90+ Deer Puns That Will Make You Fawning Over

Deer are often considered to be a symbol of nature and its beauty. They are also said to represent gentleness, innocence, and purity.

The Celts believed that deer were messengers of the gods and that they could show humans the way to enlightenment. In Japan, deer are thought to be messengers from the gods who bring luck or warn people against future disasters. Below, we’ve compiled a list of Deer puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Deer Puns

1. Deerly beloved.

2. I’d love to be consi-deer-ed.

3. You’re my deer-est friend.

4. Let’s go to Deer-y Queen.

5. I’m a big sports fawn.

6. What board game do deers love playing? Buck-gammon!

7. What’s for deer-ner?

8. I hate deer pressure from my friends.

9. You’re a weir-doe.

10. What do you call a deer with no eyes?

11. What do you give a deer with an upset stomach? Elka Seltzer.

12. How deer you steal my puns.

13. My deer daughter, I write to you…

14. What was wrong with the deer’s smile? He had buck teeth.

15. What is a deer’s favourite food group? Deer-y products!

16. Bambi made me shed a deer.

17. My kid started kin-deer-garten.

18. What a deer-light.

19. How do you compliment a deer? Fawn over her.

20. I love the mo-deer-n look.

21. Have you gotten all your climbing deer?

22. I love cookie doe.

23. What is a deer’s favourite coffee shop? Star-bucks!

24. I’ll check my calen-deer.

25. I have no i-deer.

26. What’s a buck’s least favorite type of bread? Sour doe.

27. Don’t you deer!

28. You’re so consi-deer-ate.

29. Deer it is.

30. What is a deer’s favourite meal of the day? Deer-ner.

31. You wouldn’t deer.

32. Just doe it.

33. I need deer-ections.

34. I saw it from a deer-stance.

35. What is a deer’s favourite after-school snack? Doe-nuts.

36. Oh deer, are you hurt?

37. He had stag fright.

38. I went deer-ectly to the store.

39. For real, doe.

40. Deer and loathing.

41. What do you call a deer wearing an explosive vest? Bombi.

42. Deer (cheer) up man, it’s not the end of the world.

43. Thanks for un-deer-standing.

44. What cheesy dish do baby deers love? Fawn-due.

45. I love drinking ginger deer.

46. What did the deer say to his sulky friend? Buck up!

47. Talk to a deer-apist.

48. I’m glad I fawn-d you.

49. New deer’s resolutions.

50. What do deers call hunters? Doe foes.

51. Hang on for deer life!

52. It was stag-gered.

53. In deer (dire) straits.

54. That’s fawn-tastic!

55. What is a deer’s favourite flavour of ice-cream? Cookie-doe!

56. Did you watch the doe-cumentary?

57. What is a baby deer’s favourite type of icing? Fawn-dant.

58. She fawn-ded a company.

59. What’s a deer’s favorite game? Buckaroo!

60. Holiday deer (cheer).

61. Oh, deer.

62. What type of bread do deers enjoy the most? Sour-doe!

63. I’m not going in deer.

64. No-eye-deer.

65. Be ten-deer and kind.

66. Let’s watch the rain, deer.

67. Let’s ring in the new deer.

68. You have an en-deer-ing smile.

69. I can’t drive manual transmission, I suck at shifting deers.

70. I deer the worst.

71. What kind of money do deer use? Bucks!

72. I’m trying to hold back my deers.

73. You’re deer to me.

74. My son got braces because he had buck teeth.

75. Phew, that was a deer miss.

76. I want doe-nuts.

77. Why did the hunter miss his mark?

78. Buck off!

79. Let’s have some fawn!

80. Looks like its deer skies today.

81. Who puts money under the deer’s pillow? The hoof fairy.

82. Can you doe me a favor?

83. Don’t fall for deer pressure.

84. Deer nonsense.

85. He was not aiming deerectly for it.

86. How do you see a deer behind you? Hindsight.

87. I’ll clean my shoes because they’re deer-ty.

88. What did Homer Simpson say when he ran over a deer? “DOE!”

89. I drink non-deer-y milk.

90. Let’s get sour-doe bread.

91. How do deer clean their feet? Hoof paste.

92. Open the deer, please.

93. I’m not fawn of them.

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