300+ Best ‘Would You Rather’ Questions to Ask

If you ask “would you rather questions” with any person or a group of friends of yours then it’s a good option for an entertaining debate.

So if you want to add a layer of enjoyment to conversations then you dont need to wait as we’ve compiled the list of best ‘would you rather’ questions that you can ask with the person to share laughter and entertaining debates.

Scroll down and get ready to inject fun into the conversation.

Best ‘Would You Rather’ Questions to Ask

1. Would you rather your parents arrange your marriage or marry your most recent ex?

2. Would you rather have two long, front teeth like a beaver or no teeth at all?

3. Would you rather give up showering or internet for a month?

4. Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?

5. Would you rather your kitchen be full of completely black appliances or completely pink appliances?

6. Would you rather never brush your teeth or never brush your hair again (no shaving!)?

7. Would you rather never get lost again or never lose your balance again?

8. Would you rather become good friends with your celebrity crush or go on one date with them?

9. Would you rather have all your clothes fit perfectly or have the most comfortable pillow, blankets, and sheets in existence?

10. Would you rather be homeless or in prison?

11. Would you rather eat all your food with your hands or use utensils with only your non-dominant hand?

12. Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?

13. Would you rather be around negative loved ones or positive strangers?

14. Would you rather be half your height or double your weight?

15. Would you rather see your mom or your daughter at a gentlemen’s club?

16. Would you rather win the lottery but lose all your friends or lose all your money but find your soulmate?

17. Would you rather own a horse or own a dog?

18. Would you rather be constantly sticky or constantly itchy?

19. Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life or constantly feel like you have to sneeze?

20. Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or for everyone you know to have access to your Internet history?

21. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?

22. Would you rather punch a wall full force or get punched in the chest?

23. Would you rather wear a tracksuit every day or never be able to wear a tracksuit again?

24. Would you rather have a dog that looks like a baby or a baby that looks like a dog?

25. Would you rather do a roadtrip across the USA or Australia?

26. Would you rather lose all of your friends but keep your BFF or lose your BFF but keep the rest of your buds?

27. Would you rather live an ordinary life or stand out and be considered a freak?

28. Would you rather give up social media or be an influencer?

29. Would you rather see what was behind every closed door or be able to guess the combination of every safe on the first try?

30. Would you rather never go on holiday again or never meet the love of your life?

31. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or plants?

32. Would you rather always be one hour late or one hour early to everything?

33. Would you rather be Youtube famous or TikTok famous?

34. Would you rather change the outcome of the last election or get to decide the outcome of the next election?

35. Would you rather spend a year entirely alone or a year without a home?

36. Would you rather trust everyone always or never trust anyone ever?

37. Would you rather give up air conditioning and heating for the rest of your life or give up the Internet for the rest of your life?

38. Would you rather uncontrollably break into song or unexpectedly lose your voice?

39. Would you rather hop everywhere or skip everywhere?

40. Would you rather get a paper cut every time you turn a page or bite your tongue every time you eat?

41. Would you rather have smelly feet or bad breath?

42. Would you rather have an easy job working for someone else or work for yourself but work incredibly hard?

43. Would you rather be able to take back anything you say or hear any conversation that is about you?

44. Would you rather get trapped in the middle of a food fight or a water balloon fight?

45. Would you rather give up all drinks except for water or give up eating anything that was cooked in an oven?

46. Would you rather marry someone you just met or never get married at all?

47. Would you rather not cut your fingernails or your toenails for a year?

48. Would you rather spend a million dollars on travel or on clothes?

49. Would you rather always have a full phone battery or a full gas tank?

50. Would you rather live in a treehouse or in a cave?

51. Would you rather Danny DeVito or Danny Trejo play you in a movie?

52. Would you rather be hopelessly lost in an old town or lost in the forest?

53. Would you rather have a photographic memory or an IQ of 200?

54. Would you rather have a pet you’re allergic to or have a pet you don’t really like?

55. Would you rather tell your boss everything about your last night out on the town or tell your mom?

56. Would you rather spend your money travelling the world, but have few personal possessions, or have a really amazing house but never leave your home town?

