53 Vending Machine Pick Up Lines

Vending machines have been around for decades, but they are now becoming more than just a place where you insert your stuff. They are becoming the perfect way to start conversations and flirt with someone. With vending machine pick up lines, you can break the ice and make a connection in an unexpected way.

Whether it’s a funny joke or an interesting conversation starter, these lines will get your crush’s attention and maybe even get them interested in getting to know you better.

Vending Machine Pick Up Lines

1. “If life were a vending machine, you’d be the rare and special item I’m always hoping to find.”

2. “You are the vending machine of my dreams – always dispensing joy and delight.”

3. “I may be pressing your buttons, but it’s because I’m drawn to your irresistible offerings.”

4. “Just like a well-stocked vending machine, you’ve got everything I’ve been craving.”

5. “Just like a vending machine, you’ve got a variety of options, but I choose you every time.”

6. “My heart drops for you like the last candy bar in the vending machine.”

7. “I wish I could rearrange the items in this vending machine, so I could put you on the top shelf.”

8. “Just like a vending machine offering a variety of choices, you are the wonderful option my heart desires.”

9. “Should I insert my heart into the slot and hope for the sweetest outcome?”

10. “Just like a vending machine, you’ve got all the options, but I’m choosing you every time.”

11. “A good relationship is like a well-stocked vending machine.”

12. “Are we like a vending machine duo? Because I think our choices complement each other perfectly.”

13. “I wish I could press a button on this vending machine and get a date with you.”

14. “Can I be the change you need to get the best snack from this vending machine?”

15. “Would you be the vending machine snack of my dreams? Because you look too good to resist.”

16. “If life were a vending machine, you would be the surprise treat I never knew I needed.”

17. “People say love is like finding the perfect snack in a vending machine, and I think I just found mine.”

18. “Damn, you are looking like a whole snack – just the kind I’d find in a vending machine.”

19. “You are the snack that stands out in this vending machine – unique and irresistible.”

20. “You are the sweetest selection in the vending machine of life.”

21. “Just like a vending machine, you’ve got a special place in my heart.”

22. “Could you be the change I need, just like the coins in a vending machine, to make my heart’s choice?”

23. “With you, every moment feels like discovering a new delight in the vending machine of love.”

24. “Excuse me, but you’re sweeter than anything I could get from this vending machine.”

25. “Are you a vending machine? Because every time I’m around you, I feel an irresistible pull.”

26. “Hey there, are you a vending machine? Because you’ve got all the snacks I’ve been craving.”

27. “You’re like a vending machine, and I’m pressing all the right buttons just to get to know you better.”

28. “My love for you is just like a vending machine snack – always fresh and delightful.”

29. “You know what? I may be just a coin, but you’re the prize I want from this vending machine.”

30. “Are you a vending machine? Because you’ve got my heart dropping like a bag of chips.”

31. “If life were a vending machine, meeting you would be the jackpot.”

32. “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by this vending machine again?”

33. “My love for you is just like a vending machine – unlimited and irresistible.”

34. “Could you be the vending machine code to my heart? Because I think you’ve unlocked something special.”

35. “I may be stuck on your choices, but it’s because I can’t resist the allure of your love.”

36. “If I were a snack, should I be the one you choose from the vending machine of affection?”

37. “Have you ever seen a vending machine that dispenses love? Because being with you feels like a rare find.”

38. “Just like a vending machine, you’ve got all the right to satisfy my heart’s cravings.”

39. “Someone told me that you’re the hidden gem in this vending machine. Mind if I pick you up?”

40. “I may be just a customer, but you’re the only item I want from this vending machine.”

41. “Do you believe in love at first bite? Because you look like the snack that could change my life.”

42. “I’ll be your loyal customer if you’re the vending machine that dispenses happiness.”

43. “Can I be the coin that brings you luck every time you use this vending machine?”

44. “You’re like the perfect snack from the vending machine – hard to resist and impossible to forget.”

45. “You must be the vending machine manager because you’ve got the keys to my heart.”

46. “You are the refreshing beverage in the vending machine of life.”

47. “I may be a bit salty, but you’re the perfect sweet treat I’ve been searching for in this vending machine.”

48. “You know what? I think you are the missing item in this vending machine because everything else pales in comparison.”

49. “If life were a vending machine, could you be the surprise package I never knew I needed?”

50. “If I were a snack, I’d be the one that never gets stuck in the vending machine – always easy to pick.”

51. “Can I be the dollar bill to your vending machine, unlocking the treasure of your company?”

52. “Could you be the missing item in my life’s vending machine? Because I’ve been searching for you.”

53. “Do you know if they’re selling stars in this vending machine? Because being with you feels like reaching for the sky.”

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