125 Yo Daddy Jokes That Are Hilarious to Keep It Fun

Yo daddy jokes have been around for a long time, and a good reason. They are funny, lighthearted, and make us laugh. But why do people love insulting dads through these jokes?

We know what you are thinking, what kind of rubbish you are talking about. But, oh, common, we are living in 2023. These Jokes have been a part of our lives since the beginning. It could be because it’s a way to safely poke fun at authority figures. Plus, it’s just plain fun.

Here we’ve compiled a list of the best Yo Daddy Jokes that will give you laughter and hours of entertainment. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Yo Daddy Jokes

1. Yo daddy so short, he can do a back flip underneath the bed.

2. Yo daddy is so poor he has the ducks throw bread at him.

3. Yo daddy is so stupid that he thinks Tiger Woods is a forest in India.

4. Yo daddy so fat he starts the Alphabet with an O. O B C D.

5. Yo daddy is so ugly that even Rice Krispies won’t talk to him.

6. Yo daddy so hairy, he has afros on his nipples.

7. Yo daddy is so fat he wakes up in sections.

8. Yo daddy so poor he eats cereal with a fork to save milk.

9. Yo daddy so stupid he bought seaweed from his dr-ug dealer.

10. Yo daddy so poor his face is on a food stamp.

11. Yo daddy so fat, when he went to school he sat next to everybody.

12. Yo daddy is so stupid that he thought St. Ides was a Catholic church.

13. Yo daddy is so stupid he got 1-800 choke that H**.

14. Yo daddy is so fat he’s on both sides of the family.

15. Yo daddy is so smells so that bad he made onion cry.

16. Yo daddy is so fat that he fell and created the Grand Canyon.

17. Yo Daddy so woke, he used to be yo mamma.

18. Yo daddy so dumb, he still thinks a quarterback is a refund.

19. Yo daddy is so fat that even his clothes have stretch marks.

20. Yo daddy so weak, he needs a spotter to lift a paperclip.

21. Yo daddy so dumb, he thought the NHL draft was a beer.

22. Yo daddy is so dumb when he jump the fence the gate was open.

23. Yo daddy so fat, he had to get an MRI at the zoo.

24. Yo daddy so drunk, his breath gave you liver failure.

25. Yo daddy so poor he started charging rent to the roaches.

26. Yo daddy so ugly his portraits hang themselves.

27. Yo daddy so drunk, his blood type is beer.

28. Yo daddy is so dumb he sold his car for gas money.

29. Yo daddy so dumb he studied for a drug test.

30. Yo daddy is so fat that NASA has to orbit a satellite around him.

31. Yo daddy so drunk, when Kirby ate him, he became a keg.

32. Yo daddy so poor, he uses the curtains as blankets.

33. Yo daddy so old, Jesus signed his yearbook.

34. Yo daddy so stupid he sat on the TV and watched the couch.

35. Yo daddy is so ugly that when he was born he was put in an incubator with tinted windows.

36. Yo daddy is so Poor that he got a shot gun for a horn.

37. Yo daddy so bald, his head shines like a bright diamond.

38. Yo daddy so hairy, he was Chewbacca’s stunt double.

39. Your daddy is so stupid , he married your momma.

40. Yo daddy is so fat that I ran around him ONCE and got lost.

41. Yo daddy is so fat that he cant reach into his back pocket.

42. Yo daddy so bald, his head reflects sunlight.

43. Yo daddy is so old that when he sneezes he sneezes dust.

44. Yo daddy is so stupid that you have to dig for his IQ.

45. Yo daddy is so hot, I could grill some chicken on him.

46. Yo daddy so stupid he got fired from a bl0wj0b.

47. Yo daddy is so fat he made Free Willy look like a tic tac.

48. Yo daddy is so ugly that he scares blind people.

49. Yo daddy is so fat that I ran around him twice and got lost.

50. Yo daddy so handsome, people proposed to him since he was an infant.

51. Yo daddy so old, when he farted dust came out.

52. Yo daddy so ugly, he scared 3 blind people.

53. Yo daddy so fat when he goes camping the bears hide THEIR food.

54. Yo daddy so short even Yoda made jokes about him.

55. Yo daddy is so stupid that he uses Old Spice for cooking.

56. Yo daddy so dumb he went to the dentist to get a Bluetooth.

57. Yo daddy so bald I can see what he’s thinking.

