133 Hypothetical Questions That Are Best for Your Mindset

Hypothetical questions spark lively and critical thinking discussions by tapping into the realms of imagination and speculation.

Whether you want to talk about futuristic technologies or fantasy adventures, it creates an engaging atmosphere around you and the people.

So if you want to create a playful atmosphere and want every conversation of yours filled with wonder and creativity, then these best hypothetical questions are only for you.

Scroll down and let’s start the game.

Hypothetical Questions

1. If you could instantly get a PhD in a topic, what topic would you choose?

2. How would it change the world if people were incapable of lying?

3. If you were a superhero, what would be your power?

4. If Planet Earth was in a science fair competing with other planets around the Universe, what would be Earth’s best option to showcase?

5. If you could have a 30-minute chat with any person that ever lived on Earth (alive or dead), who would it be?

6. If human beings were born with an item, which one would be yours?

7. What fantasy creature would you like to bring to life?

8. If Jeff Bezos gave you all his money, what would you do with it?

9. If you could go back in time three times only, where would you go, how far back, and what would you do?

10. If you were a tree, what type would you be and why?

11. Would you rather wear clothes 2 sizes too big or 2 sizes too small?

12. If you owned a bar or a coffee shop, what would you name it, and how would you make it different from the competition?

13. You can choose one celebrity to kiss, one to marry, and one to kill. Who are they?

14. If a turtle lost its shell, would it be homeless or naked?

15. If someone told you “say a movie quote!”, what is the first that comes to your mind?

16. If you could speak a dead language, which one would be the coolest to know?

17. If you could choose between having an amazing chef, a driver, or a masseuse at your service for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

18. If you had to become a teacher, what discipline would you pick to teach?

19. You’re at Comic-Con with cosplay so realistic, it’s freaking people out. What are people calling you?

20. If you had to pick a horror movie to live in for a night, what movie would it be and what’s your survival plan?

21. If you could bring back any canceled TV series, which TV show would you choose to bring back?

22. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

23. How does anyone know whether it’s partly cloudy or partly sunny?

24. In a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice?

25. If every time you entered a room, you had entrance music. What would be the song?

26. If you could be the world’s best athlete in a particular sport, which would you choose?

27. Your boss has made a decision that you disagree with. How do you handle this situation?

28. Who would you get to write the national anthem for your country?

29. You’re the sixth member of the spice girls, what is your spice handle?

30. If you could go on a single date with a celebrity, which celebrity would it be?

31. If you could create any law that is applicable to everybody else but not to you, what would it be?

32. If you could send yourself from ten years ago a message lasting only ten seconds, what would it be?

33. If you were an animated character, which would you be and why?

34. What would you do if you discovered your manager was withholding key information from you?

35. If a movie was made about your life, what situation would be the climax of it?

36. If you could be reborn in any country as any gender or race, what would you choose?

37. What would you do if you could make one illegal thing legal and one legal thing illegal?

38. Who’d win in a fight between two half-sized Bruce Lees and one full-sized Mike Tyson?

39. Before being born we can choose a single color that our eyes can see. What color would that be for you?

40. Would you be cryogenically frozen if given the opportunity?

41. Would you rather have no elbows or no knees? Why?

42. If your life had its own national anthem, what would it be?

43. If you could create your own reality TV show, what would it be like?

44. If you died tomorrow, what would be your biggest regret?

45. What one embarrassing moment would you go back and change if you could?

46. If you found a friendly alien in the woods, what would you do?

47. Would you live your life differently if you knew no one would judge you no matter what you did?

48. If you could be invisible but fart loudly every few minutes, how would you use that?

49. You’re out with a group of people and the conversation bores you. What would you say to change it?

50. If every person would have a conspiracy theory made about them, what would be yours?

51. Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?

