43 Most Inspiring Ronda Rousey Quotes To Achieve Success

“It is one thing to fight other people, but fighting yourself is different. If you’re fighting yourself, who wins? Who loses?” Ronda Rousey

“If you can’t dream big, ridiculous dreams, what’s the point in dreaming at all?” Ronda Rousey

“Everyone is so offended by the mindset it takes to be the best in the world.” ― Ronda Rousey

“The moment you stop viewing your opponent as a threat is the moment you leave yourself open to getting beat.” ― Ronda Rousey

“It is not about just winning the round, it is not just about winning the fight. It is about winning every single second of your life.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Life is a fight from the minute you take your first breath to the moment you exhale your last.” ― Ronda Rousey

“There is nothing in my life that I would go back and change, even the darkest moments. All the successes and greatest joys in my life are a result of the absolute worst things. Every missed opportunity is a blessing in disguise.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Find fulfillment in the sacrifices.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Success is the result of hard work, every day for years on end without cutting corners or taking shortcuts. ” Ronda Rousey

 “I like to be part of the change I want to see in the world. Not being afraid of criticism is actually a big advantage. I feel like I tried to be agreeable and failed–it failed me. And so I just did not give a shit and ended up succeeding a lot more because of it.” ― Ronda Rousey

“A sleeper just waits and when the time is right, they come out and wow everyone. That’s you, kiddo. Don’t you worry.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Most people focus on the wrong thing: They focus on the result, not the process. The process is the sacrifice; it’s all the hard parts–the sweat, the pain, the tears, the losses. You make the sacrifices anyway. You learn to enjoy them, or at least embrace them. In the end, it is the sacrifices that must fulfill you.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Once you give them the power to tell you you’re great, you’ve also given them the power to tell you you’re unworthy.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Making a change in your life is as easy as making a decision and acting on it. That’s it.” ― Ronda Rousey

“One of the greatest days of my life was when I came to understand that other people’s approval and my happiness were not related.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Don’t you ever let anyone tell you that not doing your absolute best is good enough.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Everyone wants to win. But to truly succeed – whether it is at a sport or at your job or in life – you have to be willing to do the hard work, overcome the challenges, and make the sacrifices it takes to be the best at what you do.” ― Ronda Rousey

“No matter how much you try or what you say, people aren’t going to fully understand you or where you’re coming from ” Ronda Rousey

“Confidence is the number one thing I find attractive.” ― Ronda Rousey

“You have to be your best on your worst day.” ― Ronda Rousey

“People say to me all the time, ‘You have no fear.’ I tell them, no, that’s not true. I’m scared all the time. You have to have fear in order to have courage. I’m a courageous person because I’m a scared person.” ― Ronda Rousey

“No drug or amount of money or favoritism can ever give you belief in yourself.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Someone has to be the best in the world. Why not you?” Ronda Rousey

“How you feel is entirely in your mind. Your mind has nothing to do with your environment. It has nothing to do with anyone around you. It is entirely your decision. Making a change in your life is as easy as making a decision and acting on it. That’s it.” ― Ronda Rousey

“If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery; it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.” ― Ronda Rousey

“I am not looking to escape the pressure. I am embracing it. Pressure is what builds up in the chamber behind a bullet before it explodes out of the gun.” ― Ronda Rousey

“I don’t shy away from any questions. I’m not scared of any question. I’ll give you an answer. A lot of people are scared of having actual opinions out there. People are so scared of criticism… I’m not scared of people disliking me.” ― Ronda Rousey

“It is one thing to fight other people, but fighting yourself is different. If you’re fighting yourself, who wins? Who loses?” – Ronda Rousey

“I am vulnerable; that’s why I fight.” ― Ronda Rousey

“No matter how much you try or what you say, people aren’t going to fully understand you or where you’re coming from. You just have to get used to being misunderstood.” ― Ronda Rousey

“The knowledge that everything good can be taken away at any second is what makes me work so hard.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Once you’ve conquered the worst things that could happen, there is no need to fear the unknown. You are fearless.” ― Ronda Rousey

“I’m scared of failure all the time, but I’m not scared enough to stop trying.” ― Ronda Rousey

“No one is ever going to give you anything of value. You have to work for it, sweat for it, fight for it. But there is far greater value in accomplishments you earn than in accolades that are merely given to you. When you earn something, you never have to worry about justifying that you truly deserve it.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Winning is the greatest feeling in the world.” ― Ronda Rousey

“You have to fight because you can’t count on anyone else fighting for you…. To get anything of real value, you have to fight for it.” ― Ronda Rousey

“To be a fighter, you have to be passionate. I have so much passion, it’s hard to hold it all in. That passion escapes as tears from my eyes, sweat from my pores, blood from my veins.” ― Ronda Rousey

“You can’t let other people affect your faith in yourself.” ― Ronda Rousey

“I really think that a lot of things happen for a reason even you don’t know.” ― Ronda Rousey

“There were times when I knew I was in a terrible situation, but I also knew it wouldn’t last forever. Those are the moments when you have to remind yourself that this experience is a defining moment in your life, but you are not defined by it.” ― Ronda Rousey

“Once you start caring about people’s opinions of you, you give up control.” ― Ronda Rousey

“To be the best, you have to constantly be challenging yourself, raising the bar, pushing the limits of what you can do. Don’t stand still, leap forward.” ― Ronda Rousey

 “There have always been people who have written me off. They’re not going away. I use that to motivate me. I’m driven to show them just how wrong they are.”” – Ronda Rousey

“I want to be a perfect fighter, and that’s one of those unattainable goals because you will never be perfect. But I can always be closer to perfect.” ― Ronda Rousey

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