57. Would you rather be a Kardashian or a Hilton?

58. Would you rather live in a penthouse flat or a huge mansion?

59. Would you rather have a terrible memory or absolutely no common sense?

60. Would you rather be followed by a band wherever you go or by someone narrating your life?

61. Would you rather hiccup for 10 minutes straight every time you laugh or never laugh again?

62. Would you rather be 11 feet tall or nine inches tall?

63. Would you rather listen to one song for the rest of your life or never be allowed to listen to the same song twice?

64. Would you rather walk on ice or hot cement with bare feet?

65. Would you rather vomit on your hero or have your hero vomit on you?

66. Would you rather have your absolute dream wedding dress but hate the rest of your wardrobe, or absolutely hate your wedding dress but love the rest of your clothes?

67. Would you rather swim in a pool full of Nutella or a pool full of maple syrup?

68. Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?

69. Would you rather always forget to buy one thing at the grocery store or always buy five things you don’t need?

70. Would you rather be forced to live the same day over and over again for a full year, or take 3 years off the end of your life?

71. Would you rather have unlimited respect or unlimited power?

72. Would you rather forget your partner’s birthday or your anniversary every year?

73. Would you rather go back to the past and meet your loved ones who passed away or go to the future to meet your children or grandchildren to be?

74. Would you rather have people spread a terrible lie about you or have people spread terrible but true tales about you?

75. Would you rather have every meal you eat for the rest of your life be too spicy, or too sweet?

76. Would you rather spend a week in the forest or a night in a real haunted house?

77. Would you rather always eat burnt food or undercooked food (without getting sick)?

78. Would you rather have a sing-off with Ariana Grande or a dance-off with Rihanna?

79. Would you rather watch a movie with no snacks or drink or have whatever you want but the movie volume is always just a little to quiet or a little too loud?

80. Would you rather be royalty 1,000 years ago or an average person today?

81. Would you rather never eat watermelon ever again or be forced to eat watermelon with every meal?

82. Would you rather eat a sand sandwich or drink a pint of glue?

83. Would you rather have to wash your hands every five minutes or never be able to wash your hair ever again?

84. Would you rather never be able to drink water again or only be able to drink water?

85. Would you rather visit the past or travel into the future?

86. Would you rather be chronically under-dressed or overdressed?

87. Would you rather be able to dodge anything no matter how fast it’s moving or be able to ask any three questions and have them answered accurately?

88. Would you rather spend a day cleaning your worst enemy’s house or have your crush spend the day cleaning your house?

89. Would you rather have to cook the big holiday meal every year or clean up and do the dishes afterward?

90. Would you rather lounge by the pool or on the beach?

91. Would you rather pay $5 every time you insult someone or every time you tell a lie?

92. Would you rather go on a silent nonspeaking retreat for a week or go on a long weekend vacation with someone who never shuts up?

93. Would you rather accidentally get locked out of your home or locked in your place of work for the night?

94. Would you rather drop a bad habit or gain a good one?

95. Would you rather labor under a hot sun or extreme cold?

96. Would you rather cuddle a koala or pal around with a panda?

97. Would you rather shout all of the time or only be able to whisper?

98. Would you rather have to always say everything that pops into your head or never be able to say what you feel?

99. Would you rather find true love today or win the lottery next year?

100. Would you rather live in the New Girl loft or live in any of the Friends apartments?

101. Would you rather live with a very weird (but safe) stranger or with a friend and their partner who fight all the time?

102. Would you rather own one pair of shoes or one coat?

103. Would you rather have a lifetime unlimited supply of makeup and skincare from your favourite brands, or own your own home by age 30?

104. Would you rather always live 10 miles from where you were born or never be able to settle down in one place for more than a year?

