55 Popular Nicknames for Faith

Are you looking for a suitable nickname for the name Faith? 

Faith is a name that has many different meanings, but the one that stands out the most is faithfulness. Faith can be traced back to Middle English and the Old French word “faithe”, which means “belief in something, typically without proof”.

Whether it’s for your best friend, partner, someone you adore or even yourself, In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best, cute, cool, funny, and popular nicknames for Faith. So scroll down, and let’s see what we have here.

Best Nicknames for Faith

1. Fatou

2. Faye

3. Fathia

4. Fate

5. Faitho

6. Fifi

7. Faithadoodle

8. Fhait

9. Fayette

10. Fouad

11. Fadia

12. Fai Fairy

13. Fath

14. Fode

15. Fedaa

16. Fatiha

17. Fathie

18. Tru-Faith

19. Fatu

20. Foday

21. Fuad

22. Fathi

Cute Nicknames for Faith

23. Fay Fay

24. FaithyBoo

25. Faf/Faffy

26. Faithie/Faithy

27. Faifers

28. Fady

29. Fayeth

30. Faithilicious

31. Faybae

32. Faithful One

33. Faithy Waithy

34. Fabulous Faith

35. Woman of Faith

36. Faithiana

37. Fayt

Good Nicknames for Faith

38. Fayte

39. Lady Fai-ghter: A combination of Faith + Fighter

40. Faithers

41. Faithster

42. Fe/Fe Fe

43. Foofy

44. Feyth/Faithe/Faythe

45. Hope

46. Fadi

47. Fai

48. Fahad

49. Fafe

50. Fay Fluffy

51. Fa

52. Faythe

53. F8: Pronounced as Faith.

54. Confidence

55. Saint

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