61 Graduation Pick Up Lines

Graduation is a special day, and why not? It’s a time for celebration and new beginnings, but if you want to make a great first impression on someone, then using these pick up lines on graduation will show them that you are interested in getting to know them better. Also, these pickup lines will work as an icebreaker while meeting new people at the ceremony, which will help you to steal the show. Enjoy

Graduation Pick Up Lines

1. Did you just earn a degree in cuteness? Because you’re the most adorable graduate.

2. Congratulations on getting through the easiest part of life.

3. Let’s commemorate our own personal academic achievements.

4. My school was so tough the school newspaper had an obituary section.

5. Did you just earn a degree in being fabulous? Because you’ve nailed it.

6. For a quick and relaxing study break, I suggest screwing me in the stacks.

7. After twenty-two years, they are unemployed.

8. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

9. May your finals be as easy as you are.

10. I’m a cap and you are a gown, we just fit together.

11. They call me ‘The Dean.’ And I just put you on my list.

12. your minds are bold and wear sombreros.

13. I found a stick in the bush.

14. Are you a diploma? Because you’re proof that dreams come true.

15. If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.

16. The trouble with learning from experience is that you never graduate.

17. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.

18. Are you a diploma? Because you’ve graduated to the top of my priority list.

19. I want to see you outside English — you take the best notes in the whole class.

20. Did you graduate from the School of Amazing? Because you’re a standout student.

21. Well, I’ve already met your parents. Should we just get married?

22. A professor is someone who talks in someone else’s sleep.

23. The fact that no one understands you doesn’t make you an artist.

24. If you ever need a compliment or a kidney call me.

25. You have as many curves as the Biology 1A final … which I still failed.

26. High School is a lot like toilet paper, you only miss it when it’s gone.

27. We would go great together like a cap and gown.

28. Did you just graduate? Because you’ve got a degree in stealing my heart.

29. Are you a diploma? Because you’ve achieved excellence in my heart.

30. If you live to be one hundred, you’ve got it made. Very few people die past that age.

31. Are you a graduate? Because you’ve just unlocked the door to my heart’s future.

32. Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.

33. Are you a valedictorian? Because you’re the best part of this ceremony.

34. Did you just complete your education in excellence? Because you’re top-notch.

35. Are you a graduation cap? Because you’re making my heart soar.

36. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

37. Don’t say yes yet, I’ve got a whole speech planned.

38. Colleges are like old-age homes, except for the fact that more people die in colleges.

39. Did you just finish school? Because you’re the top student in my heart.

40. I have been in love with you every day since day one in school.

41. Did you just finish school? Because you’re the final piece of my life’s puzzle.

42. In the first place God made idiots, that was for practice, then he made school boards.

43. Your eyes are as sparkly as the graduation firework.

44. Did you just finish school? Because you’re at the top of my class.

45. Graduation celebrate school is done look out world here I come.

46. Did you just finish school? Because you’re the final piece of my puzzle.

47. Are you a diploma? Because you’re proof of my success.

48. Are you a graduation cap? Because you make my heart take flight.

49. Are you a graduation gown? Because you look stunning in your success.

50. I went commando at my graduation.

51. Did you just graduate? Because you’ve officially stolen my heart.

52. Are you a diploma? Because you’ve got the qualifications to win my heart.

53. Did you just finish school? Because you’ve got a bright future in my heart.

54. I tripped on the walk to receive my diploma and fell in love with you.

55. Are you a tassel? Because you’re worth flipping my world for.

56. Are you a graduation cap? Because you’re topping off this day perfectly.

57. Hey, boy, let’s kiss … our perfect GPAs goodbye after that Chemistry final.

58. Are you a mortarboard? Because you’re at the top of my cap-tivating list.

59. Girl, let’s exchange emails — I need you on my Google Doc.

60. Did you just complete your education in being awesome? Because you’re the best.

61. Can I add you on LinkedIn?

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