185 Powerful Sunday Affirmations for the Next Week

Affirmations always help us take stock of our lives and reflect on our successes and failures, and when it comes to Sunday, we need to set intentions for the week ahead. Thus we need Sunday Affirmations to stay motivated and focused on what is important in life. Also, with regular practice of positive affirmations, we can handle any challenges quickly that come our way.

Sunday Affirmations

1. I am organised for my week.

2. I know that I handled the last week well.

3. I’m eager to take on whatever this week brings.

4. I am peaceful, centered, and grounded.

5. Positive energy will surround me every single day this week.

6. I am happy with how this week went.

7. Stress does not overwhelm me.

8. I enjoy the challenges this week brings.

9. I will solve problems this week.

10. It’s going to be an amazing week.

11. I feel positive about how this day will go.

12. I am grateful for the past week.

13. I’m excited to see what the day brings.

14. I improve all the time.

15. I am proud of how I have spent my day today.

16. I am in charge of my own success.

17. I will tackle this week with energy.

18. It’s okay to put myself first every now and then.

19. I keep my eyes on my goals.

20. I am attentive and focused on my goals.

21. My relationship with myself is healthy, happy and fulfilling.

22. I am living my life with true purpose and intention.

23. My life has meaning and purpose.

24. I thrive on challenges.

25. I am filled with serenity and joy.

26. I am using today as an opportunity to let go of the last week.

27. I am able to handle stress.

28. I will learn amazing new things in the days ahead.

29. The world requires me, and it’s fine if people rely on me.

30. I embrace every bit of my body.

31. I anticipate a successful week.

32. In this moment, I have everything I need.

33. I will take this week one day at a time.

34. I’m going to have fun this week.

35. I take care of myself and honor my needs.

36. I am going to enjoy my lazy morning

37. I am at peace with my past. I am in love with my present.

38. I know I can handle whatever comes this week.

39. I will get through today.

40. I allow love to fill me up and guide my every action.

41. I am well and happy.

42. I am capable of completing difficult tasks.

43. I can deal with anything this week brings.

44. I am calm and peaceful.

45. Monday mornings are the best time of my week.

46. Today is a new day.

47. I am unstoppable.

48. I’m grateful for a fresh start and a new week.

49. My body is calm.

50. Today, I’m choosing positivity and gratitude.

51. This is going to be a great week.

52. Everything is well and flourishing in my world.

53. I am positive about how this day will go.

54. Every Monday is a new beginning.

55. I am grateful for my many blessings in this life.

56. I radiate positive light and energy.

57. I look forward eagerly to the coming week.

58. I am grateful for this very moment I have, right now.

59. My dreams are manifesting before my eyes.

60. I see myself succeeding this week.

61. I am ready to have a great Sunday.

62. I am deserving of rest and relaxation today.

63. Everything will go well this week.

64. I welcome a sense of calm into my life.

65. I am grateful for a peaceful weekend.

66. This will be the best week yet.

67. Sunday mornings are the best part of my week

68. I love myself unconditionally.

69. I welcome this coming week.

70. I take breaks when I need them.

71. I am grateful for all that I have.

72. I am worthy of abundance in every single area of my life.

73. Today, I’ll take time to do something nice for myself.

74. It is right to be exactly as I am.

75. I’m ready to start the new week on a positive note.

76. This week will be an adventure.

77. I know my own abilities.

78. I am confident and I will show that this week.

79. I make the best decisions when I’m calm.

80. Calmness is a feeling I possess.

81. I will focus on one task at a time.

82. I appreciate everything I have and everything I will have.

83. I am so happy to be who I am.

84. Every day, I feel more connected to my spirit.

85. I allow myself to take time for me.

86. I am always loved, guided, and supported.

87. I am loved for who I am as a person.

88. I am a special person.

89. Positivity shines out of me like sunbeams.

90. I am grateful to be blessed with another day.

91. I have some great ideas for this week.

92. I have an amazing bunch of friends who I really value.

93. I am grateful that I’m alive, well, and ready for new beginnings.

94. I am a magnet to prosperity.

95. I exude positive energy.

96. The day is now in the past and I will let it be.

97. I am making the best of my day.

98. All is well in my world.

99. I love Sunday.

100. I can safely let go of all my fears now.

101. This week I will achieve my goals.

102. My work is excellent.

103. I can solve any problem.

104. I am in control of what matters to me.

105. I persevere, and so I succeed.

106. I am clear about my goals for this week.

107. I am not distracted.

108. I start this day with positive feelings and enthusiasm.

109. I’m interested and alert.

110. I must first nourish myself before I can flourish.

111. This week, I will focus on being my best self.

112. I am grateful for all of my blessings.

113. I enjoy every moment of Sunday.

114. I choose to remain calm even in stressful situations.

115. Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better as a person.

116. Sunday is my day of rest.

117. I am thankful for my growth and every lesson I’ve learned in the process.

118. I am grateful to wake up this Sunday morning.

119. I am happy with who I am.

120. I attract the kind of life that I want.

121. Last week is behind me and I’m ready for the next.

122. Tomorrow is the start of a new week, and I’m ready.

123. I’m eager for tomorrow.

124. I will keep myself healthy this week.

125. I smile because I look good, I feel good, I love life.

126. I handle stress with composure.

127. My attitude makes me successful

128. Sundays are my favorite days.

129. Love flows to and through me in all moments.

130. I am setting this day aside for myself.

131. Life is a beautiful experience.

132. There is no reason to worry about things I can’t control.

133. I can handle whatever this week throws at me.

134. Today, I open my eyes to a brilliant new day of light and love.

135. I do high-quality work.

136. I have the best ideas.

137. I am grateful for my health and well-being every single day.

138. I’m looking forward to today.

139. I am grateful for this Sunday and everything it has brought to me

140. My mind is calm and I am at peace.

141. I am surrounded by people who admire and respect me for who I am.

142. Today is a good day to be the best version of myself.

143. Tomorrow I can grow further.

144. I love using my Sundays as an opportunity to slow down and rest.

145. I choose to be my own priority.

146. I am stronger than ever.

147. I feel powerful.

148. I have so many things to be grateful for.

149. I am prioritising self care today.

150. I attract wealth and abundance into my life.

151. I inspire the best in others.

152. I prioritize myself for my own success.

153. All that I seek I can find within me.

154. I’ve worked hard all week and I deserve to relax.

155. Nothing disturbs my peace.

156. The world needs more of me, not less.

157. I have a positive and optimistic attitude.

158. I am the sole creator of my happiness.

159. All of my weekly objectives will be met.

160. I am rested and centered.

161. I love the body I was born with.

162. My self-confidence is at an all-time high.

163. I grow better and better every week.

164. My life is filled with joy and abundance.

165. I manage everything expertly.

166. My strength is greater than any struggle.

167. I have the courage and strength to do what is best for me.

168. My creativity is a match for any problem.

169. I am feeling relaxed and peaceful.

170. I know exactly what needs to be done.

171. I am strong and courageous.

172. I am talented and will succeed in the week ahead.

173. I am attracting my ideal job into my life at the moment.

174. I am happy that there are Sundays.

175. There’s nothing I cannot do.

176. I expect success.

177. Today I will practice self-care.

178. Sunday is a wonderful day.

179. This week is an opportunity for me.

180. I hold the key to my own happiness.

181. I have a loving relationship with my body.

182. I view all areas of my life with a positive mindset.

183. I stand in the joy that I create from within.

184. I have a positive frame of mind today.

185. I am thankful for the bright future that I know is prepared for me.

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