35 Best Pharmacy Puns for Taking a Chill Pill

Pharmacy is a big part of our daily medicines. It is the place where we go to buy medicines for ourselves or for our family members.

The pharmacist, usually a qualified person, will advise you on what to buy and how to use it. They will also tell you about any other things you need to do, such as not taking certain medicines simultaneously or not drinking alcohol while taking some medications. Below, we’ve compiled a list of Pharmacy puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Best Pharmacy Puns

1. When a fish needs medicine, it calls the pharma-sea.

2. For exercise, I tried te-tricycling.

3. Pharma-cute-ical.

4. My Italian friend is a pharmacy student, and his favorite antibiotic is amox-Sicily-n.

5. I tiptoed past the pharmacy shop lest I wake the sleeping pills.

6. My diabetic friend is great at puns and one-liners because he has a pun-creatic disease.

7. Whenever fish fall sick, they all go to the pharma-sea.

8. Tell me diuretic-ally.

9. The bed asks for its pill-ows every time it’s under the weather.

10. You’re such a qD.

11. I got an IV in both my arms. It was Ambi-dextrose.

12. Pharmacy you later.

13. I metformin at the bar.

14. I bought the only pack of laxatives left at the pharmacy. I’m so relieved!

15. Pharmacy the bright side.

16. Every time the pharmacist gets time, he goes on a vacation to Statin Island.

17. Pharma-saurus Rx.

18. Dose it work properly?

19. You Rx-uberant.

20. We Rx-cited to see you.

21. Oh my GERD.

22. With an antiviral, you won’t be popular.

23. I think a pharmacist’s favorite beverage is cough-ee.

24. Pharmacists start the day with cough-ee.

25. Ibuprofen-ity isn’t tolerated.

26. I’m aspirin-g to become a pharmacist.

27. You beta blocker. Otherwise, she’ll get in.

28. If you can’t stop looking, ask for a stare-oid.

29. The pharmacy shop is always crowded during Halloween. It’s the time when everyone starts coffin.

30. I’ve been feeling very lazy lately. I think I should try-cyclin.

31. It’s a pill-ar of the community.

32. The pharmacist suggested some stare-oids for my eye problems.

33. I bought an expensive laxative, and it gave me a good run for my money.

34. I am aspirin-g to be a pharmacist someday.

35. You are absolutely pharma-cute-ical!” said the pharmacist to his wife.

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