45 Armadillo Puns That Are Hilarious to Read

Armadillo is a playful animal. They are a type of animal with a unique shell on their back that helps them protect themselves from predators. This animal is called the “turtle on the ground” because it can walk on four or two legs, just like a turtle.

They are found in the southern parts of America, Africa and South America. Below, we’ve compiled a list of Armadillo puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Armadillo Puns

1. “Arma-deliver a gift to you.”

2. “An armadillo planting wheat.”

3. “It’s arma-delicious.”

4. “A group of armadillos is a swarm-adillo.”

5. “A medieval armadillo is an armor-dillo.”

6. “An armadillo that wakes everyone up in the morning is an alarm-adillo.”

7. “Which rap lyric is an armadillo’s favourite? They see me rollin’, they hatin.”

8. “An armadillo’s favorite Italian dish.”

9. “What was the armadillo doing at the beach? He was arma-chillin.”

10. “We have an arma-dilemma.”

11. “Give an armadillo, get an armadillo.”

12. “What armadillos do on their off day.”

13. “What armadillos love at a Middle-Eastern eateries.”

14. “Armadillo’s favorite pickled veggie.”

15. “When it’s cold, you need a warm-adillo.”

16. “What do armadillos say when they like something? “I dig it””

17. “We’re staying at the armadil-lodge.”

18. “A luxurious armadillo is a Hermès-dillo.”

19. “Arma-delightful person.”

20. “Armadillo no.”

21. “If an armadillo causes sickness, it’s a germ-adillo.”

22. “Arma-delay the party by an hour.”

23. “Arma-deal with it.”

24. “An armadillo’s favorite food is the quesa-dillo.”

25. “Don’t be an armadill-hole.”

26. “An armadillo that’s alone is armadil-lonely.”

27. “What are warrior armadillos in battle called? Armour-dillos”

28. “When armadillos don’t like something, they dillo with it.”

29. “I went to the bank to get an armadil-loan.”

30. “An armadillo who runs a farm is a farm-adillo.”

31. “Why wasn’t the armadillo stressing? He always just rolled with it.”

32. “An armadillo with curly hair is a perm-adillo.”

33. “Armadil-load up the truck.”

34. “A calm armadillo is an arma-chill-o.”

35. “Where armadillos go when they’re sick.”

36. “Cute! Just like armadillos.”

37. “An armadillo that lives at the beach is a hermit-dillo.”

38. “Armadil-love you forever.”

39. “Arma gonna dillo with it.”

40. “Armadillos hang out at the armadil-lounge.”

41. “Arma gonna do what I do best.”

42. “Arma-diligent person.”

43. “A Mexican Armadillo’s favourite dish.”

44. “I’m moving to Armadillo, Texas.”

45. “Arma-delete this message.”

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