52. If you could put wings on any species of animal, which animals would fly?

53. What historical event would you delete from history and why?

54. If you were to release your own fragrance, what would it smell like and what would you call it?

55. If your hands were frozen in one position or gesture, what position would want them stuck in?

56. You’re a mad scientist. What experiment would you run if money and ethics weren’t an issue?

57. You can spend a day as the opposite sex. What do you get up to?

58. Which of the seven dwarves would you be? Sleepy, Grumpy, Happy, Sneezy, Dopey, Bashful, or Doc?

59. If you were elected president of the United States, what would you do your first day in office?

60. If you could teach your pet a phrase? What would you want it to say?

61. If you could choose and control your dreams, what would you dream about tonight?

62. What futuristic thing from a sci-fi book or movie do you wish really existed?

63. If you were a famous person, how would you handle it?

64. If you could name famous people to die in 2021, who would they be?

65. If you had to put all your money into a single asset, which one would you choose?

66. If you could permanently delete any invention from history, what would it be?

67. If you went to prison, would you focus on physical fitness or reading books?

68. If you could only wear a single item of clothing for the rest of your life, which item would it be?

69. If you could be a candy bar, which one would you be and why?

70. Why do our feet smell and our noses run?

71. How would your life be different if the average life expectancy was 500 years?

72. If you could instantly learn any skill in the world, what would you choose?

73. If you were a transformer, what vehicle would you transform into?

74. If you were sent to space and you could only take 2 items, what would you choose to take?

75. If you could only speak one word for the rest of the day. What would it be?

76. What fictional bar would you like to have a drink in?

77. If you learned you could be completely immune to disease and sickness, what would you choose?

78. If you could meet any politician in the world, who would it be and why?

79. If you were a vampire and had no reflection, how would you do your hair?

80. Dumb hypothetical question: If you were a traffic sign, what would it read?

81. If you had to give up your favorite food to keep your phone or computer, would you?

82. You can have everything you have ever wanted or an extra life on Earth where you come back remembering it all. What would you choose and why?

83. If you could be famous for any reason, what reason would you like it to be?

84. What would be your plan in the case of a zombie apocalypse?

85. If you could start a secret society, what would it be about and who would its members be?

86. If you could pick a topic to have an in-depth documentary made, what topic would you pick?

87. If you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

88. You’re reincarnated as an animal with a similar personality to yours, what animal?

89. If you could have tickets to any show or event — for you and as many guests as you like — what would you see?

90. If you could speak in any accent for the rest of your life. What would it be?

91. You’re working as part of a team and two team members are having frequent arguments. What would you do?

92. What animal would you choose to fight against Iron Man?

93. You’re the ruler of a new country, what do you call it?

94. If you could erase one thing from existence — along with all memory of it — what would you erase?

95. If you could make any animal the size of a chihuahua, what animal would you pick?

96. If you had to wear a mask for the rest of your life, what kind would you wear?

97. If you were a pirate, what would be your name?

98. If your brain was a room, what would it look like inside?

99. If you were a dog, what dog breed would you be?

100. Funny hypothetical question: You just became a ghost. What’s the first thing you do?

101. If you had infinite money, where would you live? What kind of lifestyle would you have?

102. If you were the emperor of Earth, what would be the first rule that you would make?

103. You can only wear one fashion brand for the rest of your life. Which one is it?

104. You wake up as a performer for a medieval king’s court. What do you do to entertain him?

105. If you could design a prison planet for crooked politicians, what would it look like?

106. If you could bring one person back from the dead who’d it be?

107. If you could remove all suffering at the cost of removing all happiness, would you still do it?

108. If you could time-travel and meet your parents before you were born, what would you say to them?

109. If your girlfriend was a florist and chocolate didn’t exist, what would you buy her to say you’re sorry?

110. If you could pick up any musical instrument and play it beautifully, which would you want it to be?

111. If you could ask your future self from the year 2040 one question, what would it be?

112. If you went deaf, what sound do you think you’d miss most?

113. If you were required by law to get a full-body tattoo, what would it look like?

114. If you could pick a sixth sense to have, which one would it be?

115. Would you rather know a little about a lot or a lot about a little?

116. If you had to live in a TV show for one week, which show would you choose?

117. If your country was a student in University, which course would it get A+ in?

118. If you could come up with a college course, what would it be?

119. If you rated the FRIENDS cast from best to worst, what would your list look like?

120. Do you think the world would be a better place if all land was connected?

121. If Jurassic Park were real, would you visit?

122. If you could go on a TV quiz show, which one would it be and how would you get on?

123. How long do you think you’d survive if shipments of food stopped entirely?

124. If you were assigned to pick a spot on Earth where an atomic bomb would be dropped. Where would it be and why?

125. If your superpower enabled you to control one thing — excluding people — what would you choose?

126. If you were guaranteed a living wage, where would you live and what would you do?

127. If you were invisible for a day. Where would you go?

128. If you had to suffer through a massive natural disaster but could choose which disaster to face, which would you choose?

129. In your next reincarnation, you will come back as an object, just you can choose which one. Which one would you choose?

130. You take a call off a customer—they’re unhappy and behaving aggressively towards you. How do you react?

131. Would you rather have photographic evidence that proved the existence of the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot?

132. If you could put a new word in the dictionary, what would it be and what would be the definition?

133. If you were offered something that erased your body’s need for sleep, would you take it?

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