69 Skeleton Jokes That Will Tickle Your Bone

Skeleton jokes often involve puns, wordplay and tongue-in-cheek humour that make them a hit with people of all ages. Whether you’re sharing them on social media or at a Halloween party, these jokes are funny, light-hearted, and sure to bring smiles all around.

If you want a quick laugh or something to get your friends talking, we’ve compiled a list of 69 Skeleton Jokes that connect them through humour and lightheartedness. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Skeleton Jokes

1. What do old skeletons complain about?

Aching bones.

2. What song do skeleton bikers ride to?

Bone to be wild.

3. What was the skeleton doing at the hockey game?

Driving the zam-boney.

4. What kind of TV does a skeleton watch?

A skelevision.

5. Why don’t skeletons like parties?

Because they have no body to dance with.

6. Why do skeletons hate the cold?

It sends chills up their spine.

7. Where did the skeleton keep his money?

In the crypt-o market.

8. Why did the skeleton start a fight?

Because he had a bone to pick.

9. What do you call a skeleton who uses a door bell?

A dead ringer.

10. What kind of plate do skeletons eat on?

Bone china.

11. What Spanish food do skeletons enjoy most?


12. How do skeletons say hello?


13. What is a skeleton’s favorite type of film to watch?

A spine-tingler.

14. What do you call a cleaning skeleton?

The grim sweeper.

15. What do you call a skeleton who rings the doorbell?

A dead ringer.

16. Why did the skeleton pupil stay late at school?

He was boning up for his exams.

17. Why do skeletons have low self-esteem?

They have no body to love.

18. What’s a skeleton’s favorite type of plant?

A bone-zai tree.

19. Who is the most famous skeleton detective?

Sherlock Bones.

20. What is a skeleton’s favorite mode of transport?

A scare-plane.

21. How did the skeleton know it was going to rain?

He could feel it in his bones.

22. Know why skeletons are so calm?

Because nothing gets under their skin.

23. What was the skeleton’s favorite musical instrument?

The trom-bone.

24. What’s a skeleton’s favorite plant?

A bone-zai.

25. What’s a skeleton’s next favorite rock band?

Bone Jovi.

26. Why did the skeleton run up the tree?

A dog wanted to eat it’s bones.

27. Why did the skeleton go to jail?

Because he was bad to the bone.

28. Why didn’t the skeleton eat spicy food?

He didn’t have the stomach for it.

29. What did the skeleton say to his wife?

I love every bone in your body.

30. Why do skeletons like to drink milk?

Because milk is so good for the bones.

31. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the scary movie?

He didn’t have the guts.

32. What did the skeleton say to the vampire?

You suck.

33. Why do skeletons hate the winter?

Because the cold goes right through them.

34. What kind of art do skeletons like?


35. What does a skeleton fly in if his scare-plane isn’t available?

A skele-copter.

36. What did the skeleton say to his girlfriend?

Will you marrow me?

37. Do you know any skeleton jokes?

Yes, but you wouldn’t find it very humerus.

38. What do you call a skeleton with no friends?


39. What was the skeletons favorite rock band?

The Grateful Dead.

40. Why do skeletons drink so much milk?

It’s good for the bones.

41. Why are skeletons so calm?

Because nothing gets under their skin.

42. What do skeletons order at a restaurant?

Spare ribs.

43. Who is the most famous French skeleton?

Napolean Bone-aparte.

44. Why did the skeleton go to acting classes?

He wanted tibia star.

45. Why did the skeleton climb up the tree?

Because a dog was after his bones.

46. What do skeletons complain about?

Aching bones.

47. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?

Because he had no body to dance with.

48. What did one skeleton say to the other skeleton?

You’re dead to me.

49. Who won the skeleton beauty contest?

No body.

50. What do you call a skeleton snake?

A rattler.

51. What type of art do skeletons like?


52. What do boney people use to get into their homes?

Skeleton keys.

53. What do you call a skeleton who won’t work?

Lazy bones.

54. What do you call a skeleton who goes out in the snow?

A numb-skull.

55. How did skeletons send mail in the old days?

The bony express.

56. What kind of fish do skeletons like to eat?


57. Why did the skeleton go to the dance?

To see the boogie man.

58. What do you call a skeleton who went out in the snow?

A numbskull.

59. What type of candy sent the skeleton to the hospital?


60. Why can’t skeletons play church music?

Because they have no organs.

61. What did the skeleton say when he went riding on his motorcycle?

I’m bone to be wild.

62. What’s a skeleton’s second favorite instrument?

A sax-a-bone.

63. What do you call a lie told by a skeleton?

A fibula.

64. What does a skeleton order at a restaurant?

Spare ribs.

65. How do French skeletons say hello?


66. What’s a skeleton’s favorite song?

Bad to the Bone.

67. Why didn’t the skeleton play football?

His heart wasn’t in it.

68. What is a skeleton’s favorite instrument?

A trom-bone.

69. What do skeletons say as they head out to sea?

Bone voyage.

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