Top 35 Aladdin Quotes To Bring Your Childhood Back

1. “No,no. I didn’t actually wish to get out of the cave. You did that on your own.” ― Aladdin

2. “Be specific with your words. The deal is in the detail.” ― Aladdin

3. “The truth? Oh, the truth. Well, the truth is, I sometimes dress as a commoner to escape the pressures of palace life. But I really am a prince!” – Aladdin

4. “I can’t take it anymore! If I gotta choke down one more of those moldy, disgusting crackers—BAM! WHACK!” – Aladdin

5. “Well, am I sultan, or am I sultan? From this day forth, the princess shall marry whoever she deems worthy.” ― Aladdin

6. “You should see these places. I mean there’s a whole world outside of books and maps.” ― Aladdin

7. “Trouble? No way, you’re only in trouble if you get caught.” ― Aladdin

8. “If I do marry, I want it to be for love.” ― Aladdin

9. “You have got to be more confident about what you have to offer.” ― Aladdin

10. “I’m free. I’m free! Quick, wish for something outrageous, say, ‘I want the Nile.’ Wish for the Nile, try that.” ― Aladdin

11. “How dare you. All of you. Standing around deciding my future. I am not a prize to be won.” ― Aladdin

12. “Here’s the thing about wishes. The more you have, the more you want.” ― Aladdin

13. “So here’s the basics. Step one, rub the lamp. Step two, say what you want. Step three, there is no step three. See? It’s that easy. You get three wishes. They must begin with rubbing the lamp and saying, “I wish.” Got it?” – Aladdin

14. “Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck!” – Aladdin

15. “If I were as rich as you, I could afford some manners!” – Aladdin

16. “People don’t see the real you when you’re royalty.” ― Aladdin

17. “A whole new world. A dazzling place I never knew, but when I’m way up here, it’s crystal clear that now I’m in a whole new world with you.” ― Aladdin

18. “I made you look like a prince on the outside, but I didn’t change anything on the inside. Prince Ali got you to the door, but Aladdin has to open it.” ― Aladdin

19. “On a scale from one to ten, YOU are an ELEVEN!” – Aladdin

20. “You aren’t just some prize to be won. You should be free to make your own choice.” ― Aladdin

21. “Like so many things, it is not what’s outside, but what is inside that counts.” ― Aladdin

22. “You can’t find what you’re looking for in that lamp, Jafar. I tried and failed, and so will you.” ― Aladdin

23. “Desperate times call for desperate measures, my lord.” ― Aladdin

24. “The ever impressive, the long contained, often imitated, but never duplicated … Genie of the lamp!” – Aladdin

25. “You’re only a fool if you give up, boy.” ― Aladdin

26. “Al, you’re not going to find another girl like her in a million years. Believe me, I’ve looked.” ― Aladdin

27. “For now. But you’ll never have more power than the genie. You said it yourself, you’re either the most powerful in the room, or you’re nothing. You will always be second.” ― Aladdin

28. “I’m sorry, Rajah, but I can’t stay here and have my life lived for me.” ― Aladdin

29. “I can’t take it anymore! If I gotta choke down one more of those moldy, disgusting crackers—BAM! WHACK!” – Aladdin

30. “Things aren’t always what they seem.” ― Aladdin

31. “A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh.” ― Aladdin

32. “Him! I choose … I choose you, Aladdin.” ― Aladdin

33. “Master, I don’t think you quite realize what you got here. So, why don’t you just ruminate while I illuminate the possibilities.” ― Aladdin

34. “Sometimes, Princess, sometimes you just have to take a risk.” ― Aladdin

35. “You ain’t never had a friend like me.” ― Aladdin

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