47 Elephant Puns That Are Funny and Adorable to Read

Elephant plays a major role in our lives and in many cultures and religions worldwide. They are one of the largest land animals on earth and they are the largest living terrestrial animal.

In India, elephants are considered to be one of the most sacred animals because they can be seen as a symbol of wisdom and power. In Buddhism, they symbolize strength because they have been known to carry heavy objects without any difficulty, such as giant logs or other heavy things. In some African cultures, elephants represent fertility because they have large numbers of offspring each year, which is more than any other mammal on earth.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of Elephant puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Elephant Puns

1. From tusk until dawn.

2. I’m ear for you.

3. Why are elephants bad dancers? They have two left feet.

4. What’s an elephant’s favorite font to use? Ella font.

5. What do you call a light-headed elephant? And ele-faint.

6. That’s irr-elephant.

7. What’s the world’s biggest ant? An elephant.

8. When an elephant goes swimming, it wears trunks.

9. That’s r-elephant.

10. What do you call a different kind of flying elephant? A propellephant.

11. I herd it was going to snow this weekend.

12. Why did the elephant start the stampede? Because it wanted to be herd.

13. You’re elephant-astic.

14. Why don’t elephants use computers? Because they’re afraid of the mouse.

15. How do elephants talk to each other? On the ele-phone.

16. What did the elephant say to his girlfriend? “I love you a ton!”.

17. How do elephants communicate? Using the elephone.

18. A stinky elephant is known as a smelly-phant.

19. How can you tell if an elephant is under your bed? Your nose will touch the ceiling.

20. How do elephants keep cool in the summer? Ear conditioning.

21. What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter? Irrelephant.

22. Why do elephants have trunks? Because they would look funny with a suitcase.

23. How do elephants bathe? With their trunks on.

24. I’m choosing between the different ele-fonts.

25. What do you call a flying elephant? A jumbo jet.

26. What’s an elephant’s favorite part of a tree? The trunk.

27. What’s an elephant’s secret talent? They’re great at multi-tusking.

28. Let’s get trunk.

29. I have a tusk to do.

30. How do you do with a blue elephant? Tell it silly jokes.

31. What do you call an elephant with rotors on her head? An ellie-copter.

32. What did the elephant want for his birthday? A trunk full of presents.

33. To get to the other side, the elephant rode an ele-copter.

34. How do you stop an elephant from smelling? Tie a knot in her trunk.

35. What’s an elephant’s favorite sport? Squash.

36. Elephants can do a lot at once, as they’re great at multi-tusking.

37. What happens when an elephant gets lightheaded? It ele-faints.

38. What do elephants do to relax? Watch elevision.

39. Why does everyone want to employ elephants? They’ll work for peanuts.

40. What do you call an elephant that laughs a lot? An elaughant.

41. What do you call an elephant that’s never clean? A smelly-phant.

42. When the baby elephant was naughty, the parent elephant said, “tusk, tusk.

43. What’s big and grey and wears a mask? The elephantom of the opera.

44. What sport will an elephant always beat you at? Squash.

45. What do you call an elephant with an aerial on her head? An elephant-enna.

46. When an elephant is bored, what’s it like to do? Watch elevision.

47. A light-headed elephant is an ele-faint.

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