59 Most Inspiring Tyler Perry Quotes To Achieve Success

“All you can do is plant your seed in the ground, water it and believe.” ― Tyler Perry

“Everything that I write about, I write from my own experiences. There are bits and pieces of everything that’s in the very fabric of who I am, that help me tell a story.” ― Tyler Perry

“Life is sometimes hard, and you have to laugh your way through it.” ― Tyler Perry

“Developing a good work ethic is key. Apply yourself at whatever you do because that work ethic will be reflected in everything you do in life.” ― Tyler Perry

“The dream will outlive the dreamer so dream big.” ― Tyler Perry

“You beginning never dictates your destination.” ― Tyler Perry

“I work three months really hard, nonstop, and then I take a month off. Then I do do it all over again. I work hard but I give myself four breaks a year.” ― Tyler Perry

“You can never be upset with the people who forced you into your dream.” ― Tyler Perry

“I’m not sure why no one wants to admit there’s a viable audience out there that believes in God and wants to see a movie with their family. The demand is there. The supply is not.” ― Tyler Perry

“You can’t make yourself happy by causing other people’s misery.” ― Tyler Perry

“Don’t share your dreams with everyone and don’t be angry with non-dreamers.” ― Tyler Perry

“It takes a week to do a sitcom in Hollywood. I do a show a day in my studio, three or four shows a week.” ― Tyler Perry

“I thank God I didn’t become successful until I was older.” ― Tyler Perry

“Fear is a spirit that really can stop you from living.” ― Tyler Perry

“The Bible says that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. I believe that. Because I’ve seen it all work.” ― Tyler Perry

“Never argue with what is.” ― Tyler Perry

“You can never be upset with the people who forced you into your dream or up higher.” ― Tyler Perry

“People always try to do the right thing..after they’ve tried everything else.” ― Tyler Perry

“If you lie to yourself you will lie to God too.” ― Tyler Perry

“The key to life when it gets tough is to keep moving. Just keep moving.” ― Tyler Perry

“When you haven’t forgiven those who’ve hurt you, you turn your back against your future. When you do forgive, you start walking forward.” ― Tyler Perry

“I’m not afraid to have a character say, ‘I am a Christian,’ or, ‘I believe in God,’ because I think they represent real people on this Earth.” ― Tyler Perry

“There will be rough nights but joy really does come in the morning.” ― Tyler Perry

“It takes a while to build a dream” – Tyler Perry

“What I’ve learned is you treat women right.” ― Tyler Perry

“What I have learned in this life is you can never be ashamed of where you come from.” ― Tyler Perry

“Always aim for right and avoid doing wrong at all costs.” ― Tyler Perry

“It doesn’t matter if a million people tell you what you can’t do, or if ten million people tell you no. If you get one yes from God, that’s all you need.” ― Tyler Perry

“I thank God for closed doors.” ― Tyler Perry

“Who you are at 20 will not be who you are at 40 and if it is, SOMETHING IS WRONG!” – Tyler Perry

“Put all your energy into watering one area. If you spread the water across many seeds, you don’t have as much water for one seed. Focus on one thing. Make it your priority.” ― Tyler Perry

“We can do anything.” ― Tyler Perry

“You give away your power when you don’t forgive.” ― Tyler Perry

“I want to own a network. I want to own a network where you can turn it on with your family all day long and get positive reinforcement.” ― Tyler Perry

“You too can make it.” ― Tyler Perry

“I don’t think dreams die – I think that people give up.” ― Tyler Perry

“It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place because it frees you.” ― Tyler Perry

“Be careful what you say, life and death truly are in your own words.” ― Tyler Perry

“You can’t build your life around hurts from the past.” ― Tyler Perry

“My biggest success is getting over the things that have tried to destroy and take me out of this life. Those are my biggest successes. It has nothing to do with work.” ― Tyler Perry

“Sometimes we try to hold on to the very things that God himself is trying to tear apart.” ― Tyler Perry

“I never thought of myself as a mogul, but it’s really great to be in that position.” ― Tyler Perry

“I didn’t have a catharsis for my childhood pain, most of us don’t, and until I learned how to forgive those people and let it go, I was unhappy.” ― Tyler Perry

“If I had not had faith in my life. I don’t know where I would be right now.” ― Tyler Perry

“Focus on one thing, make it your priority, and stick with it no matter what.” ― Tyler Perry

“What I have learned in this life is, you can never be ashamed of where you come from.” ― Tyler Perry

“A footstool is only needed when you need to get higher. Let your enemy lift you.” ― Tyler Perry

“Your gift can make room for you.” ― Tyler Perry

“It doesn’t matter if a million people tell you what you can’t do, or if ten million tell you no. If you get one yes from God that’s all you need.” ― Tyler Perry

“Love is stronger than any addiction.” ― Tyler Perry

“Never wish to be somebody else.” ― Tyler Perry

“I’ve never chased money. It’s always been about what I can do to motivate and inspire people.” ― Tyler Perry

“He who has the gold makes the rules.” ― Tyler Perry

“People ask me all the time, how did you make it? I say it in press all the time but people cut it out…it was nothing but the grace of God.” ― Tyler Perry

“You can get a thousand no’s from people, and only one “yes” from God.” ― Tyler Perry

“We all have the power to be a point of light.” ― Tyler Perry

“Don’t believe the hype. I don’t care how many number ones you have at the box office, I don’t care how much they say you’re great, don’t believe it. Just stay in your lane and do what you’re supposed to do.” ― Tyler Perry

“My brand is faith.” ― Tyler Perry

“Don’t wait for someone to green light your project, build your own intersection.” ― Tyler Perry

“I’m just enjoying my life. I suggest you try it.” ― Tyler Perry

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