33+ Color Puns That Are Hilarious to Brighten Up Your Day

A lot of people are not aware of how much power colours can have on their lives. The psychology of colour is an important part of design and marketing. From the colour of a picture, the clothes that we wear, the food that we eat, and even the words that we speak all have an effect on how people perceive us.

Colours also affect moods, emotions, and physical conditions such as appetite or sleep patterns. Below, we’ve compiled a list of Color puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Color Puns

1. The favorite colors of fishes are deep blue and aquamarine blue.

2. The favorite color of a cat is supposed to be purrrple.

3. The favorite fruit of all ghost’s Bloooooo-berries.

4. What’s red and smells like blue paint? Red paint.

5. What do you call a person who studies the color blue?A cyantologist.

6. Military submarines are a deep navy blue in color.

7. I was caught stealing a rainbow onceEnded up getting thrown in prism.

8. A bear’s least favorite pastry at any party is the blue bear-y pie.

9. Aliens hate playing golf in space as there are too many black holes.

10. I have a magic pen that can write any colourIt can write other things too, that’s just my favorite.

11. What colour do cats like? Purr-ple.

12. I red a joke about colors once. It blue my mind.

13. Librarians don’t like drinking white wine. They prefer the well-red ones.

14. My humour comes in all sorts of coloursMaybe I should be a stand up chameleon.

15. Colors laugh by saying, “Hue Hue Hue.”

16. What colour are submarines? Deep navy.

17. I like the color green fact I like it as much as blue and yellow combined!Bacon jokes.

18. When I broke my brother’s favorite toy, he turned absolutely red in anger.

19. The artist thought she was all that and pen some.

20. Blackboards love drinking beverages, especially hot white chalk-olate.

21. What colour is the wind? Blew.

22. What do you call a rainbow without any colours?A plainbow.

23. Blue and green stopped fighting because they had agreed on peace teal.

24. What do you find at an end of the rainbow?Violet.

25. I once did an exam on rainbows..I passed with flying colors.

26. What did the color say to the other color?I love hue.

27. I just found out i’m colour blind!The diagnosis came completely out of the orange.

28. In the paintball game, I shot a guy thrice. He dyed on impact.

29. The saddest bird is a kingfisher as it is blue.

30. Pirates go straight to the best sails on Black Friday.

31. How much do colours weigh?Not much, they’re actually pretty light.

32. What do you call a magician wearing a multi-coloured suit?Hue-dini.

33. What colour is a belch? Burple.

34. What does it sound like when a rainbow answers the phone?Green Green, Yellow.

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