85+ Horse Puns That Will Make You Chuckle

Horses are one of the most popular animals on earth. They are playful animals loved for their agility, beauty and power. Horses are also used as a means of transportation.

They have been around for over 45 million years. They are domesticated animals that people use as pets, work animals, or as a hobby. Below, we’ve compiled a list of Horse puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Horse Puns

1. Pony Tail.

2. Maple Stirrup.

3. Talk Derby To Me.

4. Scratchy throat? You sound a little hoarse.

5. How do hip young horses casually greet each other? “Hay”.

6. Where do horses love to shop? Old Neigh-vy.

7. It’s pasture bedtime.

8. Hey neigh-bor.

9. Thanorse.

10. Tater Trot.

11. I herd you wanted my number.

12. I’ll have mayo-neighs on my sandwich.

13. Hold your horses, why don’t you.

14. Oh, hay.

15. Why did the little pony wake up scared? It had a night-mare.

16. Just got paid? It’s nice to be financially stable.

17. You’re my mane man.

18. Forrest Jump.

19. Watch me whip….

20. NeighSayer.

21. Biscotti The Hotty.

22. Go to bed! It’s pasture bedtime.

23. Meet me at the hair saloon.

24. What did the mare say to her foal? “It’s pasture your bedtime.

25. I heard you have a new boyfriend. He’s my mane man! My ride-or-die.

26. It’s time for the mane event.

27. It’s on Mane Street.

28. Watch me neigh, neigh.

29. Harry Trotter.

30. Fleabag.

31. John Bon Pony.

32. Why is Dick Whittington a horse’s favourite panto? Because he was mare of London.

33. Better hoof it.

34. What do you call a horse that lives next door? A neigh-bor.

35. Nightmare.

36. I’m so glad you’re my neigh-bor.

37. You’re such a stud.

38. You’ll never find a horse using an Android phone. They only like Apple’s.

39. Have you ever heard of the band Foals? They have a colt following.

40. You sure like to stirrup trouble.

41. Why the long face?.

42. Look at that horse’s new boyfriend. He’s such a stud.

43. Hay Girl.

44. What do you call a horse that’s a world traveler? A globe-trotter.

45. Reya Sunshine.

46. You’re my better hoof.

47. He’ll talk whinney wants to.

48. What do horses see right before it thunders? Lightning colts.

49. I can’t giddy-up.

50. Don’t be afraid to make a foal of yourself.

51. Rein it in with the gossip! You’ll stirrup trouble.

52. You’re foal of it.

53. What do you use to tie a horse’s ankles together? Fetlocks.

54. Where do newlywed horses stay after their wedding? In the bridle suite.

55. Stop foaling around.

56. What do you call a horse that’s not wearing a saddle? Neigh-ked.

57. Hermioneigh Granger.

58. Why did the farmer give his pony a cough drop? Its throat was a little hoarse.

59. Cud you go on a date with me?.

60. What kind of medicine do you give a sick horse? Cough stirrup.

61. My Little Pony.

62. You’re always the centaur of attention.

63. When does a horse talk? Whinny wants to.

64. You sound a bit horse.

65. Maybe she’s barn with it… Maybe it’s neighbelline.

66. Horses can run smoothly on a frozen racecourse… But not furlong.

67. Hay or neigh? That’s equestrian.

68. Let’s skip the opening act. I only care to see the mane event.

69. What’s a racehorse’s favorite thing to eat? Fast food.

70. Stop horsing around.

71. Just got promoted… And now I’m saddled with so much more responsibility.

72. Of horse.

73. How do horses cast their vote? By saying yay or neigh.

74. Colt Forty-Five.

75. Why did the horse run away in the middle of its wedding? It got colt feet.

76. Pony Soprano.

77. Hay fever.

78. David Hasselhoof.

79. You’re haylarious.

80. Watch me whip. Watch me neigh, neigh.

81. Hm? Stop stalling and answering the question.

82. I can’t help being a spur of the moment type of person.

83. A horse in the water is a sea-horse.

84. Houdini.

85. Get off your high horse.

86. A horse that travels the world is a globe-trotter.

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