61 Geometry Puns That Are Hilarious to Read

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relations of points, lines and shapes in space. And it has been part of the school curriculum for centuries because it is a subject that helps us to think in abstract ways. Well, it is not only popular in schools but also in the workplace.

The popularity of geometry can be attributed to its usefulness in the workplace and its ability to provide a foundation for many other subjects. Below, we’ve compiled a list of Geometry puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Geometry Puns

1. People in favor of tractors are protractors.

2. Don’t talk to circles. There’s no point.

3. Here today, cone tomorrow.

4. What shape has all its angles wrecked? A wrecked-angle.

5. I’m expressing my cone-cerns.

6. I’ve sine it all.

7. Where can you buy a ruler that is three feet long? At a yard sale.

8. Cube you give me a hand?

9. Which triangles are the coldest? Ice-sosceles triangles.

10. Good-pi. See you tomorrow.

11. Why couldn’t the angle get a loan? His parents wouldn’t cosine.

12. I’ll meet you at the vertex.

13. I hate having arguments with a 90° angle. It is always right.

14. What should you do when it rains? Coincide.

15. I’ll get squared.

16. If you’re cold, go to the corner of a room. It’s around 90 degrees.

17. Geometry teachers are too symbol-minded.

18. You’re line. Tell me the truth.

19. I love to bake pi.

20. A math teacher’s favorite tree is geometry.

21. What do you call a small dog? An acute one.

22. What do you use to tie up a package? A Chord.

23. You’re acute person.

24. Why does nobody talk to circles? Because there is no point.

25. What do you call more than one L? A Parallel.

26. My ellipse are sealed.

27. I sprained my angle.

28. Why did the inches obey the yardstick? He was their ruler.

29. What kind of tree does a math teacher climb? Geometry.

30. What did the square say to the circle? Haven’t I seen you around?

31. A respected circle is called Sir Cumference.

32. I’m scalene up the side.

33. Why was the scalene triangle sad? He was never right.

34. He had to make a point.

35. A math teacher’s favorite kind of tree, is Geometry.

36. Obtuse triangles always upset because they are never right.

37. What did the acorn say when he grew up? Gee, I’m A Tree.

38. Why did I divide sin by tan? Just cos.

39. What do you call a crushed angle? A Rectangle.

40. What do you call people who like tractors? Protractors.

41. What’s a mathematician’s favorite movie? The Trig Identity.

42. A man spent all day at the beach. He’s now a tangent.

43. Geometry teachers love decorating their floors with area rugs!

44. Geometry keeps me in shape.

45. What do you call a man who spent all summer at the beach? Tangent

46. Two L’s makes a parallel.

47. What do you call a fierce beast? A Line.

48. You’re on point.

49. Let’s watch a square-y movie.

50. A Geometry teacher’s favorite ride at the amusement park is the Rulercoaster.

51. What did the triangle say to the circle? You’re pointless.

52. What do you say when you see an empty parrot cage? Polygon.

53. Unlucky triangles are usually the ones born under a bad sine.

54. An over-educated circle has 360°!

55. The geome-tree has a square root.

56. Bad angles go to prism.

57. The triangle told the circle, “you’re pointless.”

58. A Geometry teacher’s favorite navigation device is a compass.

59. Give the teacher a good ray-ting.

60. A mathematician farmer usually plow his fields with a pro-tractor.

61. What do you call an angle which is adorable? Acute angle.

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