105. Would you rather have to wear stilettos to sleep or have to wear slippers everywhere you go?

106. Would you rather 5% of the population have telepathy, or 5% of the population have telekinesis? You are not part of the 5% that has telepathy or telekinesis.

107. Would you rather live the life of a nun or an exotic dancer for one week?

108. Would you rather know what your pets think of you or never hear them speak?

109. Would you rather be popular in school or have lots of friends as an adult?

110. Would you rather be personally fulfilled or professionally fulfilled?

111. Would you rather only be able to receive likes on Instagram but not give them, or only be able to give likes but not receive them?

112. Would you rather make a museum exhibition of your middle school photos or google search history?

113. Would you rather wear clothes that are way too big for you all the time or clothes that are too small?

114. Would you rather kill a cow or butcher it afterwards?

115. Would you rather live in the world of Lord of The Rings or Star Wars?

116. Would you rather listen to a boring story or tell a story everyone thought was boring?

117. Would you rather end credit card debt forever or end student loan debt forever?

118. Would you rather live inside your favourite childhood movie or book?

119. Would you rather get $1 every time you compliment a stranger or $100 every time you insult a stranger?

120. Would you rather hunt and butcher your own meat or never eat meat again?

121. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?

122. Would you rather face punishment for a crime or try to hide it and get away?

123. Would you rather work hard for a boss that has high expectations but values you as a person and employee or work much less for a boss that couldn’t care less?

124. Would you rather manage the world’s greatest football team or the world’s best band?

125. Would you rather lose all your teeth or lose a day of your life every time you kissed someone?

126. Would you rather bounce off of every surface you touch or never be able to jump again?

127. Would you rather your partner forget your anniversary every year, or you forget your partner’s birthday every year?

128. Would you rather have the ability to be invisible or to read people’s minds?

129. Would you rather be forced to go 10 mph under the speed limit or 10 mph over the speed limit? You can still get speeding tickets.

130. Would you rather be able to do the perfect smokey eye or contour?

131. Would you rather watch the news or stoner movies for 24 hours straight?

132. Would you rather live 200 years in the past or 200 years in the future?

133. Would you rather lick someone’s armpit or have someone lick your armpit?

134. Would you rather be able to slow down time by 10% or jump three times as high as you can now?

135. Would you rather solve world hunger or cure cancer?

136. Would you rather accidentally eat a special brownie before dinner with your parents or before you have an important day at work?

137. Would you rather be gassy on a first date or your wedding night?

138. Would you rather have a pause or a rewind button in your life?

139. Would you rather have super slow internet or low phone battery?

140. Would you rather be an Olympic athlete or a world-famous scientist who cured a disease?

141. Would you rather only speak in riddles or only speak in rhyme?

142. Would you rather live in a world with no books or a world with no music?

143. Would you rather be a model or a photographer?

144. Would you rather lick your grandma’s toes or let your grandma watch you lick someone else’s toes?

145. Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for a week?

146. Would you rather run into an alien or Big Foot?

147. Would you rather not talk to anyone or talk in depth to 10 people everyday for a month?

148. Would you rather live in a world without music or one without colors?

149. Would you rather have to do a handstand after every meal or a cartwheel?

150. Would you rather stay the age you are physically forever or stay the way you are now financially forever?

151. Would you rather spend the night in a seedy motel or in your car?

152. Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself?

