29 Kit Kat Puns That Will Make You Smile

We all know that Kit Kats are delicious. But did you know that they can also be used as a creative way to make puns? The first benefit of sharing KitKat puns is that they can make people laugh. And this is a crucial thing to do because laughing is good for your health and it makes you feel better. 

Sharing a pun can make someone’s day better, and it can help them forget about their problems for a little bit and helps to relieve stress and anxiety by making them laugh for a few seconds, which we all need sometimes. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of Kit Kat puns that are the best and most hilarious you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Kit Kat Puns

1. Choc out all my Kit Kat!

2. You are choc full of amazingness.

3. My Kit-Kat bar got stuck in the vending machine at work……gimme a break.

4. I like my KitKat like I like my girls: Two at once.

5. I Kit never go on without you! You’re the ultimate Kat-ch.

6. All Kitted out.

7. Whats the difference between my ex-girlfriend and a Kit-Kat? You can only get 4 fingers in a Kit-Kat

8. Kit Kat Pattywack, with you I’m always home.

9. What do you call 4 black people sleeping together in a red sleeping bag? A KitKat

10. Gimme a break, but never a break from you!

11. What do you call two black guys in a red sleeping bag? A KitKat

12. You’re such a Kit Kat-ch!

13. Life without you would be a Kit Katastrophe.

14. Take this treat as a Wafer you to relax for a bit.

15. Kit Kat-ch me if you can.

16. Saw a black guy with seven fingers today! Turns out he was eating a kitkat.

17. A treat because you’re sweet.

18. What do you call an explosion at a chocolate factory? A Kit Kat-astrophe.

19. You deserve a Break.

20. Kit Kalm and Karry on.

21. My wife said she was leaving me because of my obsession with Kit-Kats…I suggested we have a break…

22. I’m a little hyper today, but I’ll choc that up to the many Kit Kats that I’ve had.

23. I appreciate you a choco-lot.

24. What do you call a cat made out of chocolate? A Kit Kat.

25. I like to think of myself as a Kit Kat-ch.

26. In a Kit-schy mood.

27. Someone accused me of stealing a Kit Kat bar. Me a Kit Kat thief? oh gimme a break!

28. What ad is the worst tip for athletes trying to stay healthy? “Have a break, have a Kit-Kat.”

29. You think I eat too much Kit Kat? Gimme a break…

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