55 Best Wind Puns That Are Enough to Blow You Away

The Wind is the life of nature and is everywhere around us. Sometimes Wind can be such a playful spirit. In the same way, it’s not always easy to predict how it will behave. However,  It can be seen as an ever-changing force we cannot control.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of Wind puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Best Wind Puns

1. I learned to gale a cab in New York.

2. I’m in it to wind it.

3. What did the tree say to the wind? Leaf me alone.

4. What did one tornado say to the other? I have my eye on you.

5. Wind puns are a breeze to make.

6. The windmill turned pink because it broke wind.

7. I bought new dress shoes. They have a wind-tip design.

8. The tornado swallowed a windmill. That’s called a wind-meal.

9. No wind-er.

10. I gust we’ll see where it goes.

11. What is a tornado’s favorite game? Twister.

12. Wind energy is so popular. It has a lot of fans.

13. I want high-speed wind-ernet.

14. Oprah Wind-frey’s best friend is Gale King.

15. What do you call a gust of wind full of sand? A rough draft.

16. What is a tornado’s favorite Elton John song? Candle in the Wind.

17. Why do windmills love loud, heavy rock music? They’re metal fans.

18. Why did the turbine blush? Because it broke wind.

19. High winds that come out of nowhere are uninvited gusts.

20. Wind-bledon is the big tennis tournament.

21. Tornadoes aren’t great drivers. They can only see through one eye.

22. What did the leaf say to the wind? You really blew me away.

23. What does a tornado wear under his clothes? Thunderwear.

24. The color of the wind is blew.

25. Wind turbines don’t talk about much. They just shoot the breeze.

26. The daily mantra of a windmill is, “One good turn deserves another.”.

27. Flurry up, we’re late.

28. What is a tornado’s favorite Elton John song? Candle in the Wind.

29. How does the wind get fit and healthy? Air conditioning.

30. My best friend was the wind-er of the competition.

31. What is a tornado’s favorite movie? Gone With the Wind.

32. I wind there last week.

33. What is a tornado’s favorite game? Twister.

34. After Tuesday comes Wind-sday.

35. How does a butcher keep his tent up in a heavy wind? With steaks.

36. The tree told the wind to leaf it alone.

37. It’s a wind-er wonderland.

38. Why did the tornado take a break? Because it ran out of wind.

39. There’s a lot of wind during sports games because of all the fans.

40. Young windmills go to spin class.

41. Why did the wind turbine blush? It broke wind.

42. Everyone said the wind was powerful. So, I went outside and was blown away.

43. Why did the cloud cross the road? Wind.

44. Wind puns blow.

45. Wind is the party?.

46. Stop a newspaper from flying away in the wind with a news anchor.

47. I prefer Wind-y’s over McDonald’s.

48. After an injury, the athlete under-wind surgery.

49. Windmill the storm pass?.

50. Why does a hurricane wear a monocle? It has only had one eye.

51. What do you call a freezing bird? Brrrrrrrrrdddd.

52. I’m a big fan of renewable energy.

53. Wind-erlust leads you to travel.

54. My friend is competing in the Wind-er Olympics.

55. What is a wind turbine’s favorite musical group? Air Supply.

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