200+ Open Ended Questions to Spark Thoughtful Conversation

Asking open-ended questions with people encourages thoughtful reflections.

When it comes to sharing personal stories or opinions, it unlocks a wealth of information by exploring diverse viewpoints by simply yes or no answers.

So if you want to experience the beauty of deeper connections on the next level then here are the best open-ended questions list I’ve compiled for you that will transform your conversation into memorable moments. And I guarantee you will love that like me.

Let’s start the game.

Open Ended Questions

1. How do you feel about going to parties?

2. What’s been the best part of your day so far?

3. What does loyalty mean to you?

4. How do you know if somebody is ‘the one’?

5. How long would you survive on a desert island?

6. What was your best-ever travel experience?

7. What are you/would you be like as a manager?

8. How do you wish your country would change?

9. What was fun about today?

10. Why does happiness come easily to some but not others?

11. If magic were real, how would our lives be different?

12. What do you wish your parents had done differently when raising you?

13. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

14. Why do conspiracy theories appeal to so many people?

15. How did you come to like some of the hobbies you enjoy?

16. If aliens came to earth, what would they find most interesting?

17. What’s something you really like about yourself?

18. What’s the most romantic gift you’ve ever received?

19. What do you miss about your childhood?

20. When does scientific research become unethical?

21. What part of the day is your favorite?

22. Which celebrity would you love to be stuck in an elevator with?

23. What’s the best day you’ve ever had?

24. Why is it so hard to learn from our mistakes?

25. What is the reasoning behind your most controversial opinion?

26. What would make today the best day ever?

27. What’s your guilty pleasure?

28. What’s the most challenging thing you’ve ever done?

29. How have standards of beauty changed in your lifetime?

30. When you were a child, what did you think your job would be?

31. How difficult do you find it to throw away items with sentimental value?

32. What is the best thing about summer?

33. How has photography changed the world?

34. What do you think will be the next huge scientific invention?

35. How have your priorities changed from when you were younger?

36. What do you think you will be like when you are old?

37. What do you think about it before you fall asleep?

38. What has been your most embarrassing moment?

39. How could you introduce more spontaneity into your life?

40. Why do humans build monumental structures?

41. How does a partner fit into your future plans?

42. What helps you calm down when you are upset?

43. What was the best conversation you’ve had this week?

44. What achievement are you proudest of?

45. What is the best way for me to show love for you?

46. How would your best friend describe you?

47. What are some words that you like the sound of?

48. What would happen during the best day imaginable?

49. What do all your celebrity crushes have in common?

50. What are the biggest barriers standing between you and your dreams?

51. What was the scariest dream you’ve had?

52. How would your country change if children were allowed to vote?

53. Is it easy for you to say no to people, or is it hard?

54. Have you seen that viral video/meme?

55. What would your ideal partner be like?

56. What bands or musicians from your youth do you still listen to now?

57. What completely baseless conspiracy would you like to start?

58. How do you look after your mental health?

59. What’s your favorite thing about your hometown?

60. What fashion trend do you regret buying into?

61. What is your favorite place in the world and what makes it your favorite?

62. What’s the biggest goal you want to achieve in your life?

63. What’s the last thing you bought online that you really loved?

64. How have you changed from when you were a child?

65. Who is the bravest person you know?

66. What’s the story behind how you met your best friend?

67. Why do people laugh?

68. How are you different from your parents?

69. What social situations do you dread the most?

70. What helps you feel confident?

71. How easily embarrassed are you?

72. What is a good life?

73. What’s the last great show you binged?

74. What would you be most likely to get arrested for?

75. How important is your career to you?

76. What kind of clothing makes you feel most comfortable?

77. What is the best thing about being an adult?

78. How do you definite “art”?

79. What was the most boring part of your day?

80. What’s your favorite thing about nature?

81. What makes you look up to your heroes?

82. What do you do when you have a really big decision to make?

83. What are the best and worst things about your favorite restaurant?

84. How do you go about making new friends?

85. What makes a song catchy?

86. How effective do you think pick-up lines are?

87. If you had enough money to never work, what your typical day look like?

88. What is something that you are really good at?

89. How do your values differ from others?

90. What makes you feel hopeful?

91. What’s the worst work mistake you’ve made?

92. If you were put in charge of improving your local area, what changes would you make?

93. What does your routine look like on an average day?

94. How did going to school shape you as a person?

95. When was the last time you wanted to quit, but didn’t?

96. If you were the President, what would you do?

97. What’s the funniest movie you’ve ever seen and why did you find it so funny?

98. What is the funniest true story you’ve heard?

99. Which habit most annoys you in other people?

100. How much time on average do you spend online per day?

101. What do you think are your best qualities?

102. What’s your hidden talent?

103. What things would change if children were allowed to vote?

104. How do you feel about your name?

105. How have you helped someone lately?

106. What policies could the government implement to improve people’s health?

