123+ Best & Catchy Swimming Captions For Instagram

Looking for the best swimming captions for Instagram? Below we’ve compiled a list of catchy and trendy swimming captions that will suit your unique style and adorn your Instagram feed. Scroll down to choose the best and stand out from the crowd.

Swimming Captions For Instagram

1. Swimming is my happy place.

2. Life looks better from a lounge chair.

3. Has anyone seen my mermaid tail?”.

4. Just another day in paradise.

5. Do you even make waves, bro?”.

6. When I dip, you dip, we dip. — Freak Nasty, Da’ Dip”.

7. Happiness is all about making your own waves.

8. Soak up the sun and let the good vibes flow.

9. Just jump in.

10. Happiness means lounging by the pool.

11. Life is beautiful. Let’s swim.

12. I was mermaid for this.

13. Hey, summer. We think about you all the time.

14. Can sitting by the pool be my day job already?

15. Life is cool by the pool.

16. Soak it up.

17. Don’t get tied down. Have a pool party.

18. It’s always summer somewhere.

19. This is me before my epic cannonball.

20. Summer, it has been way too long, my love.

21. Letting my worries drift away.

22. Soaking up summer.

23. A glimpse of heaven on earth.

24. If in doubt, swim on out.

25. We all float down here. — It.

26. Every summer has a story.

27. Water baby vibes.

28. BRB: Quitting everything so that we can be mermaids.

29. Chillin’ at the pool.

30. I’m pretty sure I was a mermaid in a past life.

31. Water you sippin’ on?

32. Time to make a splash.

33. Make your own sunshine.

34. Sunshine on my mind.

35. Fact: There’s no graceful way to get on a pool float.

36. What the shell. This isn’t the beach!”.

37. Just chillin’ poolside.

38. Nothing is better than a day spent by the pool.

39. Life’s too short to stay dry – jump in.

40. We are swan goals.

41. Sunshine, poolside, downtime.

42. Fun in the sun, and a swim to cool off.

43. Peace, love, and pineapple pool floats.

44. Life is too short not to take a dip in the pool.

45. I’ve never met a pool float that I didn’t like.

46. The sound of the water is music to my soul.

47. Keep calm and go swim.

48. Poodle, anyone?

49. Is that new perfume? No, that’s chlorine.

50. Sharing the floating love.

51. Wanna go for a swim?

52. To infinity pool, and beyond.

53. As cool as a couple of popsicles.

54. Summer is always good for lazy days.

55. Pool season is here.

56. Splish splash.

57. ‘Tis the sea-sun to go swimming.

58. Life is better when you’re swimming.

59. Swim your worries away.

60. We’re all about the pool days and sun rays.

61. Enjoy, relax, soak, and unwind.

62. Summer state of mind.

63. I could swim all day long if there were more hours to spare.

64. Yeah, buoy. It’s pool time.

65. It’s hot out.

66. Summer days and pool nights.

67. Do not disturb.

68. Have a splashin’ good weekend.

69. Hot like summer, ain’t no bummer. — BTS, Butter.

70. If you didn’t splash, did a pool day even happen?

71. Summer fun in the sun.

72. This is my kind of blue.

73. Floating into summer like.

74. Coolin’ off at the pool.

75. Sun’s out, buns out.

76. A pool day keeps the stress away.

77. Don’t ever miss a chance to be sun-kissed.

78. Swimming season is here.

79. Time is a pool to swim and dream and create in.

80. Poolside paradise.

81. Come dive in.

82. Happy as a clam.

83. Diving into summer.

84. Aloe you vera much.

85. I dream of summers that last forever.

86. Hair up, sunnies on.

87. Relaxed state of mind.

88. The only BS we need is bikinis and sandals.

89. Into the weekend like….

90. It’s just you and the pool.

91. Made for sunny days.

92. Pool hair, don’t care.

93. Sound of summer.

94. Home is where the pool is.

95. A float per day keeps the doctor away.

96. Let’s hang out by the pool.

97. Sun, water, and good vibes – that’s all I need.

98. Every day is a pool day.

99. A pool party can’t solve everything, but it’s a good start.

100. Just chilling at the pool.

101. Sipping on sunshine.

102. Girls just wanna have pool parties.

103. Lazy days by the pool are the best days.

104. Those splash spots were there before I got here.

105. A perfect day is spent poolside.

106. Sorry, no lifeguard on duty.

107. Some of the best memories are made in bathing suits.

108. Chillax, baby – it’s pool season.

109. Sun, swim, and smiles.

110. What’s up, pool.

111. Enjoying my summer one splash at a time.

112. Pool party Saturday.

113. Sun, swim, and summer vibes.

114. I got 99 bikinis and I can’t choose one.

115. Jumpin’ in. The water’s fine.

116. Keep calm and swim on.

117. Water you doing this summer?

118. My favorite part of the day is playing in the pool.

119. You’re one in a watermelon.

120. You can’t swim with us.

121. Good morning from the pool.

122. This pool day is fresh to depth.

123. Having a splashtastic time.

124. Find me wherever the pool floats are.

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