290+ Best Questions To Ask A Guy To Know Him Better

If you want to know the complexities of a guy’s world but don’t know how to start, so “Questions to ask a guy” I’ve compiled here will be the best thing you will ever need by giving you insights into his character you can get to know him better.

From experiences to personal beliefs, it will spark meaningful conversations with him that build bridges of understanding and trust.

So scroll down and let’s start the asking game.

Questions to Ask a Guy

1. What question do you always ask women on a first date?

2. What’s your all-time favorite movie that you’ve seen a million times?

3. Describe your perfect burger.

4. What was the last thing you laughed really hard over?

5. How do you know when you really, really like a woman?

6. What’s your biggest turn-on?

7. When was the last time you cried?

8. What were your favorite cartoons as a kid?

9. What have you done that you’re really not proud of?

10. What looks delicious but tastes terrible?

11. If you could marry one celebrity, who would it be?

12. What always makes you feel like a little kid?

13. If you could change your job right now, what would you be?

14. What is your funniest memory of high school?

15. What do you do to celebrate big news?

16. Do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

17. What’s your most annoying habit?

18. Do you want kids?

19. Who’s your favorite comedian?

20. Do you remember your dreams?

21. What’s your worst habit?

22. Do you want to be more or less like your parents?

23. Would you rather own dogs or cats for the rest of your life?

24. What were your past relationships like?

25. What piece of technology brings you the most joy?

26. Have you ever been betrayed by a friend?

27. Who is a better cook your mother or grandmother?

28. Where’s your dream vacation destination?

29. Give them three words you would use to describe yourself.

30. What’s the weirdest thing that has happened to you in a car?

31. Would you rather go camping or clubbing?

32. Would you rather watch an action/adventure movie or a comedy?

33. If you could fit your whole life into one picture what would it look like?

34. How do you spend your weekends?

35. What are your feelings about long-distance relationships?

36. What does your ideal day look like?

37. What’s your favorite book?

38. What’s something on your bucket list you really want to do soon?

39. What would you do if you won the lottery?

40. What’s your biggest phobia?

41. If you had to give up one food you love, what would it be?

42. If you were an animal, what would you be?

43. What’s one thing you miss about your hometown?

44. What was your favorite age and why?

45. If you could re-do one moment in your life, what would it be?

46. What meal can you cook the best?

47. What is one thing you love about where you live?

48. What do you think the best thing about being in a relationship is?

49. What is your least favorite fashion trend right now?

50. What’s on your bucket list?

51. What book do you wish would be turned into a movie?

52. What’s your favorite movie of all time?

53. What are your guilty pleasures?

54. Who would be the worst celebrity to have dinner with?

55. What does friendship mean to you?

56. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

57. Which super power do you wish you had?

58. What was your favorite candy or treat as a kid?

59. What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever eaten?

60. What’s your mantra for life?

61. What is your favorite character from childhood?

62. What was the first thing that came to your mind the first time you saw me?

63. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

64. What are some songs you know by heart?

65. Do you collect anything?

66. What’s the funniest or most amazing cell phone cover you have seen?

67. What’s the most trouble you’ve ever been in?

68. What game do you wish you could act out in real life?

69. Morning person or night owl?

70. How old were you when you had your best birthday ever?

71. What was your most memorable first date?

72. What makes you want kids?

73. What are your pet peeves?

74. Do you have any questions for me?

75. Would you rather play truth or dare?

76. Did you have pets growing up?

77. What are your favorite clothing brands?

78. What behaviors make you think a person is creepy?

79. Do you think your zodiac sign is accurate for you?

80. Have you ever broken the law?

81. What is one thing you never get bored of?

82. How did you meet your best friend?

83. What’s your love language?

84. Which celebrity was your very first crush?

85. If you could learn one new skill right now, what would it be?

86. What’s something that can’t be found or bought on the internet?

87. Do you think you’re a competitive person?

88. Do you like your job now?

89. What’s your favorite meme?

90. Tell me something you’ve never told anyone else.

91. Which celebrity would you want to meet the most?

92. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

93. What does masculinity or being a man mean to you?

94. What’s the coolest photo you’ve ever taken?

95. What do you do to calm down when you’re stressed?

96. What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you on a date?

97. What age has been your favorite so far?

98. What’s the one thing you can’t live without?

99. What kind of music do you like and which places in the city do you like to go to?

100. Which musical artist is greatly overrated?

101. Are you a morning person or a night person?

102. What was your first job?

103. Is there an app that you hate but use anyways?

104. What villain do you really feel for?

105. If you were a girl for a day, what’s the first thing you would do?

106. Do you prefer a city or country lifestyle?

107. What do you like the most about me?

108. What conspiracy theory do you actually believe?

109. What do you think is the most impressive thing you’ve ever done?

110. If you had three wishes, what would they be?

111. What’s your go-to joke?

112. Where is your favorite place to go when you need to relax?

113. Who’s your celebrity crush?

114. What’s the most ridiculous talent you have?

115. What’s your favorite thing about your friends?

116. Have you ever been in love?

117. What do you tell women about yourself to impress them?

118. Are you into sports? What’s your favorite team?

119. What do you want to be remembered for after you die?

120. What was the best part of your day?

121. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?

122. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

123. What’s your favorite restaurant?

124. What was your most embarrassing moment?

125. Who is your favorite person to follow on Instagram?

126. What kind of person are you at parties?

127. Do you prefer activity dates or food dates?

128. What is one thing you would tell your younger self?

129. What do you miss most from your childhood?

130. If you had the day off with nothing to do, how would you spend it?

131. What is your favorite food?

132. What is one thing that always makes you angry?

133. What should the first colony on another planet be called?

134. What are you most afraid of?

135. What’s your favorite store to shop at?

136. Who in the movie business seems the most down to earth?

137. Could you survive in the wilderness for a month?

138. What was the last thing that you fixed?

139. What was your most memorable birthday?

140. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?

