61 Wedding Puns to Spread Laughs on the Big Day

Weddings are a joyous celebration that marks the union of two people embarking on a journey of love and partnership. It is a time to honour their connection and the decision to spend their lives together, surrounded by loved ones. Therefore to add an extra dose of love and laughter, we’ve compiled a list of Wedding puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Wedding Puns

1. Are you French? Because Eiffel for you.

2. You’re my butter half.

3. Two florists got married. It was an arranged marriage.

4. Donut ever let me go.

5. Let your conscience be your bride.

6. Owl always love you.

7. Now we get to hang out forever.

8. I love you from my head tomatoes.

9. I’m whaley excited to marry you.

10. I’m soy into you.

11. Pop the bubbly, I officially got a hubby.

12. And they lived apple-y ever after.

13. We’re nuts about each other.

14. You two are mer-maid for each other.

15. To the starch of your wonderful journey.

16. Make a ring around the alter and call it the wedding ring.

17. Til death do us party.

18. Meow and forever.

19. This might sound cheesy, but you’re really grate.

20. You’re getting meow-ied.

21. Cross my heart and elope to die.

22. You make miso happy.

23. You’re one in a melon.

24. You’re the avocado to my toast.

25. No bunny compares to you.

26. Partners in lime.

27. Yoda best bride.

28. You’ve stolen a pizza my heart.

29. You and me ramen to be.

30. We make a nice pear.

31. For butter or worse, a toast to the lovely bride and groom.

32. Sugar and spouse.

33. Whole latte love.

34. I love you s’more everyday.

35. Our love is in-tents.

36. I married Mrs. Right. I just didn’t know her first name was Always.

37. You mer-maid for each other.

38. You’re my significant otter.

39. I love you pho real.

40. We’ve got all the thyme in the world.

41. You make me hap-pea.

42. I hope you live apple-y ever after.

43. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly

44. Sip, sip, hooray.

45. Don’t go bacon my heart.

46. Eat, drink, and be married.

47. Life is gouda.

48. It’s been an emotional day, even the cake is in tiers.

49. Two pianists had a good marriage. They always were in a chord.

50. I cannoli be happy when I’m with you.

51. You’re getting meow-ied.

52. Each day, I love you a little mower.

53. It was love at first swipe.

54. Congratulations to the pear-fect couple.

55. Congrats to a Dino-mite couple.

56. I love you like no otter.

57. I’m just like a dumpling, I have fillings for you.

58. Why did the bride change her last name? Because it had a nice ring to it.

59. I love you berry much.

60. Mint to Be.

61. My heart beets for you.

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