100+ Potato Jokes That Are Totally Hilarious to Read

Potatoes are one of the most beloved vegetables around the world. And we all know that, as they are versatile and can be used in various dishes. Similarly, Potato jokes are a great way to bring some veggie-themed fun into the family. They are funny and can also bring everyone together in laughter and help create lasting memories. 

It can be used in various ways – from dinner table conversation starters to game night ice breakers, cracking jokes on potatoes can make everyone smile. So why not try them and see how much fun you can have with your family?

Here we’ve compiled the list of 100+ Potato Jokes jokes that will bring laughter and joy into any gathering. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Potato Jokes

1. What did the potato say to its girlfriend?

I only have eyes for you.

2. What do you call a potato who works as an EMT?

A resuscitater.

3. How did the potato die?

It was decapi-tatoed.

4. What do you call a potato that presents sports games on TV?

A commen-tater.

5. Why do potatoes fall out with each other?

Because they can’t always see eye to eye.

6. What do you call a potato on a Ferris wheel?

A Rotate-o.

7. What do you call a passenger train made out of sweet potatoes?

A Yamtrack.

8. Who is the most powerful potato?

Darth Tater.

9. What is a potato’s favourite game?

A sack race.

10. What do you call protesting potatoes?


11. What do tomatoes and potatoes have in common?


12. What do potatoes eat for breakfast?

Pota-toast and jelly.

13. How did the Irish potato become bilingual?

He became a French Fry.

14. What do you call a potato at a football game?

A spec-tater.

15. How do potatoes kiss?

They mash each other.

16. What did the potato say when it left its friends?

See ya tater.

17. What award did the potato pop star win?

A Yammy.

18. Why couldn’t the chip think?

Its brain was fried.

19. What do you call potatoes with right angles?

Square roots.

20. What do you call a potato who loves sky diving?


21. What’s a potato’s favorite TV show?

Starch Trek.

22. What do you call a calm potato?

A medi-tater.

23. What’s the best potato horror movie?

Silence of the Yams.

24. Who is a potatoes favourite movie star?

Channing Po-tatum.

25. What name do you give a thinly sliced potato?


26. What do potatoes do during marriage counselling?

They hash it out.

27. What do you call a potato in costume?

An imi-tater.

28. What did the potato say to his friend?

Nothing. Potatoes can’t talk.

29. What do you call a first aid vehicle made out of potatoes?

A yambulance.

30. Why did the potato buy a camera set?

He wanted to be a you-tuber.

31. Why aren’t the potatoes friends?

They got off to a bad starch.

32. Why was the potato in court?

It wanted to a-peel.

33. Why do potatoes always get bullied?

Because they’re so easy to roast.

34. What do you call a baby potato?

Small fry.

35. Why was the potato so quiet?

It was a medi-tater.

36. What do you call a lazy spud?

A couch potato.

37. Why did the potato cross the road?

He saw a fork up ahead.

38. How does a potato win at Street Fighter?

By mashing the kick button.

39. Which disease is the biggest killer of potatoes?


40. What do you call a fake potato?

An imi-tater.

41. What do you call a potato from Mexico?


42. What do you call a reluctant potato?

A hesitater.

43. What do you call a chip with glasses?

A spec-tater.

44. What do you call a potato that’s reluctant to jump into boiling water?

A hesi-tater.

45. What do you call a french dog that loves potatoes?

A pomme de terrier.

46. What do you get when it rains potatoes?


47. Why did the potato cross the road?

Because there was a fork up ahead.

48. What is a potatoes favorite romantic comedy?

Spuddenly 30.

49. What’s a potato’s favorite horror movie?

The Silence of the Yams.

50. What instrument does a spud play?

A tuber.

51. What do you call a poser potato?

An imi-tater.

52. What do you call a baby potato?

A tater-tot.

53. Why do potatoes like going on dates during the oven?

Because it always gets a bit hot and steamy.

54. What do you call a young potato?

A tater tot.

55. What is a potatoes favorite childhood book?

Green eggs and yam.

56. What’s a potato’s favorite horror movie?

The Silence of the Yams.

57. What’s a potatoes favorite show?

Starch Trek.

58. Why do potatoes often miss work deadlines?

They don’t deal well when it’s close to crunch time.

59. Did you hear about the evil baked potato?

His plans were foiled.

60. What do you call a potato that gets things done?

A facilitate.

61. What do you call potatoes that have gone over to the dark side?

Vader Tots.

62. What do you call a potato wearing glasses?

A spec-tater.

63. What do you call a potato with right angles?

A square root.

64. What do potatoes eat for breakfast?

Pota-toast with jelly.

65. What do you call a lazy spud?

A couch potato.

66. What philosophy do most potatoes follow?

I think, therefore I yam.

67. What did the bank robber French fry say to the potato cop?

Just fry and stop me.

68. Why did the sea monster eat twelve ships that were carrying potatoes?

Because nobody can eat just one potato ship.

69. What do you call a potato watching a game?

A spec-tater.

70. What does a potato say on a sunny morning?

What a mashing day.

71. What’s a potato’s least favorite dance?

The Mash Potato.

72. How did the burger propose to the fry?

With an onion ring?.

73. Did you hear about the spud who was always relaxed and zen?

She is a medi-tater.

74. What do you get after a potato rainstorm?


75. Who is a potato’s favourite author?

Edgar Allen Poe-tato.

76. What do you call a stolen yam?

A hot potato.

77. What do you call a spinning potato?

A rotate-o.

78. What do you call a Trans potato?

A French fry.

79. What do you call a lethargic baby kangaroo?

A pouch potato.

80. What do you call a yam with a broom?

A sweep potato.

81. Why was the potato taken to a psychiatric hospital?

It was starch raving mad.

82. Why is the potato tired?

Because it’s 4 a yam.

83. How does a potato win at video games?

He mashes the buttons.

84. What do you get when you cross a tater with a race car?

Crashed potato.

85. What do you call the littlest potato?

A small fry.

86. What did the sweet potato say to the regular potato?

I yam what I yam.

87. What is the best pasta to offer a potato?


88. What do you call an angry potato?


89. What do soccer players call their potato cheer squad?


90. What do you call a chip that makes fun of you?

A tater-taunt.

91. What type of potato starts arguments?

An agi-tater.

92. Why did the potato chip’s skin hurt?

It was burnt to a crisp.

93. Why was the spud wearing socks?

To keep his pota-toes warm.

94. Why does everyone love sweet potatoes?

They’re yammy.

95. What kind of potato would Kim Jong Un be?

A dic-tater.

96. How do you insult a potato?

Tell them to get forked.

97. What is the potato’s favorite story?

Green Eggs And Yam.

98. What do you call baby potatoes?

Tater tots.

99. What do you call a cautious potato?

A hesi-tater.

100. Where do potatoes go when they pass away?

Into the grave-y.

101. How does a potato get a ride?

He called a tUber.

102. What’s a sweet potatoes favorite sports team?

The New York Yamkees.

103. What do you call a good-looking french fry?

A hot potato.

104. What do Indonesian potatoes each for dinner?

Mashi Goreng.

105. What do you use to carry potatoes?

A tater tote.

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