153. Would you rather always have a mullet haircut or a ponytail haircut?

154. Would you rather have a personal meeting with your boss or with your mother’s religious leader everyday?

155. Would you rather buy all used underwear or all used toothbrushes?

156. Would you rather have a head the size of a small grapefruit or the size of a giant watermelon?

157. Would you always rather smell like garlic or a wet dog?

158. Would you rather work in retail for Black Friday sales or in a restaurant for Mother’s Day?

159. Would you rather have to eat pizza every day for a year or never be able to eat pizza again?

160. Would you rather have universal respect or unlimited power?

161. Would you rather go back to age 5 with everything you know now or know now everything your future self will learn?

162. Would you rather never hug your best friend again or never text them ever again?

163. Would you rather have another 10 years with your partner or a one-night stand with your celebrity crush?

164. Would you rather have Angelina Jolie’s lips or with Jennifer Aniston’s hair?

165. Would you rather communicate telepathically or know every single language on the planet?

166. Would you rather be obscenely wealthy and very unhealthy, or in perfect health and penniless?

167. Would you rather have hands for feet or feet for hands?

168. Would you rather have horns or a tail?

169. Would you rather be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind?

170. Would you rather give up using a phone or tablet forever or give up having any salt in food?

171. Would you rather live with a barnyard of animals in your house or live in the barn with the animals?

172. Would you rather find a rat in your kitchen or a roach in your bed?

173. Would you rather have to wear a wedding dress or a bikini every single day?

174. Would you rather have an unlimited gift card to McDonalds or Pret?

175. Would you rather be an unimportant character in the last movie you saw or an unimportant character in the last book you read?

