73+ Salmon Puns That Are Too Funny to Make You Laugh

Salmon can be found in a variety of environments, such as rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans. They are an important source of food for many animals, including humans and can be found in both fresh and salt water.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of Salmon puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Salmon Puns

1. A salmon is swimming up a river and hits a wall. Dam.

2. Coho-ver me with a blanket. I’m cold.

3. A salmon’s favorite day is Fry-day.

4. Call the lox-smith.

5. Salmon make the best teachers. The can really school you.

6. Watching salmon swimming up river to spawn is what I really call a live stream.

7. You’re such a chum.

8. The salmon eggs are so small. I need a mic-roe-scope to see them.

9. Who do you call when you can’t get your smoked salmon out of the fridge? The lox smith.

10. Did you hear that? I think salmon’s here.

11. Smoking is bad for you. But, it cures salmon.

12. I joined the army, but my salmon friend refused to join me. He said it was because he was a pacifish.

13. Two clever salmon were arguing about the origin of a certain word. It was definitely salm-antics.

14. A salmon’s pick-up line starts with, “Hey gill, what’s up?”

15. My uncle’s salmon business was shut down. I heard he was doing fishy business.

16. Can you roe-tate the salmon photo?

17. Leave it to salmon else.

18. The salmon became p-roe-minent.

19. Salmon makes a terrible musical instrument. Apparently you can’t tune a fish.

20. The salmon broke up with the crab because he was too shellfish.

21. The salmon was accused of murder, but he was released when it turned out to be a fishious rumor.

22. If a salmon needs energy, it drinks nit-roe cold brew coffee.

23. I met a hipster salmon the other day. He told me that swimming upstream was just too mainstream.

24. If salmon could have a hairstyle, it would be dread-lox.

25. Salmon are great musicians; they’re always humming catchy tunes.

26. Did you hear about the salmon who was in a plane crash? He was the sole survivor. At least that was somefin.

27. I redd a book about the nests a female salmon digs.

28. If you cross a fish with an amphibian, you get a salmon-der.

29. It can be a struggle to open a packet of smoked salmon. Apparently, you need a key for the lox.

30. The salmon that represents them all is the of-fish-ial salmon.

31. I need to order salmon-ila envelopes.

32. Did salmon say it’s your birthday?

33. I hope to visit the Salmon Islands one day.

34. Salmon can be a bit rude when they make a mistake. You can hear them shouting “Dam!” from miles away.

35. The best way to farm salmon is with lox of love.

36. You’re the apple of my sockeye.

37. Don’t be a-fry-d.

38. It’s time to coho-me.

39. I often wonder why smoking is so bad for human health, when it cures salmon…

40. Salmon don’t watch cable TV because they prefer streams.

41. The salmon that focuses is p-roe-ductive.

42. Now, you’re salmon I used to know.

43. You’re my special salmon.

44. What does salmon Santa Claus say? Coho-ho.

45. A salmon keeps its money in the river bank.

46. There are a few people who don’t like salmon, and I have realized the best hairstyle for them: dreadlox.

47. I need salmon like you.

48. He was salmon-ed to court.

49. Be careful. Eating too much salmon can gill you.

50. A salmon that can fly needs to be a-roe-dynamic.

51. You should never mix salmon with ice cream, or you might end up with salmonilla.

52. I went to a gig put on by a bunch of salmon the other day. The music was just off the scale.

53. Some fish, salmon included, never do well at school. They always stay below the surface.

54. I am always surprised when I see a salmon wearing a suit and a tie; they look so sopfishticated.

55. Oh, that’s just salmon-tics.

56. The salmon arrived with its coho-rts.

57. The salmon egg is g-roe-ing.

58. I want to get better at smolt-alk.

59. I have the keys to the lox.

60. I’m waiting for your re-spawn-se.

61. We only serve one type of salmon here. You can’t pink and choose.

62. Salmon make great business partners. Their ability to read the markets is off the scale.

63. Don’t trust a small salmon, it’s a little fishy.

64. The upset salmon smolt-ered with disbelief.

65. To prevent spawning issues, salmon need to be p-roe-active.

66. There’s salmon for everyone.

67. Alevins the number before twelve.

68. Vegan salmon has an arti-fish-ial taste.

69. Can you coho-ver there?

70. I spawn around in circles.

71. I feel like I’m a parr-t of something bigger.

72. Alevins one of the famous chipmunks.

73. Parr-don me.

74. Roe, roe, roe your boat.

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