107. How do you balance your personal life and your professional life?

108. If you had a giant cardboard box, what would you do with it?

109. What is the process for making your favorite dish?

110. What was the last thing that made you really mad?

111. How do you usually celebrate some of the major holidays?

112. How is your relationship with your family?

113. Do you prefer being alone or with a bunch of other people?

114. Which would be more fun – time travel or going to outer space?

115. What’s the most romantic gift you’ve ever given?

116. Which inventions have had the most impact on human history?

117. Would you want to be able to read minds? Why or why not?

118. What was your worst ever travel experience?

119. What do you do to relax?

120. What’s something you are looking forward to?

121. What makes you who you are?

122. What’s your favorite memory from your childhood?

123. If you have a whole weekend free, how do you spend it?

124. What does it mean to be a good friend?

125. What’s your favorite TV show, and what do you like so much about it?

126. Why do some words sound funny to us?

127. What valuable lessons should we learn from history?

128. How much does having shared interests with a partner matter to you?

129. What are you thankful for?

130. What would happen on your dream date?

131. How long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?

132. What would your dream house look like?

133. What is the best thing about winter?

134. How would you explain the idea of justice to an alien?

135. How do you see your life in 10 years’ time?

136. What do you feel insecure about?

137. What do you think TV shows will be like in 20 years?

138. What would be your perfect weekend?

139. If the zombies were coming, how would you get ready?

140. What questions can you ask to learn the most about a person?

141. How extroverted are you?

142. How important do you think self-improvement is?

143. What makes you a good friend?

144. What strategies do you use to make big decisions?

145. How do you spend your lunch at work?

146. What qualities do you look for in a partner?

147. How could your boss/teacher do their job better?

148. What type of weather is your favorite? Why?

149. What laws don’t make sense to you?

150. How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

151. What would a car specially designed for you look and be like?

152. What’s a mistake you’ve made recently, and what did you learn from it?

153. What makes you like or dislike a person?

154. What made you laugh today?

155. Which film changed your outlook the most?

156. Which famous person are you most influenced by?

157. What are your biggest turn-ons?

158. How would you deal with a co-worker who wasn’t pulling their weight?

159. Why do you like the type of music you do?

160. What life hacks have you found to be particularly effective?

161. What was the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

162. What’s something (besides your phone) that you take with you everywhere?

163. What was your worst travel experience?

164. What combinations of flavors do you like, and why do they taste so good?

165. What are your worst qualities?

166. What would be the effects of the internet shutting down?

167. What is the most calming image you can conjure up in your mind?

168. If we colonized the moon, would you want to live there?

169. How often do you dream?

170. How do you know when you’re in love?

171. Is it more important to be polite or to speak your mind?

172. If you could design a reality TV show, what would it be like?

173. If you could meet your hero, what would you say to them?

174. How do you make your favorite food or dish?

175. What’s your favorite season and why?

176. If you started a business, what kind would it be?

177. What’s the last thing that made you cry?

178. What is your best work or school story?

179. What will the future of war look like?

180. What is something you are currently worried about?

181. What’s something you are currently excited about?

182. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try doing?

183. What book are you reading right now?

184. What are you like as a co-worker?

185. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

186. What is your routine for an average weekday?

187. How do the clothes you wear reflect your personality?

188. What do you think TV shows in 30 years will be like?

189. What motivates you?

190. What qualities do you admire in your hero?

191. How did the most pivotal moments of your childhood change you?

192. What advice do you have about making friends?

193. How could humanity go about colonizing other planets?

194. What’s your most annoying habit?

195. What’s your favorite life hack?

196. What are some of the limitations of capitalism?

197. If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

198. If you were the principal, what rules would you change?

199. When was the last time you tried something new?

200. Why do you like the bands/performers that you like?

201. What is your favorite memory related to a holiday?

202. Have you ever taught someone something?

203. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

204. What job would your dream partner have?

205. Do mobile phones do more harm or more good in the world?

206. Why are video games fun?

207. What are some of our strengths as a couple?

208. What’s something you wish you could change about yourself?

209. If someone gave you $100 right now, what would you do with it?

210. How do you decide if somebody is a good match for you?

211. What was the most important chance encounter you’ve had?

212. How would you tweak the Olympics to make them even more enjoyable?

213. How would the world change if everybody lost the ability to lie?

214. What book character do you wish were real?

215. When was the last time you felt shy?

216. How has coffee shaped the course of human history?

217. What are some of your plans for the future?

218. What would your perfect house look like?

219. What’s your favorite holiday tradition?

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