141. What would you change about social media?

142. Who’s your favorite fictional villain?

143. Who are your family and friends?

144. What makes you smile even when you’ve had the worst day?

145. What’s your dream car?

146. What’s the fullest you’ve ever been?

147. Have you ever lost someone close to you?

148. Does pineapple belong on pizza?

149. What would your power be if you were a superhero?

150. Would you rather win 1 million dollars or fall in love?

Best Questions to Ask a Guy

151. Do you ever lie to get what you want from girls?

152. Would you describe yourself as more of an introvert or an extrovert?

153. If you could rename the street you lived on, what would you rename it?

154. What type of music do you enjoy?

155. Do you have a lot of friends or a small circle?

156. Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

157. What do you find attractive in a woman?

158. What’s the perfect temperature to set the thermostat at?

159. What’s your weirdest habit?

160. What’s the most useful skill you’ve ever learned?

161. What did you dream about last night?

162. What is one thing a woman can do that would instantly turn you off?

163. Who around you has the worst luck?

164. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

165. Have you ever met anyone famous?

166. Are you closer to your mom or dad?

167. What’s your drink of choice?

168. Do you think you’re a good driver?

169. What is something you look forward to every year?

170. What flavor combination is kind of weird but you really like it?

171. What is something illegal that you think should be legal?

172. What has been your most embarrassing moment so far?

173. Do you like winter or summer more?

174. If you could time travel, what year would you go to?

175. What are your deal breakers in a relationship?

176. What’s the meaning of life?

177. Do you believe in God?

178. What do you hate talking about at parties or gatherings?

179. What’s your favorite quote?

180. What do your clothes say about you?

181. What’s something you know you’re judgmental about?

182. What popular foods do you hate?

183. What have you done that you’re most proud of?

184. What is the coolest vacation you’ve ever taken?

185. What is your most prized possession?

186. What is something everyone always gets wrong about you?

187. What’s your star/zodiac sign?

188. Who’s your favorite fictional character?

189. Would you rather choose fishing or hiking?

190. What do you find most attractive about a woman?

191. What’s your most watched TV show?

192. How do you like to be woken up in the morning?

193. Where’s your favorite place you’ve ever been?

194. What was your dream job growing up?

195. What does your perfect date look like?

196. What’s your dream job?

197. What would be put inside a mental health first aid kit?

198. What’s your favorite holiday?

199. If you could be pro at any sport, what would it be?

Interesting Questions to Ask a Guy

200. Do you believe in the concept of soul mates?

201. Do you enjoy reading?

202. What is something you would never spend money on?

203. What has been your greatest achievement so far?

204. Have you ever been on a road trip?

205. Do you talk about your feelings often? Why or why not?

206. What’s the most fun thing you’ve ever done with your friends?

207. What do you look for in a romantic partner?

208. What does it mean when you say “I love you” to someone?

209. What’s your relationship to your gender?

210. What app do you use most?

211. Would you survive being stranded on a deserted island?

212. How do you take your coffee?

213. Can you speak any other languages?

214. What’s your favorite sounding word?

215. If you could describe yourself with one word, which would it be?

216. What’s your favorite emoji?

217. What features are you most attracted to?

218. What small thing makes you angrier than it should?

219. What’s your favorite animal?

220. What is something you’ve never been good at doing?

221. What is your romance spirit animal?

