55+ Genshin Impact Pick Up Lines

Whether you’re trying to impress someone you’ve just met or trying to win over a long-time crush, With Genshin Impact’s vast array of characters, there are plenty of options for finding the perfect pick up line that’ll make them swoon.

So whether you are looking for a romantic way to start a conversation with the person you like or just want to make them smile, these hot and cheesy Genshin Impact pick up Lines will make an impression they won’t forget. So go ahead and impress with your smooth moves.

Genshin Impact Pick Up Lines

1. You must be anemo because your beauty blows me away.

2. Are you hydro? Because you a make me wet.

3. Girl, you are so refined.

4. Are you a firework? Because I can see the sparkle in your eye.

5. Are you Itto? Cuz I oni have eyes for you.

6. Ganyu this, Ganyu that. GAN YU be mine instead?

7. Hey girl, are you qiqi cause you’ve been stealing my heart.

8. Girl, you made my wish come true when I rolled you.

9. I am down to explore your Abyssal Domain any time.

10. Babe, you are my top tier.

11. Are you a daily commission? Cause I could do you every day

12. Are you Mora? Coz I always seem to need mora you.

13. Babe, you a pyro, you heat me up.

14. Are you Genshin? Cause you keep me awake at night!

15. I’m no Lawrence but Eulave my rock.

16. Babe, do me like a dutiful maid would.

17. Girl, you got zero resistance nor immunity to the weapon in my pants.

18. Are you a primogem? Cos, I can’t get enough of ya.’

19. Girl, are you Sweet Madame ’cause I eat that every day.

20. Are you Xiao? Cause you can visit me in my dreams.

21. Girl, let’s check our synergy. Do we react or resonate?

22. Babe you a pyro, you heat me up.

23. Your beauty shocked me, you must be an electro.

24. Hey, are you a commission? Because I’d love to do you four times a day.

25. Babe, are you weaker to burst damage or damage over time?

26. Girl, you must be from the beautiful goddess banner.

27. Are you Resin? Cause I can’t get enough of you.

28. You are “lumine” without the “lu”.

29. Are you Bennet? Cause I’d like to bouken Dat bouken

30. You must be a hydro because your beauty drowns me.

31. Are you a pyro? Because you are smoking hot.

32. Hey boy, are you almond tofu? Because you taste just like my dreams.

33. Girl, let’s check our synergy. Do we react or resonate?

34. You must be anemo because your beauty blows me away.

35. Are you Diluc? Cause I won’t mind losing 50/50 to you.

36. Are you geo-power? Cause you rocked my world.

37. Enough of Co-op in game, how about we do some co-op outside?

38. Are you Itto? Cuz I oni have eyes for you!

39. Ay girl, you teleported right into my heart.

40. Not Diluc but can I still get in dem Jeans?

41. Babe, you are my final quest.

42. I had a soft pity before I met you now I have a HARD one!

43. Forget about rolling the banners, how about we roll between the sheets.

44. Are you a Pyro user? Cuz it sure got hot in here.

45. You are my one and only wish.

46. You know what is better than plant life? We make our own life.

47. The only gacha I want is you.

48. Babe, you are my 5-star.

49. Are you Genshin? Cause you keep me awake at night.

50. Enough of Co-op in game, how about we do some co-op in bed?

51. Are you electro? Because you are so stunning.

52. Girl, you teleported into my heart.

53. The stars and sky might be a lie, but I’m telling the truth when I say I want to be with you.

54. Generate my orbs and I’ll unload some elemental burst to blow your mind.

55. Are you vengeance? Cause, you will be mine.

56. I can be the main DPS and you can support my attacks.

57. Are you Eula? Cuz I love your terms of service.

58. Your body is my shrine, I am going to hit all of them.

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