57 Lizard Puns That Will Make Kids Laugh

Lizards are one of the most diverse reptiles, with over 7,000 species. They can be found on every continent except Antarctica. In diverse habitats ranging from rainforests to deserts. They come in various colours and patterns, but most lizards have the same general body shape:

  • A long tapering tail
  • Short legs with four toes on each foot
  • A flat head with large eyes

In the natural world, they are important for our nature and play an important part in the ecosystem. Because they help control pests and help keep the population of mosquitos in check.

Here we’ve discovered some of the best and most hilarious Lizard puns you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Lizard Puns

1. It’s nice to meet you, I skink you’re great.

2. Don’t take it pers-anole-y.

3. When we next decorate, art-gecko would be a good theme.

4. A luxury brand for lizards is Salvatore Ferr-agama.

5. Stay home because there’s a b-lizard.

6. .Iguana be like you, shoo-be-doo.

7. Anole someone that can help.

8. Lizards don’t like many styles of music, they just listen to rap-tiles and hip hop.

9. How do you turn a snake into a legless lizard? Give it an anti-hiss-tamine.

10. Right from the gecko.

11. I heard there was a b-lizard.

12. Aru-Gila is my go-to green for salads.

13. A lizard’s favorite floor material is rep-tiles.

14. Anole you’ll always love me.

15. Why did the lizard go on a diet? He weighed too much for his scales!

16. That lizard is a free-skink-er.

17. Who keeps the Lizard’s Prep School corridors safe? A hall monitor.

18. Lizards are very competitive when they take part in the Igu-khana.

19. Did you hear about the lizard that sold kitchens? He was a rep-tile.

20. Thank you, you really are one in a chameleon.

21. You’re so funny, quite the chameleon!

22. I keep dragon this on and on.

23. An illegal wrestling move is a Gila-tine.

24. The weather forecast doesn’t look good, there’s a b-lizard warning.

25. Iguana be your valentine.

26. Basilisk a better herb than thyme.

27. When anoles play scrabble, they use rep-tiles.

28. A reptiles favorite DVD has always been the Lizard Of Oz.

29. Keep warm, it’s a b-lizard out there.

30. Put your dishes in the skink.

31. Shall we go out tonight, there’s a stand-up chameleon playing in town.

32. I really like this top mum, but what do you skink?

33. I’m creating a lot of lists and won’t stop until the lizard finished.

34. Did you hear about the lizard with a prefect badge, he was every inch a hall-monitor.

35. A reptile that gets smaller and smaller is skink-ing.

36. An iguanas favorite game is a scale-lextric.

37. If you think you’re so funny, why not become a chameleon.

38. A reptile’s favorite movie is The Lizard of Oz.

39. A lizard from Japan is a kimono dragon.

40. The police arrested the serial Gila.

41. That anole is such a good singer, you could say she is a rap-tile star.

42. You may not think it, but I’ve got you all lizard out.

43. Have you ever seen a lizard lose its tail, it’s very de-tailed.

44. Where does a lizard go when it loses its tail? A re-tail store.

45. Iguana wish you a Merry Christmas.

46. You’re one in a chameleon.

47. The court gave a Gila-ty verdict.

48. I frilled the chemistry between us.

49. I’m so excited about this holiday, let’s gec-ko.

50. Did you hear about the chameleon who couldn’t change color? He had a reptile dysfunction!

51. We have scaled new heights to bring you these cold-blooded lizard puns.

52. What kind of flooring do lizards use? Reptiles!

53. Holy guac-anole!

54. She did the un-skink-able.

55. What do you call a respectable color changing lizard? A stand-up chameleon.

56. This movie was good from the gec-ko, I’ll definitely watch it again.

57. What’s that smell? It skinks.

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