222. What is one temptation you can never resist?

223. Do you like to make the first move?

224. What expectations do you have of yourself?

225. What’s something on your bucket list you think you’ll never actually do?

226. What are your personal goals?

227. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

228. What’s the most romantic movie you can think of?

229. What are you most proud of?

230. What ice cream flavor would you eat every day if you could?

231. What made you laugh today?

232. What company or franchise do you wish would go out of business?

233. What was your best Halloween costume?

234. What’s your favorite pickup line?

235. Name one country you really want to visit.

236. What is the one thing you always notice first about a woman?

237. Who would you haunt if you were a ghost?

238. What’s your hidden talent?

239. What do you wish you had less of in your life right now?

240. What song would you pay money to never hear again?

241. What’s your “going to bed” routine?

242. Is jealousy healthy in a relationship?

243. What food could you eat every day for the rest of your life?

244. What are your hidden fantasies?

245. What’s one item you’ve recently crossed off your bucket list?

246. What’s the nicest thing a woman has ever done for you?

247. What is one thing a woman can do to instantly impress you?

248. What’s your favorite holiday?

249. How would you describe your personal style?

250. Have you ever had a crush on someone who didn’t like you back?

Questions to Ask a Guy Over Text

251. What gender stereotype do you wish the world would let go of?

252. What is your favorite part of every day?

253. What’s your ideal date night?

254. What is your biggest pet peeve about dating?

255. Do you prefer to get a gift or gift cards or money?

256. Who would play you in a movie?

257. What do you always lie about on your resume?

258. What’s your ultimate comfort meal?

259. If you could get one gift, what would it be?

260. Did you play any sports when you were younger?

261. What is your biggest dating dealbreaker?

262. What reality TV show would you be on?

263. Is there a song that always brings up old memories for you?

264. Do you think ghosts are real?

265. What three activities would you rate 10/10 would do again?

266. What goals are you working towards right now?

267. What animal best represents your personality?

268. What are some items you can’t live without?

269. Who is your favorite family member?

270. What’s your favorite conspiracy theory?

271. What first world problem do you have?

272. When do you know it’s time for a woman to meet your family?

273. What did you want your job to be when you were a kid?

274. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

275. How do you feel working for (company)?

276. What’s your go-to Starbucks order?

277. What makes you insecure?

278. What’s more important: science or art?

279. What’s the nicest thing you’ve ever done for a woman?

280. Do you believe in love at first sight?

281. Do you like going to the gym or working out at home?

282. How would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

283. What are you really happy about being terrible at?

284. What’s your earliest childhood memory?

285. How do you relax after a stressful day?

286. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

287. What would be the best gift you could get from a girlfriend?

288. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to tell me?

289. Would you rather vacation at the beach or in a cool city?

290. What kind of animal do you love the most?

291. Have you ever worn girls clothing?

292. What do you expect from a love relationship?

293. What’s your definition of a healthy relationship?

294. What kind of childhood did you have?

295. Who is your role model?

296. What’s the one thing you can’t tolerate?

297. Would you rather give up coffee or alcohol?

298. What’s your favorite midnight snack?

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