31+ Joe Dirt Quotes That Will Make You Stay Positive

1. “That’s all! You and me, go.” – Joe Dirt

2. “Things get the darkest before dawn.” – Joe Dirt

3. “Right on. You’re Joe Meteorite and I’m Joe Dirt.” – Joe Dirt

4. “Things are gonna happen to me, I’m Joe Dirt.” – Joe Dirt

5. “He’ll stop humping as soon as he’s done.” – Miss Clipper

6. “Is this where you want to be when Jesus returns?” – Joe Dirt

7. “Why don’t you practice fallin down, I’ll be there in a minute.” – Joe Dirt

8. “What’s the deal with your hair? You doing stunt work for Billy Ray Cyrus?” – Zander Kelly

9. “There are three rules when dealing with a deadly crocodile. Rule number one, I’m number one. Rule number two, the croc’s number two.” – Joe Dirt

10. “Things darken before dawn.” – Joe Dirt

11. “Keep on, keepin’ on.” – Joe Dirt

12. “Lose that frown. When you’re down, stare at a clown,” — Joe’s Mom

13. “Life is a garden, dig it.” – Joe Dirt

14. “So, what you’re telling me, is that you’re so ingrained with White Trash, that your facial hair just grows in all white trashy like that?” – Zander Kelly

15. “Life is too short to waste doing nothing, make every day count because we all don’t know when we will leave this world.” – Joe Dirt

16. “My name is Joe Dirt, I added an e at the end because it sounds good.” – Joe Dirt

17. “You can’t have “no” in your heart. “No” is not an option, brother.” – Joe Dirt

18. “Well, that might be your problem. It’s not what you like. It’s the consumer.” – Joe Dirt

19. “Magnificent Marches Phrases related to Welcome to Spring” – Joe Dirt

20. “Life’s a garden, dig it.” – Joe Dirt

21. “And you’ll be sticking your head out the window and check out chic dogs saying ‘what’s up, baby?’” – Joe Dirt

22. “Might as well ask why is a tree good? Why’s a sunset good? Why are boobs good?” – Joe Dirt

23. “If my calculations are correct, this will create ice… oh no, killer mustard gas.” – Joe Dirt

24. “Is this where you wanna be when Jesus comes back?” – Joe Dirt

25. “I got the poo on me.” – Joe Dirt

26. “You want me to put my ear to the ground and listen for hoofbeats, check for footprints, look for broken twigs? This is the modern era. That stuff doesn’t work anymore.” – Kicking Wing

27. “His name’s Rocky and he ain’t no puppy.” – Joe Dirt

28. “Touch the exact subject. You are Joe Meteorite and I am Joe Dirt.” – Joe Dirt

29. “Here on earth, we call this place a ‘town.’ A ‘town’ is a place where everyone hates you.” – Joe Dirt

30. “Lose that frown. When you’re down, watch a clown, Joe’s mother” – Joe Dirt

31. “When bad pets go bad, dang.” – Joe Dirt

32. “Now, this ain’t no flapjack. I’ll go real easy. I won’t look.” – Joe Dirt

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