75 Deadpool Pick Up Lines to Inject Dose of Humor

Since its release, Deadpool movie has been a fan favourite loved by people of all ages. And when you use pick up lines about Deadpool to someone who is a marvel fan, it will show off your playful side cause these lines are funny and cheesy that will break the ice in any situation.

We guarantee it will not only show that you have a sense of humour but also make that person remember you for being bold. So dont wait and show off your wit and charm without coming across as too serious. Enjoy.

Deadpool Pick Up Lines

1. “If life were a Deadpool adventure, meeting you would be the most exciting plot twist.”

2. “If I were a Deadpool comic, meeting you would be the highlight on every page.”

3. “Could you be Deadpool’s signature move? Because meeting you is a superpower I can’t resist.”

4. “Are you telepathic? Because you’ve been on my mind all day!”

5. “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, or did your teleportation belt malfunction?”

6. “Are you a telepath? ‘Cause you’ve been on my mind all day.”

7. “You must be the Merc with the Mouth, because you’ve left me speechless!”

8. “Are we like Deadpool and Cable? Because meeting you is a dynamic connection.”

9. “Our love story is better than the greatest Deadpool comic book issue.”

10. “Are you a shape-shifter like Mystique? I can’t take my eyes off you.”

11. “People say Deadpool is iconic, but meeting you is an unforgettable moment.”

12. “If life were a Deadpool comic, meeting you would be the most thrilling chapter.”

13. “You must be a mercenary because you just took out all my defenses with one look.”

14. “If I were a part of the Marvel Universe, you would be the crisis that unites us all.”

15. “Are we like Deadpool and Blind Al? Because meeting you is a hilarious and enduring partnership.”

16. “People say Deadpool is a superhero, but meeting you feels like a super-connection.”

17. “Excuse me, are you Deadpool’s katana? Because meeting you cuts through the ordinary.”

18. “Do you have a map? Because, babe, I just got lost in your eyes.”

19. “Do you believe in the charisma of Deadpool’s presence? Ours is magnetic and impossible to resist.”

20. “Hey there, can I be your katanas? Together, we could be cutting-edge!”

21. “If I were Domino, I’d say meeting you was the best stroke of luck I’ve ever had.”

22. “I must have amnesia like Deadpool, ’cause forgetting you seems impossible!”

23. “Girl, are you Deadpool’s chimichanga truck? Because meeting you is a tasty adventure.”

24. “Excuse me, but do you have any tacos? My heart is hungry for love.”

25. “Is your name Cable? Because meeting you is a dynamic connection.”

26. “Call me Deadpool, because no one could take their eyes off you when I’m around.”

27. “Do you believe in the unpredictability of Deadpool’s adventures? Ours is a journey full of surprises.”

28. “Want to prove if our love is like Wolverine’s bones? Unbreakable.”

29. “Are we like Deadpool and his chimichangas? Because meeting you is the perfect combination.”

30. “Our love story could be as epic as Deadpool 2.”

31. “If life were a Deadpool movie, meeting you would be the highlight reel.”

32. “Do you believe in the rebellious charm of Deadpool? Ours is fearless and unapologetically authentic.”

33. “You must be Lady Death, because I’d die just to be close to you.”

34. “Baby, you’re like the Infinity Gems, precious and powerful.”

35. “Is your name Wade? Because meeting you is as charming and witty as Deadpool himself.”

36. “Are you a Deadpool comic? Because I can’t stop staring at you.”

37. “Is your name Cable? Because you’ve just traveled from the future and stolen my heart.”

38. “I think you are like Deadpool’s sidekick – stealing the spotlight with charm and charisma.”

39. “I think you are like Deadpool’s love for chimichangas – a unique and delightful flavor.”

40. “Excuse me, are you a Deadpool fan? Because meeting you is like finding a kindred spirit.”

41. “Do you believe in the regenerative power of Deadpool’s love? Ours rejuvenates the spirit.”

42. “I must be psychic, because I can see you all over my future.”

43. “Can I be the Cable to your Deadpool? We’d be a dynamic duo.”

44. “Could you be Deadpool’s favorite taco? Because meeting you is a mouthwatering delight.”

45. “Could you be Deadpool’s sense of humor? Because meeting you is a laugh riot.”

46. “If I were Deadpool’s teleportation device, meeting you would be a magical journey without end.”

47. “Could you be Deadpool’s one-liner? Because meeting you leaves a lasting and memorable impression.”

48. “If I were Deadpool’s love for chimichangas, meeting you would be the tastiest treat.”

49. “Are you a superhero? Because you’re definitely saving my day with your stunning looks.”

50. “People say Deadpool is a comic book character, but meeting you is a real-life adventure.”

51. “I think you are like Deadpool’s katana – sharp, cutting through the ordinary.”

52. “If I were Deadpool’s sidekick, meeting you would be the most exciting adventure.”

53. “Girl, are you the X-Force? Because you just assembled my dream team.”

54. “Is your name Chimichanga? Because meeting you is a mouthwatering delight.”

55. “I think you are like Deadpool’s mask – mysterious and attractive, leaving me intrigued.”

56. “Your smile must be a healing factor because it mends my broken heart.”

57. “Are you a mutant? Because your beauty is out of this world.”

58. “If I were Deadpool’s red suit, meeting you would be adding a splash of vibrant joy.”

59. “People say Deadpool is unpredictable, but meeting you is a delightful surprise.”

60. “Girl, you must be a Deadpool movie marathon because I can’t get enough of you.”

61. “Girl, you must be Deadpool’s humor because you always leave me laughing.”

62. “Excuse me, are you Deadpool’s humor? Because meeting you is refreshing and hilarious.”

63. “Are we like Deadpool and Vanessa? Because meeting you is a love story that stands the test of time.”

64. “If life were a teleportation device, meeting you would be a magical journey without end.”

65. “Are you The Punisher? Because you’ve definitely captured my heart.”

66. “If life were a chimichanga, meeting you would be the perfect blend of spice and sweetness.”

67. “Is your dad a villain? Because you stole my heart like a master thief.”

68. “You’re such a marvel – I must admit, my spidey senses tingle whenever you’re near.”

69. “Are we like Deadpool and his katana? Because meeting you is a sharp and exciting experience.”

70. “Is your name Deadpool? Because meeting you feels like a superhero moment.”

71. “Is your name Vanessa? Because meeting you is a love story that stands the test of time.”

72. “I can’t regenerate limbs like Deadpool, but I’d still risk it all for you.”

73. “I must have a superpower because I can see myself in your future.”

74. “Excuse me, is your name Deadpool? Because meeting you feels like a superhero moment.”

75. “You must be responsible for regenerating my smile every time we meet.”

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