63+ Avocado Jokes That Are So Hilarious to Read

People love to share jokes because they are light-hearted, funny, and often include clever puns or references. Avocado jokes can be used to break the ice with strangers, make people laugh, or provide a brief respite from the stresses of everyday life.

Avocados provide a unique flavour and texture that can be used in salads, sandwiches, dips, and even desserts. But what makes avocados so special? They have a unique combination of healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that make them an incredibly nutritious food today. With their versatility and health benefits, they are gaining popularity in recent years.

Here we’ve compiled the list of 63+ Avocado Jokes that you can use to spark meaningful conversations and bring joy and laughter into any situation. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Avocado Jokes

1. What do you say when you hand someone an avocado?


2. What is Shere Khan’s favourite dip?


3. What do you call an expired avocado?


4. How do avocados exercise?

They do avo-cardio.

5. What is an avocado’s favourite way to meet new people?

At pear to pear networks.

6. What do you get when you play whack a mole with avocados?


7. What is an avocado’s favorite arcade game?


8. What does an avocado say to its pit?

Without you, I’m empty inside.

9. What do drunk avocados say to their friends at house parties?

Let’s get smashed.

10. What does a duck say after he’s eaten an avocado?

Guac! Guac.

11. What do you call an avocado in a famous music video?

A guac star.

12. How can you be sympathetic for an avocado?

Guaca-mile in its shoes.

13. What is an avocado’s favourite type of guitar?


14. What type of music do avocados love?

Guac ‘n’ roll.

15. Why’s the avocado constantly feeling down?

It’s pit-iful.

16. What do avocados say in a tricky situation?

I’m stuck between a guac and a hard place.

17. What is an avocado’s favourite kind of exercise?


18. What do you call a religious avocado?

Holy guacamole.

19. Why did the two avocados break up?

One said the other was a good kind of fat.

20. What do you get when you cross an avocado with The Jungle Book?


21. What do you call an overly affectionate avocado?

An avocuddle.

22. What do you call an avocado that loves to snuggle?

An avo-cuddle.

23. Why was the avocado being followed by paparazzi?

It was a guac-star.

24. Why did the avocado accept the promotion?

It was a move in the ripe direction.

25. What do you get if you cross an avocado with a radio?

A guakie-talkie.

26. What do you say to an avocado that did a great job?


27. What did the bride say to her groom at the alter?

I avoca-do.

28. What is an avocado’s favourite game?


29. What does an avocado say after a workout?

I’m hard core.

30. What do you get if you cross an avocado with a desert plant?

A guac-tus.

31. What do you say when the guacamole is ready?

Chip-chip hooray.

32. What did the tortilla chip say to the avocado?

Well, this is guac-ward.

33. What do you call a weird situation between avocados?


34. What do you call an avocado that’s at its worst?

Guac bottom.

35. What did the avocado say to the fork?

You guac my world.

36. What genre of music do avocados listen to?

Hardcore guac.

37. What does a content avocado say when you ask if it needs anything?

I’m al-ripe for now.

38. What did the avocado say after a pleasant hotel stay?

Thank you for your hass-pitality.

39. I just saw a priest blessing an avocado… Holy guacamole.

40. What do you call avocados that are grown in the Everglades?


41. What do you say to an avocado who’s done a good job?


42. What did the duck say when he found an avocado?

Guac, Guac.

43. How does an avocado move?

They guac.

44. What did the tortilla chip say to the guacamole?

You’re all I avo wanted.

45. What did the avocado say to her son when he won the race?


46. How do avocados communicate?

They use guac-ie talkies.

47. Don’t rub avocado in your eyes. You might get guacoma.

48. How do you make an avocado disappear?

Say “avocad-abra”.

49. Why did the avocado replace the windshield on its car?

It got hit by a guac.

50. What did the sad avocado say?

It’s a hard guac life.

51. What is the Jolly Green Giant most afraid of?

Avocado pickers.

52. What do you get if you cross an avocado with a horrible insect?

A guac-roach.

53. What does a duck that’s made of avocado say?


54. What do you call an avocado that has had one hundred girlfriends?

An avocad-ho.

55. What do you call an avocado that has been baptised?

A holy guacamole.

56. What is an avocado’s favourite place to go on a date?

The guac-tail bar.

57. What do you get if you cross paper with guacamole?


58. You know what’s hardcore?

An avocado.

59. What type of music do avocados listen to?

Guac . Roll.

60. What does an avocado call its children?


61. How do avocados say goodbye?

See you later avo-gator, in a while guac-odile.

62. What kind of exercise do avocados do best?


63. Why did the avocado need help?

It was avo-control.

64. What happens when avocados fall out?

It gets guacward.

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