49 Most Inspiring Joseph Murphy Quotes On Success

Joseph Murphy is known for his “Law of Attraction,” which claims that you attract what you think about. He is most popularly recognized as the author of the bestselling book, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.” His books have sold more than 100 million copies worldwide and are considered one of the most influential books in the self-help genre.

Born in Ireland, Joseph Murphy immigrated to America in 1878 at the age of 13. While working as a railroad clerk, he started developing the Law of Attraction theory from his observations about people and their relationship with wealth and success.

He is one of the most successful writers in history. He published a book every year for 38 years, and he produced more than 22 bestsellers that are still in print today. He was also an American spiritual teacher who helped millions of people change their lives for the better by teaching them how to find peace and happiness in their own lives.

Joseph Murphy’s books are still read today, and his ideas on living life as they should be are still relevant to this day. He desired in life by consciously thinking positive thoughts about it and not worrying too much about other things that might go wrong. This practice is still ongoing today as many people will change their habits and desires by thinking positively.

Here are some of his most inspiring quotes that will help you believe in yourself and take action on your goals, whether big or small.

49 Most Inspiring Joseph Murphy Quotes On Success

“Your desire is your prayer. Picture the fulfilment of your desire now and fell its reality and you will experience the joy of the answered. Joseph Murphy”

“What you write on the inside, you will experience it on the outside.” ― Joseph Murphy

“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.” ― Joseph Murphy

“There is only one process of healing and that is faith. There is only one healing power, namely, your subconscious mind.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Imagination is the most powerful faculty. Imagine what is lovely and of good report. You are what you imagine yourself to be.” ― Joseph Murphy

“What do you believe about yourself, life and the universe? It is done unto you as you believe.” ― Joseph Murphy

“The way to get rid of darkness is with light.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Remind yourself frequently that the healing power is in your own subconscious mind.” ― Joseph Murphy

“All of us have our own inner fears, beliefs, opinions. These inner assumptions rule and govern our lives. A suggestion has no power in and of itself, its power arises from the fact that you accept it mentally.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Success means successful living. When you are peaceful, happy, joyous and doing what you love to do, you are successful.” ― Joseph Murphy

“The idea you have for a book, new invention, or play is real in your mind. That is why you can believe you have it now. Believe in the reality of your idea, plan, or invention, and as you do it will become manifest.” ― Joseph Murphy

“When you open your eyes in the morning say to yourself, I choose happiness today, I choose success today.” ― Joseph Murphy

“To picture the end result in your mind causes your subconscious to respond and fulfill your mental picture.” ― Joseph Murphy

“To form a new habit, you must be convinced that it is desirable. When your desire to give up the bad habits is greater than your desire to continue, you are fifty-one percent healed already.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Just keep your conscious mind busy with expectation of the best.” ― Joseph Murphy

“The law of life is the law of belief.” ― Joseph Murphy

“There is no true success without peace of mind.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best, and your subconscious will faithfully reproduce your habitual thinking.” ― Joseph Murphy

“You are the only thinker in your world and your thought is creative. Whatever you think about the other person, you are also creating in your life.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Your words are the body of your thought.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Act as though I am. And I will be.” ― Joseph Murphy

“When your mind is relaxed and you accept an idea, your subconscious goes to work to execute the idea.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Know that in your deeper mind are infinite intelligence and infinite power.” ― Joseph Murphy

“If you are wondering about the answer to a problem, try to solve it objectively. Get all the information you can from research and also from others. If no answer comes, turn it over to your subconscious mind prior to sleep, and the answer always comes. It never fails.” ― Joseph Murphy

“The only path by which another person can upset you is through your own thought.” ― Joseph Murphy

“You are the captain of your soul and the master of your fate. Remember, you have the capacity to choose. Choose life. Choose love. Choose health. Choose happiness.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Imagine the end desired and feel its reality, follow it through, and you will get definite results.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Your subconscious never sleeps. It is always on the job. It controls all your vital functions. Forgive yourself and every one else before you go to sleep, and healing will take place much more rapidly.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Change your thoughts, and you change your destiny.” ― Joseph Murphy

“You can build radiant health, success and happiness by the thoughts you think in the hidden studio of your mind.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Think good and good follows. Think evil and evil follows. You are what you think all day long.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Know that you can remake yourself by giving a new blueprint to your subconscious mind.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Your true source of wealth consists of the ideas in your mind. You can have an idea worth millions of dollars. Your subconscious will give you the idea you seek.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Deposit thoughts of prosperity, wealth, and success in your subconscious mind, and the latter will give you compound interest.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Never use the terms, “I can’t afford it” or “I can’t do this.” Your subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it that you do not have the money or the ability to do what you want to do. Affirm, “I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.”” – Joseph Murphy

“We go where our vision is.” ― Joseph Murphy

“You are as young as you think you are. You are as strong as you think you are. You are as useful as you think you are. You are as young as your thoughts.” ― Joseph Murphy

“You can develop the right mental attitude when you realize that nothing external can upset you or hurt you without your mental consent.” ― Joseph Murphy

“The subconscious mind is ruled by suggestion, it accepts all suggestions – it does not argue with you – it fulfils your wishes.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Think good, and good follows. Think evil, and evil follow.You are what you think all day long.” ― Joseph Murphy

“You are like a captain navigating a ship. You must give the right orders, thoughts and images to your subconscious which controls and governs all your experiences.” ― Joseph Murphy

“You can build radiated health, success and happiness by the thoughts you think in the hidden studio of your mind.”– Dr Joseph Murphy

“Great and noble thoughts upon which you habitually dwell become great acts.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Decide what belief is. Know that belief is a thought in your mind, and what you think you create.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Every thought is a cause and every condition is an effect.” ― Joseph Murphy

“Imagine the end desired and feel its reality. Follow it through and you will get definite results.” ― Joseph Murphy

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