51 Most Inspiring Ed Mylett Quotes On Success

“We should always be in the process of changing and becoming the next, best version of ourselves.” ― Ed Mylett

“To catch your God-sized Dreams, you must rely on your faith! When your own knowledge, preparation, and training are simply not enough, lean on your faith and you will be able to maxout and reach an elite level. What is your God-sized dream?” Ed Mylett

“Sustainable success is not built overnight. Real success is the result of consistent, sustained effort.” ― Ed Mylett

“Remember, not 1 dream is too big! Your dreams are the perfect size and you belong there!” Ed Mylett

“Every single successful person has had to face moments when there was no reason or logic that indicated they should continue, zero motivation and inspiration. Still, they showed up and put one foot in front of the other anyway.” ― Ed Mylett

“The instant you accept responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you acquire the power to change it.” ― Ed Mylett

“Life’s going to give you—ultimately—what you’ll fight for.” ― Ed Mylett

“Everything that you have is in front of you already. Stop looking at price tags. Stop negotiating the price—it’s freeing. It’s not the price. It’s the worth that’s important. Rich people don’t ask how much it costs. They ask, is it worth it?” Ed Mylett

“The reason so many people do not achieve their goals is because they did not get specific and clear.” ― Ed Mylett

“Success is inside; it comes from you.” ― Ed Mylett

“The most inspiring person is the one overcoming the fear of doing something, not the person who is excellent at it.” ― Ed Mylett

“One extra hour a day is 365 additional hours each year for you to WIN! Over a five-year period, that’s the equivalent of adding seventy-six productive work days to your business, or towards achieving your goals. It’s a way to literally get more time in your day.” ― Ed Mylett

“You can’t be grateful and be a victim at the same time. Stop playing the blame game.” ― Ed Mylett

“We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. We should all talk less and listen more. I mean, really listen. The only way to really connect with someone is to truly listen to them, to be genuinely interested in the person.” ― Ed Mylett

“The difference between winning and losing is so small, it’s almost too scary to talk about.” ― Ed Mylett

“Winning in life goes to those with the best work ethic and the most information.” ― Ed Mylett

“Nobody is a part of your life by mistake. Everybody that enters our lives can teach us something… as long as we are looking for the lesson.” ― Ed Mylett

“If it’s not going to matter in 5 years, DO NOT spend more than 5 minutes being upset by it.” ― Ed Mylett

“Good is the enemy of great.” ― Ed Mylett

“It’s not good enough to say you think the right things. You need to say and express it.” ― Ed Mylett

“What you envision in your mind, how you see yourself, and how you envision the world around you is of great importance because those things become your focus.” ― Ed Mylett

“I’m here to tell you that maxing out your life means that you can and should, have it all. You do not have to choose between material dreams and a dream that involves helping people. Don’t buy into the fallacy that you cannot have it all, that life is that limited.” ― Ed Mylett

“Doubt is just another form of distraction. Ignore it.” ― Ed Mylett

“Whoever is trying to bring you down is beneath you. They can make NO IMPACT on your life as long as you don’t let them.” ― Ed Mylett

“I think the biggest shift in our lives, the things that make us the happiest is that when somebody helps us identify our natural giftedness.” ― Ed Mylett

“Remember, the quality of your life is equal to the quality of the questions you ask yourself.” ― Ed Mylett

“The comfortable road will never lead you to the person you are destined to be in your life, never.” ― Ed Mylett

“The difference between a thought and a decision is the immediate action you take.” ― Ed Mylett

“Where you are now in life is the sum of the decisions you’ve made.” ― Ed Mylett

“Fear blocks us from our gifts. On the other side of fear a gift will be revealed to you.” ― Ed Mylett

“Your identity is the thermostat for your life.” ― Ed Mylett

“Whatever it is that you want most, don’t be held back by the opinions of others. Go achieve them! Your dreams are yours and they are precious.” ― Ed Mylett

“A real friendship is not about what you can get, but what you can give. Real friendship is about making sacrifices and investing in people to help them improve their lives.” ― Ed Mylett

“Make your dreams big enough that the dreams of others can fit inside of it.” ― Ed Mylett

“The only way to change your life is to make real decisions.” ― Ed Mylett

“The brain is the most powerful organ in the body. It is a weapon. When you first understand how your brain works, you can then shape your brain to manifest more success, more joy, more happiness in every area of your life.⁣” – Ed Mylett

“The truth is, if you are not putting in the time, effort and energy every single day, someone else is.” ― Ed Mylett

“Do not misread failure. Without failure, there would be no success. You need one to achieve the other.” ― Ed Mylett

“The number one addiction in the world today is the addiction to other people’s approval.” ― Ed Mylett

“If you’re not motivated, get to work! Let your motivation come from doing the work.” ― Ed Mylett

“Make decisions, set standards and take actions that will get you closer to becoming the best version of you and the person you were born to be.” ― Ed Mylett

“I am chasing a guy. The man I am chasing is the better version of myself, the man I am capable of becoming, the man I was put on this earth to be.” ― Ed Mylett

“When you just begin to do the things you tell yourself you’re going to do, you begin to build self-confidence, which is this reputation with yourself.” ― Ed Mylett

“Self-confidence is really self-trust.” ― Ed Mylett

“If you have truly committed to your dreams, there is no obstacle too big.” ― Ed Mylett

“Let your test become your testimony.” ― Ed Mylett

“I’m not a ‘self-made millionaire’. I’m a team-made millionaire. Other people helped me get there. Nobody does anything great alone.” ― Ed Mylett

“It’s important that we celebrate our wins. We celebrate our lives because it causes us to want the next bite. It keeps us hungrier, not the reverse.” ― Ed Mylett

“Self-confidence is the characteristic of someone who keeps promises they make to themselves. Consistently keep promises you make to yourself.” ― Ed Mylett

“Your obsessions become your possessions.” ― Ed Mylett

“When it comes to writing your life, focus on the lead character — you. You need to become the new leading character in the script of your life.” ― Ed Mylett

“School teaches people that learning is the key, but knowledge isn’t powerful unless it’s applied. What separates you from the rest of the pack is not necessarily what you know, but your ability to apply that knowledge and execute.” ― Ed Mylett

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