the summer?

Ear conditioning.

28. What do you call an elephant that can fly?

A propellephant.

29. Why did the elephant get pulled over?

He sped through the stomp sign.

30. What did the elephant say to his girlfriend?

“I love you a ton.”

31. The biggest ant in the world is called what?

An eleph-ant.

32. What album could an elephant listen to all day long?

Tusk by Fleetwood Mac.

33. Why was the elephant afraid to go to the computer store?

Because they sold mice.

34. What did the elephant do to unwind after work?

He watched ele-vision.

35. What happens when an elephant gets lightheaded?

It ele-faints.

36. What’s an elephant called that won’t share its toys?


37. What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?

An irrelephant.

38. What’s an elephant’s favorite Star Wars character?

TUSKan Raiders.

39. Why didn’t the African elephant like playing UNO?

There are too many cheetahs.

40. What’s big and gray and has horns?

An elephant marching band.

41. What’s as large as an elephant but weighs nothing at all?

An elephant’s shadow.

42. What’s blue and have big ears?

An elephant at the North Pole.

43. Why are elephants bad dancers?

Because they have two left feet.

44. How do you stop an elephant from charging?

You take away their credit card.

45. What do you get when you cross a fish with an elephant?

Swimming trunks.

46. Why are elephants bad dancers?

They have two left feet.

47. What wears glass slippers and weighs over 4,000 pounds?

Cinderellephant., exrebed wears glass slippers and weighs over 4,000 pounds?

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