65 Otter Puns That Are Otter-able Funny

Otters are playful animals that love to interact with humans. This is because they are friendly and they enjoy spending time with people. They are often seen sliding down slides and playing in the water. And also enjoy playing with toys and other objects that they find on land.

They live in water, which is their natural habitat. They have a thick layer of fur to keep them warm and protect them from the cold water. Otters also have a layer of fat that insulates their body from the cold temperature in the water.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of Otter puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Otter Puns

1. I’ve never been pr-otter.

2. It’ll happen one way or an-otter.

3. What do you drive in a river? An otter-mobile.

4. To the best m-otter.

5. Where do otters come from? Space.

6. We’re going to otter space.

7. What did the young otter ask the otter movie star. Can I please get your ottergraph?

8. I’ll be otter-nally grateful.

9. What type of bathtub do otters like to relax in? An otter tub.

10. I just had a d-otter.

11. Why did the otter cross the river? To get to the otter side.

12. Don’t b-otter me.

13. You’re like no otter.

14. Turn the otter cheek.

15. You’re my significant otter.

16. Who is the most famous magical wizard otter? Harry Otter.

17. Two otters are in a car. Who’s driving? Animal control.

18. What is an otter’s favorite ’70s movie? Welcome Back, Otter, er… we mean Welcome Back, Kotter.

19. My grandma sm-otters me with love.

20. What do most people want to be on a freezing cold day? A little otter.

21. I have to go. Otter-wise, I’ll be late.

22. I get beavers and similar animals mixed up… I otter know better.

23. Where did otters originally come from? Otter space.

24. What did the badger say to the weasel? You should always be kind to otters.

25. Where do otters keep their money? In a riverbank.

26. It was in p-otter form.

27. What do you get when an otter steals a convertible? Grand Theft Otter.

28. Why did walrus marry the whale? Because she wasn’t like all the otters.

29. What animal would you most like to be on a cold day? A little otter.

30. We need each otter.

31. Where do otters like to relax? In the otter tub.

32. Turn the music up l-otter.

33. There’s a bad otter.

34. What type of car does an otter drive? An otter mobile.

35. What do you call a kids’ book about otters? Harry Otter.

36. Try to get their otter-graph.

37. Why do otters swim on their backs? To keep their nuts dry.

38. Why’d the otter cross the road? To get to the ‘otter’ side.

39. Let’s get otter here.

40. What word would you use to describe what an otter looks like when shaved? Odder.

41. What do you say when you see a famous otter? “Please can I have your ottergraph?!”.

42. I get beavers, seals, turtles, and other swimming animals mixed up. I otter know better.

43. You’re so otter-able.

44. This is otter non-sense.

45. Why did the young otter decide to join NASA? She wanted to go to otter space.

46. What kind of car does an otter drive? A Furrari.

47. The otter-most layer is the hardest.

48. You otter know better.

49. Be kind to otters.

50. You’re the best br-otter in the world.

51. W-otter you doing?

52. I’m going to law school to become an otter-ney.

53. What do you call an otter that just got glasses? A see otter.

54. Let’s see the otter options.

55. What do you call an otter with a cold? A snotter.

56. What did the principal say when the otters got detention? You otter be ashamed of yourself.

57. Bread and b-otter.

58. What type of roads do German otters drive on? Otter-bahns.

59. We otter celebrate.

60. What does a shaved otter look like? Odder.

61. What type of car does an otter like to drive? A Fur-ari.

62. I’m craving clam ch-otter.

63. What do you call a sea otter that can pick up an elephant? Sir.

64. What did the weasel say to the badger? “We should always be kind to otters.”

65. I’m otter-ly amazed.

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