65 Doctor Who Pick Up Lines

Doctor Who is a long-running TV series that has captivated audiences around the world. So if you want to break the ice with someone who loves this show, then these pick up lines on Doctor who are a magic trick for you. It will make your conversation partner smile and show off your knowledge of the beloved series. So why wait to impress them? Just use these pickup lines and make them wow for you. Enjoy.

Doctor Who Pick Up Lines

1. “Just like the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver, you are the key to unlocking joy in my life.”

2. “Is your name Amelia Pond? Because every moment with you feels like a fairy tale.”

3. “Are we like a Time Lord and a companion? Because every moment with you feels like an epic journey.”

4. “You’re like the Tenth Doctor’s hair – effortlessly stylish and impossible to ignore.”

5. “Can I be your sonic screwdriver? Because I want to be the one that opens up your heart.”

6. “You are the Rose Tyler to my Ninth Doctor – the one who makes every moment an adventure.”

7. “In Doctor Who terms, meeting you feels like discovering a new planet full of wonders.”

8. “Just like Doctor Who, you’ve got the power to make my heart regenerate with joy.”

9. “I think you are a weeping angel because every time I blink, I’m afraid I’ll miss a moment with you.”

10. “Could you be the Martha Jones of my heart? Because your presence brings healing and warmth.”

11. “You must be the Bad Wolf, because you’ve left your mark on the fabric of my heart.”

12. “Someone told me you’re like the sonic screwdriver – you make everything better with just a touch.”

13. “Could you be the Rory Williams of my heart? The one who waits for me and makes every moment worthwhile.”

14. “If life were a Doctor Who series, meeting you would be the pilot episode that sets the tone for a great story.”

15. “Just like the Doctor’s iconic catchphrases, you are absolutely fantastic!”

16. “If life were a Doctor Who episode, you would be the plot twist that makes it unforgettable.”

17. “If I were a Time Lord, you’d be the companion I’d choose for all my adventures.”

18. “Can I be your sonic pen? Because I want to write our love story across the pages of time.”

19. “Are we like a TARDIS and a vortex manipulator? Because our love transcends the boundaries of time.”

20. “Are we like the Doctor and River Song? Because our love story is full of mysterious and beautiful moments.”

21. “Would you be my companion in this journey called life? Together, we’ll face all the monsters.”

22. “If I were a Dalek, you’d be the one emotion I’d never want to exterminate.”

23. “Could you be the Captain Jack Harkness of my heart? Because meeting you is an eternal and captivating experience.”

24. “Just like the Doctor’s companions, you’ve made my life infinitely better.”

25. “Excuse me, are you a TARDIS? Because every time I’m with you, time stands still.”

26. “If I were a Sonic Pen, I’d write our love story across the pages of time.”

27. “You must be a Time Lord, because meeting you feels like I’ve stepped into a time loop of happiness.”

28. “Do you believe in love that transcends dimensions? Because meeting you feels like a journey through alternate realities.”

29. “Are you a Time Crack? Because meeting you has opened up a new chapter in the story of my heart.”

30. “I may not have a blue box, but my heart is open for you to step into any time.”

31. “Are we like a Sonic Screwdriver and a lock? Because we’re the perfect match that opens each other’s hearts.”

32. “Damn, you are more dazzling than the light at the end of the time vortex.”

33. “Could you be the Amy Pond of my Eleventh Doctor? The one who makes every moment an epic story.”

34. “Could you be the Clara Oswald of my Twelfth Doctor? The one who adds mystery and excitement to my life.”

35. “Do you believe in love after Doctor Who? Because meeting you has added a new chapter to my story.”

36. “If life were a Doctor Who episode, you would be the climax that leaves everyone in awe.”

37. “Could you be the River Song to my Doctor? The one who makes my timeline complete.”

38. “Are you a Zygon? Because every time I’m with you, I feel like I’ve transformed into the best version of myself.”

39. “I’ll be your companion any day, traveling through time and space with you by my side.”

40. “Do you know what’s wibbly-wobbly? My heart when I’m around you – it can’t help but flutter.”

41. “Just like the Doctor’s wisdom, you are enlightening and enriching.”

42. “Can I be your Gallifrey? Because I want to be the home where your heart belongs.”

43. “You’re like the sonic sunglasses – trendy, cool, and a perfect match for my style.”

44. “I may not have a blue box, but my heart is ready for our own timey-wimey adventure.”

45. “You must be a Dalek, because every other emotion exterminates when I’m around you.”

46. “If life were a Doctor Who episode, you would be the cliffhanger that leaves everyone anticipating more.”

47. “Are we like a sonic umbrella and a rainy day? Because together, we can weather any storm.”

48. “If life were a Doctor Who script, you would be the most unforgettable scene.”

49. “People say time travel is impossible, but meeting you feels like I’ve traveled to the best part of my life.”

50. “You are the Rose Tyler to my Ninth Doctor – the one who brought color and life back into my world.”

51. “In Doctor Who terms, our love story is a multi-Doctor episode – filled with twists, turns, and timeless moments.”

52. “I may not have a sonic screwdriver, but my heart is buzzing with excitement when I’m with you.”

53. “I may be no Time Lord, but with you, every moment feels like an adventure.”

54. “Just like the TARDIS console, you are the center of all the adventures in my life.”

55. “Do you believe in timey-wimey love? Because meeting you feels like a perfect twist in my timeline.”

56. “Just like the Doctor’s wardrobe, you are a blend of classic charm and timeless appeal.”

57. “Just like the sonic sunglasses, meeting you is cool, trendy, and a perfect match for my style.”

58. “I may not have a TARDIS, but with you, every moment feels like an adventure through time and space.”

59. “Are you a Time Lord? Because meeting you feels like I’ve regenerated into a better version of myself.”

60. “Do you believe in love after time travel? Because meeting you has turned my world into a love song.”

61. “Hey, watching Doctor Who without you is like traveling through space without a companion.”

62. “I may not have a psychic paper, but my intentions are clear – I want to be with you.”

63. “Could you be the Harry Sullivan of my heart? The one who brings loyalty and friendship to my life.”

64. “Hey, are you a Dalek? Because you’ve just exterminated all the doubts in my heart.”

65. “Just like the Doctor’s companions, you’ve made my life an extraordinary journey.”

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