53 Most Inspiring Joe Dispenza Quotes On Success

Joe Dispenza is a prominent figure in the metaphysical world. He is best known for his books and lectures on spiritual healing, which he began to teach in 1998. He is a renowned author and lecturer in spiritual healing, which he began to teach in 1998. Joe’s most famous work includes his first book, “12 Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment”.

He was born in Chicago on February 11th, 1951, and raised Catholic. He received an electrical engineering degree from Loyola University Chicago but realized that it wasn’t what he wanted to do with his life. In a dream during college, Joe saw himself giving a lecture about spiritual healing and recognized this as his true calling.

In his book “Breaking The Spell,” Joe discusses how the power of our thoughts creates reality. But, more importantly, he shares his own experience transforming from an average Joe to a multi-millionaire by following the steps outlined in this book.

Joe Dispenza can do what so many other people can’t – through his expertise and practice of energy medicine and consciousness, he has been able to attract success where others have failed.

These quotes will inspire you to take action and use your knowledge to achieve your dreams.

53 Most Inspiring Joe Dispenza Quotes On Success

“The process of change requires unlearning. It requires breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing a new self.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Process of change requires you becoming conscious of your unconscious self.” ― Joe Dispenza

“That which we are seeking is seeking us.” ― Joe Dispenza

“You can change your brain just by thinking differently.” ― Joe Dispenza

“As long as you are thinking equal to your environment, you keep creating the same life. To truly change is to think greater than your environment. To think greater than the circumstances in your life, to think greater than the conditions in the world.” ― Joe Dispenza

“If where you place your attention is where you place your energy. If all of your attention is in the present moment, you’ve got a lot of energy to create with.” ― Joe Dispenza

“If you become aware of your automatic habits and you are conscious of your unconscious behaviors so you cannot go unconscious again, then you are changing.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.” ― Joe Dispenza

“If you can’t control your mind, everything and everyone else will.” ― Joe Dispenza

“The only way we can change our lives is to change our energy — to change the electromagnetic field we are constantly broadcasting. In other words, to change our state of being, we have to change how we think and how we feel.” ― Joe Dispenza

“We cannot create a new future, by holding on to the emotions of the past.” ― Joe Dispenza

“People who live in the past are asleep in the present.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Life is about the management of energy, where you place your attention, is where you place your energy.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Give yourself time to meditate… to disconnect, because when you invest in yourself, you invest in your future. And when you believe in yourself, you believe in possibilities. And when you believe in possibilities, you believe in yourself.” ― Joe Dispenza

“We don’t perceive things the way they are, we perceive things the way we are.” ― Joe Dispenza

“If we have very strong beliefs about something, evidence to the contrary could be sitting right in front of us, but we may not see it because what we perceive is entirely different.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Spend time, contemplating who you want to be. The mere process of contemplating who you want to be, begins to change your brain.” ― Joe Dispenza

The hardest part about change is not making the same choices you made the day before.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Routine lulls the brain to sleep.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Whenever you say, ‘I am’ anything, you’re commanding your mind and your body towards a destiny.” ― Joe Dispenza

“When you add beliefs together, you create a perception. Your perceptions have everything to do with the choices you make, the behaviors you exhibit, the relationships you chose, and the realities you create.” ― Joe Dispenza

“We perceive reality based on how our brain is wired.” ― Joe Dispenza

“If you were to start investing your attention and energy into the unknown, your body would then be able to follow your mind into the unknown—a new experience in your future.” ― Joe Dispenza

“When you are observing the old self, you are no longer the program, now you are the consciousness observing the program and that’s when you begin to objectify your subjective self.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Matter has mind, and mind is matter.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Most people wait for something outside of them to change how they feel inside.” ― Joe Dispenza

“When you think from your past memories, you can only create past experiences.” ― Joe Dispenza

“We’re addicted to our beliefs; we’re addicted to the emotions of our past. We see our beliefs as truths, and not as ideas that we can change.” ― Joe Dispenza

“True leadership has to do with a vision of the future.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Your personality creates your personal reality. Your personality is made up of how you act, how you think and how you feel.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Like clay, the energy of infinite possibilities is shaped by consciousness: your mind.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Learning is forging new connections. Every time you learn something new, your brain physically changes.” ― Joe Dispenza

“When you change your energy, you change your life.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Remind yourself every single day of who you want to be and you will cause your brain to fire in new sequences, in new patterns, in new combinations. And whenever you make your brain work differently, you are changing your mind.” ― Joe Dispenza

“The quantum field responds not to what we want; it responds to who we are being.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Every time we have a thought, we make a chemical. If we have good thoughts, we make chemicals that make us feel good. And if we have negative thoughts, we make chemicals that make us feel exactly the way we are thinking.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Conscious thoughts, repeated often enough, become unconscious thinking.” ― Joe Dispenza

“We are creatures of habit. We think somewhere between 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts in one day, and 90 percent of those thoughts are exactly the same ones we had the day before.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Take a little time to become aware of who you no longer want to be. Then I think about who I want to be when I open my eyes. What thoughts I do want to fire and wire in my brain… what behaviors I do want to demonstrate.” ― Joe Dispenza

“The hardest part about change is not making the same choices you made the day before.” ― Joe Dispenza

“The hormones of stress, in the long term, push the genetic buttons that create disease.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Turn your brain from a record of the past into a map of the future.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Same thoughts always lead to the same choices, same choices lead to the same behavior and the same behaviors lead to same experiences and the same experiences produce the same emotions and these emotions drive the very same thoughts.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Thinking creates feeling, and then feeling creates thinking, in a continuous cycle.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Learning is forming new connections in the brain and memory is maintaining/sustaining those connections.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Where we put our awareness, and for how long, maps our destiny.” ― Joe Dispenza

“We can’t create a new future while we’re living in our past. It’s simply impossible.” ― Joe Dispenza

“You have to feel empowered for your success to show up, you have to feel abundant for your wealth to find you. You have to feel gratitude to create the life that you want.” ― Joe Dispenza

“We can mold and shape our brain by paying attention. If we can hold on to an idea, we begin to wire and shape our brain.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Here’s my definition of intention: getting clear on what you want.” ― Joe Dispenza

“Knowledge is power, but knowledge about yourself is self-empowerment.” ― Joe Dispenza

“If you focus on the known, you get the known. If you focus on the unknown, you create a possibility.” ― Joe Dispenza

“The best way to predict your future is to create it not from the known, but from the unknown. When you get uncomfortable in the place of the unknown – that’s where the magic happens.” ― Joe Dispenza

“When we put all our attention on an idea or concept, there is a physical change that happens in the brain. The brain takes the holographic image that we are holding in our frontal lobe and creates a pattern of connections that associate with that concept/idea.” ― Joe Dispenza

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