119 Funny Valentine’s Day Puns

Valentine’s Day is a special day to celebrate love and relationships, and yes, to express our feelings to someone we love through exchanging gifts, writing heartfelt messages or planning a romantic date that can strengthen the emotional connection. Therefore to add an extra dose of love and laughter, we’ve compiled a list of Valentine’s Day puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Valentine’s Day Puns

1. Here’s my number, so kale me, maybe?

2. You’re the loaf of my life.

3. Whale you be my Valentine?

4. I mustache you a question…will you be my Valentine?

5. I’m not kitten around, I love you.

6. I love you so much and that’s all rhino.

7. Pining fir you.

8. We’ve got great chemistry.

9. I love you s’more and ‘smore each day.

10. I think you’re grate.

11. You sweep me off my feet.

12. I’d never leaf you.

13. You make my heart pop.

14. Will you bee mine?

15. There’s no reason to wine about you.

16. You got a pizza my heart.

17. I’m sew into you.

18. So mushroom in my heart for you.

19. Are you a 90-degree angle? Because this feels just right.

20. Went from “cacti” to “cactus.”

21. You make miso happy.

22. If you were a triangle, you’d be acute one.

23. I’m hooked on you.

24. You’re one in a melon.

25. I only have fries for you.

26. I love you like no otter.

27. I’m fondue you, cutie.

28. I’m feline an attraction between you and I.

29. I love you once and flor-al.

30. You’re soda-lightful, cutie.

31. You’re all that and dim sum.

32. I think you’re porcu-fine.

33. I love you a whole watt.

34. You’re a hole-in-one.

35. I’m a sucker for you.

36. You are one in a melon.

37. You are my sole-mate.

38. Love you so matcha.

39. You are tea-riffic.

40. You make my heart skip a beat.

41. I’ll owl-ways love you.

42. I’m hoppy you’re mine.

43. I think you are porcu-fine.

44. You’re just plane awesome.

45. Don’t play heart to get.

46. Just in queso you didn’t know, I love you.

47. This may be corny, but you are a-maize-ing.

48. I’m bananas over you.

49. I like you a latte.

50. I love you from my head to-ma-toes.

51. I love you s’more and s’more.

52. Are you a thief? Because you stole my heart.

53. Are you copper and tellurium? Because you are Cu Te.

54. Pie like you berry much.

55. My significant otter.

56. I puggin’ love you.

57. Olive you.

58. You must be glue, because I am sticking with you.

59. You are beyond measure.

60. Muffin can ever come between us.

61. Are you a locksmith? Because you have the key to my heart.

62. We mermaid for each other.

63. We make a great pear.

64. You’re a cutie 3.14.

65. I’m not lion…I think you’re great.

66. You’re simply my jam.

67. I glove you, and I am s’mitten.

68. You’re one in a chameleon.

69. Are you a keyboard? Because you’re just my type.

70. You whisk me off my feet.

71. You’re berry beautiful.

72. I hope you have a poppin’ Valentine’s Day.

73. My heart is gushing—I lava you.

74. We have a great connection, since you’re Wi-Fi material.

75. I can’t bear to be without you.

76. Let’s taco bout getting together.

77. You guac my world.

78. I can heart-ly wait to see you.

79. You’re a whole lotto fun.

80. I whale always love you.

81. You’re the Queenof my heart.

82. I find you ribbiting.

83. Are you a needle? Because you are sew special to me.

84. We’re mint to be.

85. I think you’re a hunk of purring love.

86. I was soapin’ you’d be my valentine.

87. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.

88. Sealed with a kiss.

89. I wheel-ly like you.

90. You’re the king of my heart.

91. I love you butter than everyone else.

92. You’ve got a pizza my heart.

93. I could TSA pre-check you out all day long.

94. You’re a great catch.

95. You’re my tweet-heart.

96. Yoda best, valentine.

97. My heart beets for you.

98. You color my world.

99. Your name must be Summer, because you are hot.

100. Brie mine, Valentine.

101. You give my life porpoise.

102. You can donate blood to me anytime, since you’re just my type.

103. Will you be my tweetheart?

104. I ap-peach-iate you.

105. You’re my everything bagel.

106. Orange you glad I’m yours?

107. When I’m with you, my heart is always ready for takeoff.

108. I cannoli be happy when I’m with you.

109. I dig you a hole lot.

110. You’re sud-sational.

111. Don’t go bacon my heart.

112. My love for you is never in vein.

113. Honey, you’re un-bee-lievable.

114. I donut know what I’d do without you.

115. I’m cocoa-nuts about you.

116. Love you meow and forever.

117. You’re dino-mite.

118. You octopi my heart.

119. I’ll never dessert you.

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