176. Would you rather live a dangerous and exciting life or a safe and boring one?

177. Would you rather live somewhere it rains most days or somewhere it never rains ever?

178. Would you rather be known for your good taste in movies or your good taste in art?

179. Would you rather have a child every year for 20 years or never have any children at all?

180. Would you rather go to a rave and stay till the last song or go to a bar and stay till last call?

181. Would you rather clean someone else’s dirty toilet or refrigerator?

182. Would you rather have more time, or more money?

183. Would you rather always be stressed or sad?

184. Would you rather eat potato chip flavored ice cream or ice cream flavored potato chips?

185. Would you rather need to sleep for 12 hours every day or never sleep again?

186. Would you rather wear a constantly changing outfit or a constantly changing hairstyle?

187. Would you rather be an incredible cartoonist or an amazing portrait artist?

188. Would you rather always get the wrong coffee order or never get coffee at all?

189. Would you rather ride a skateboard or walk on your hands everywhere you went?

190. Would you rather listen to an annoying laugh for a whole day or get tickled for one hour?

191. Would you rather live in a new country every month or never go on vacation again?

192. Would you rather give up your cellphone for a month or bathing for a month?

193. Would you rather live in an escape room or live in a game of Cluedo?

194. Would you rather have unlimited battery life on all of your devices or have free WiFi wherever you go?

195. Would you rather be more patient or more confident?

196. Would you rather clean the same mess in the kitchen everyday or not be allowed to clean up the mess at all?

197. Would you rather live in a historic war movie or a dystopian future movie?

198. Would you rather have to announce every time you are going fart or fart extremely loudly every time?

199. Would You rather have a Texas accent and live in New York or a New York accent and live in Texas?

200. Would you rather spend a week in the woods without a tent or a night in a real haunted house?

201. Would you rather oversleep every day for a week or not get any sleep at all for four days?

202. Would you rather be the only one drunk at the family reunion or be the only one sober?

203. Would you rather have a unibrow or no eyebrows at all?

204. Would you rather have Billie Eilish’s future or Madonna’s legacy?

205. Would you rather have to use shrimp-flavored toothpaste or deodorant that smells like cheese?

206. Would you rather go to jail for a crime you didn’t commit or someone else go to jail for a crime you committed?

207. Would you rather live with your best friend or your partner?

208. Would you rather wear someone else’s dirty underwear or use someone else’s toothbrush?

209. Would you rather communicate only in emoji or never be able to text at all ever again?

210. Would you rather bet all your money playing poker or on a racehorse?

211. Would you rather have to wear every shirt inside out or every pair of pants backward?

212. Would you rather only listen to your least favorite genre of music or watch your least favorite genre of movie?

213. Would you rather go to bed without eating dinner or not eat all day until dinner?

214. If you had to go on a reality show, would you rather I’m a Celeb or SAS: Who Dares Wins?

215. Would you rather live forever or die at a normal age?

216. Would you rather chew your toenails off or someone else’s fingernails?

217. Would you rather hate your job with a really high salary or have a job you love with a below-average salary?

218. Would you rather have a third nipple or an extra toe?

219. Would rather have 100 duck-sized elephants or one elephant-sized duck?

220. Would you rather not be able to buy coffee or get takeout for a month?

221. Would you rather drink from a toilet or pee in a litter box?

222. Would you rather live as an animal attraction at an alien zoo or a travelling alien circus?

223. Would you rather always have B.O. and not know it or always smell B.O. on everyone else?

224. Would you rather be a baby with the mind of an adult or an adult with the mind of a baby?

225. Would you rather earn a ton of money doing work you hate or a little money doing work you love?

226. Would you rather walk in on your parents or have them walk in on you?

227. Would you rather be in a zombie apocalypse or a robot apocalypse?

228. Would you rather get up early or stay up late?

229. Would you rather eat nothing but salad or nothing but dessert for a week?

230. Would you rather live until you are 200 but look like you are 200 the whole time even though you are healthy or look like you are 25 all the way until you die at age 65?

231. Would you rather take an all expenses paid dream vacation every year for a month or have the job of your dreams?

232. Would you rather eat vegetarian or eat meat at every meal for a month?

233. Would you rather have telekinesis (the ability to move things with your mind) or telepathy (the ability to read minds)?

234. Would you rather your friend or your boss falls in love with you?

235. Would you rather find lasting true love early on but work in a job you hate for the rest of your life, or have a job you love for the rest of your life but never find true love?

236. Would you rather have two left feet or three eyes?

237. Would you rather go camping by the garbage dump or the sewage treatment plant?

238. Would you rather be the boss of a failing company or an entry-level employee at a successful one?

239. Would you rather have a tooth pulled that didn’t need to be or leave a tooth that needed to be pulled?

240. Would you rather be an average person in the present or a king of a large country 2500 years ago?

241. Would you rather cook the family pet and serve it to unsuspecting guests or eat the pet yourself?

242. Would you rather experience the beginning of the universe or witness its end?

243. Would you rather be the cowboy riding the bull or the clown who distracts it?

244. Would you rather hike to a mountain peak or deep dive to a sunken ship?

245. Would you rather be able to converse with animals or speak every language?

246. Would you rather give birth to conjoined twins or to sextuplets?

247. Would you rather spend a year at war or a year in prison?

248. Would you rather have to use chopsticks every day for the rest of your life or use a fork?

249. Would you rather get a million dollars right now or get $100,000 a year for ten years?

250. Would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave the city or town you were born in?

251. Would you rather be able to forget your worst memory, or remember your best memory better?

252. Would you rather be born with an elephant trunk or be born with a giraffe neck?

253. Would you rather be cursed to have everything you eat taste sweet, or sour?

254. Would you rather be forced to dance every time you heard music or be forced to sing along to any song you heard?

255. Would you rather live ten years longer with regrets or die ten years early with no regrets?

256. Would you rather talk really slow or really fast?

257. Would you rather sleep on a mattress without sheets or shower without a curtain or shower door?

258. Would you rather meet Bigfoot or an alien?

259. Would you rather your mum be Kim Kardashian or Kylie Jenner?

260. Would you rather solve world hunger or global warming?

261. Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?

