50 Funny Grape Puns That Are Enough to Make You Burst

Grape is one of the most popular fruits in the world. It has been used as a medicine for various ailments since ancient times.

The health benefits of eating grapes are numerous. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Eating grapes can help maintain healthy teeth and gums, prevent cardiovascular diseases and reduce cancer risk. Below, we’ve compiled a list of Grape puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Funny Grape Puns

1. Grape timing.

2. Did you hear the joke about the grape? It was pit-iful.

3. I hope you have a grape day.

4. Stop being such sour grapes.

5. Grape scott.

6. She was acting on a bunch.

7. Who is a grape’s favorite actor? Brad Pit.

8. It’s grape to see you again.

9. Not all heroes wear grapes.

10. That sound grapes my ears.

11. How do you think the grapes complain? Oh, they just vine.

12. Grape minds think alike.

13. Con-grape-ulations on your promotion.

14. Time to disinter-grape.

15. You can measure grapevines in vineyards.

16. My dad calls a hangover the wrath of the grapes. My mother lets him rest on those days.

17. We make a grape bunch.

18. What would be the best wine shop name ever? Best Cellar.

19. Mom, you did a grape job raisin me.

20. I’d go to grape heights to be here.

21. Raisins would inte-grape well into your diet.

22. I saw it disinte-grape.

23. I’d like to express my grape-titude for all you’ve done.

24. I fell off my bike and s-grape-d my knee.

25. What fruits do the batteries like the most? The currants.

26. Why did the grapes get married? They love raisin’ kids.

27. What kind of decisions do grapes make? Fruitful ones.

28. I heard it through the grapevine.

29. You can achieve grapeness.

30. What did the sour grape do? All he could do was wine.

31. Where would the raisins keep their money? In the currant account.

32. My parents immi-grape-d to the United States from Asia.

33. In history class, we learned about Alexander the Grape.

34. The grape-st of all time.

35. What would a grape love to pet? A Pit Bull.

36. What happens when sour grapes get angry? They try raisin hell.

37. My brother achieved grapeness by successfully making grape jelly.

38. A hangover: the wrath of grapes.

39. Use a cheese graper.

40. I believe in your grape-abilities.

41. Grape news. Everything happens for a raisin.

42. I knew what we’d learn because it was prede-vine-d.

43. What do you call the time in between eating grapes? A pit-stop.

44. I’m striving for grape-ness.

45. I’ll be vine.

46. Be grape-ful for what you have.

47. Where do the priests go to get fresh and holy grapes? Off devine.

48. Today is going to be a grape day.

49. You’re grapable of great things.

50. Sometimes people will find a s-grape-goat to blame for their mistakes.

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