58. Yo daddy is so fat he has snacks under his jelly rolls.

59. Yo daddy so ugly he went to a dog show and won first place.

60. Yo daddy is so fat that light bends around him.

61. Yo daddy so short, they had to make a new measuring unit.

62. Yo daddy so fat he turned a living room into a basement.

63. Yo daddy is so ugly he gives Freddy Krueger nightmares.

64. Yo daddy is so stupid he asked what is the number to 911.

65. Yo daddy so fat he has to use a boomerang to put on a belt.

66. Yo daddy so boring his book fell asleep.

67. Yo daddy so old Moses signed his yearbook.

68. yo daddy so stupid he failed lunch.

69. Yo daddy is so stupid that he tripped over a cordless phone.

70. Yo daddy so old he sat behind Jesus in the 3rd grade.

71. Yo daddy is so wide that you can do cartwheels off his back.

72. Yo daddy so hot, he comes with lava.

73. Yo daddy so old he has an autographed Bible.

74. Yo daddy is so ugly that he could scare the flies off a shit wagon.

75. Yo daddy so fat his blood type is Nutella.

76. Yo daddy so ugly his reflection holds a crucifix.

77. Yo daddy so drunk, he asked his wife if she was single.

78. Yo daddy is so fat that he wakes up in sections.

79. Yo daddy so bald, his blood type was shaving cream.

80. Yo daddy so hairy Bigfoot takes pictures of him.

81. Yo daddy is so ugly that his pillow cries at night.

82. Yo daddy so ugly, yo momma first saw him at the zoo.

83. Yo daddy is so poor he uses the curtains as blankets.

84. Yo daddy is so stupid that he failed a survey.

85. Yo daddy such a bad cook he burned my milkshake.

86. Yo daddy is so old his birth certificate says expired on it.

87. Yo daddy is so stupid, I told him to take out the trash and he moved.

88. Yo daddy is so dumb he tried to drown fish.

89. Yo daddy so bald the minions thought he was their new leader.

90. Yo daddy is so old that he ran track with dinosaurs.

91. Yo daddy is so fat that his legs are like spoiled milk.

92. Yo daddy is so dumb he got hit by a parked car.

93. Yo daddy is so UGLY iThouqht he was yo mmamaaa.

94. Yo daddy so stupid he brought a spoon to the Super Bowl.

95. Yo daddy is so fat that he has to put his belt on with a boomerang.

96. Yo daddy so fat, he even gets in the Uber Pool with his shirt on.

97. Yo daddy is so stupid that it took him 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes.

98. Yo daddy so drunk, Baldi taught him in rehab.

99. Yo daddy is so dumb he ran into a park car.

100. Yo daddy is so fat he sells shade in the summer.

101. Yo daddy so stupid he bought tickets to see Xbox Live.

102. Yo daddy so poor he got 2 TV channels: on and off.

103. Yo daddy so loyal to yo mama, he doesn’t watch corn with girls in it.

104. Yo daddy so white your family wears sunglasses inside.

105. Yo daddy is so ugly that… well… look at you.

106. Yo daddy so fat when he backs up he beeps.

107. Yo daddy so lazy he’s got a remote control for his remote control.

108. Yo daddy is so fat that he has to buy three airline tickets.

109. Yo daddy so old he was a waiter at the last supper.

110. Yo daddy so bald, people thought he was Agent 47.

111. Yo daddy so poor his cardboard house got repossessed.

112. Yo daddy so ugly, his parents had to feed him with a slingshot.

113. Yo daddy so stupid, he ordered a cheeseburger without cheese.

114. Yo daddy so nasty his cigarettes got cancer.

115. Yo daddy is so dumb He failed Pre-K.

116. Yo daddy is so stupid that he tried to put M.M’s in alphabetical order.

117. Yo daddy is so stupid that he thinks fruit punch is a gay boxer.

118. Yo daddy is so poor he drawed a polo man on his shirt.

119. Yo daddy is so old Jesus signed his yearbook.

120. Yo daddy is so fat that he’s on both sides of the family.

121. Yo daddy is so stupid that he got locked out of a convertible car with the top down.

122. Yo daddy so hairy he speaks Chewbaccan.

123. Yo daddy is so old that I told him to act his own age, and he died.

124. Yo daddy is so fat that he’s got his own area code.

125. Yo daddy so hairy, his hugs give you carpet burn.

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