262. Would you rather live next to an active volcano or a poorly secured prison?

263. Would you rather be a kid your whole life or an adult your whole life?

264. If you could only choose one type of holiday for the rest of your life, would you pick beach or city break?

265. Would you rather fart every time you laugh or burp every time you cry?

266. Would you rather only be able to eat yogurts or only be able to eat peanut butter?

267. Would you rather be alone all your life or surrounded by really annoying people?

268. Would you rather dress in your partner’s clothes or have your partner dress and style your outfit?

269. Would you rather have unlimited international first-class tickets or never have to pay for food at restaurants?

270. Would you rather have a food fight or a water balloon battle?

271. Would you rather wrestle a gorilla or two alligators?

272. Would you rather go on a cruise with your boss or never go on vacation ever again?

273. Would you rather have a one-minute conversation with your past self or your future self?

274. Would you rather get rich in a way that disappoints your family or just make enough money to live?

275. Would you rather eat a head of raw garlic or a raw onion?

276. Would you rather sick glitter or cry hot sauce?

277. Would you rather skydive or bungee jump?

278. Would you rather die before or after your partner?

279. Would you rather be covered head to toe in tattoos or have one big face tattoo?

280. Would you rather end war or poverty?

281. Would you rather be the absolute best at something that no one takes seriously or be average at something well respected?

282. Would you rather be the only person who speaks out of their butt or be the only person who doesn’t speak out of their butt?

283. Would you rather have Beyoncé’s talent or Jay-Z’s business acumen?

284. Would you rather have no internet or no cell phone?

285. Would you rather be born again in the same country or a different one of your choosing?

286. Would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef?

287. Would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for a decade?

288. Would you rather have no emotions or feel every single emotion incredibly intensely?

289. Would you rather walk to work in heels or drive to work in reverse?

290. Would you rather stay young physically or mentally?

291. Would you rather live by the beach but not be allowed in the water or live by a mountain but not be allowed to do winter sports?

292. Would you rather be really beautiful or really smart?

293. Would you rather get a post card every day from a stranger in a different country or a 10 minute call with anyone in the world you choose once a year?

294. Would you rather have to clean an entire 18-wheeler with your tongue or not be able to shower or bathe for an entire year?

295. Would you rather give the best gifts or the best advice?

296. Would you rather win $25,000 or your best friend win $100,000?

297. Would you rather tell your partner you’re having an affair or have them tell you they’re having an affair?

298. Would you rather have an unlimited supply of chocolate or coffee?

299. Would you rather be an extra in an Oscar-winning movie or the lead in a box office bomb?

300. Would you rather cook in a restaurant that only serves food you can’t eat or work as a bartender when you can’t drink alcohol?

301. Would you rather fulfill your biggest wish or resolve your biggest regret?

302. Would you rather get caught looking at something “adult only” online by your parents or by your boss?

303. Would you rather free jump off a cliff or climb down the same cliff without any equipment?

304. Would you rather live in a mountain cabin with no human contact or a big city studio apartment with three roommates?

305. Would you rather wear tampons for earrings or wear a sanitary towel as a face mask?

306. Would you rather get rid of 99% of the world’s population or make extinct 99% of all living creatures?

307. Would you rather everyone was taller or stronger than you?

308. Would you rather have a successful podcast or a successful YouTube channel?

309. Would you rather stay in during a snow day or build a fort?

310. Would you rather receive cleaning supplies or a weighing scale as a present?

311. Would you rather see yourself every time you laughed or snot loads every time you laughed?

312. Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales?

313. Would you rather have a knife when you need a spoon or a spoon when you need a knife?

314. Would you rather love Brussels sprouts or hate ice cream?

315. Would you rather never have to commute to work again or have a 3 day weekend?

316. Would you rather kiss everyone you meet or never kiss anyone again?

317. Would you rather work an overtime shift with your annoying boss or spend full day with your mother-in-law?

318. Would you rather dumpster dive for food or ask customers outside a restaurant to buy you a meal?

319. Would you rather never be able to smell your favourite candle again or never taste freshly baked cookies again?

320. Would you rather live right next to a huge stadium or the airport?

321. Would you rather get a tattoo or a lip piercing?

322. Would you rather lose your sight or your memories?

323. Would you rather team up with Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel?

324. Would you rather have your best friend date, sleep with, and then marry your dad or never be able to make physical contact with another person again?

325. Would you rather marry the most boring person you know or the most intense and demanding person you know?

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