55+ Rat Puns That Will Crack a Smile on Your Face

Rats are one of the most important animals in our nature. They are a part of the food chain; without them, we would be in danger of extinction. Also, they are an essential part of the ecosystem as they help to keep the environment clean by eating all kinds of garbage, including dead animals.

Rats also have a great impact on other species because they can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Even Some people think that rats should be seen as heroes because they save us from many diseases.

If you’re ready for a good laugh, here we’ve discovered some of the best and most hilarious Rat puns you’ll love. So scroll down and see what we’ve got you covered.

Rat Puns

1. Play mice now little one.

2. What type of car insurance do rats usually have? Road dent insurance.

3. What’s the name of the famous rat philosopher? Soc-rat-es.

4. Where do rats go to get drinks? A Squeak-easy.

5. What did the old rat need when he went to the dentist? Ro-dentures!

6. Can you keep a sec-rat?

7. What do rats like on their birthday? Mice cream and cake.

8. What a mice day to use rat puns.

9. What do you call a rat with a cold? Rat-achoo-ouille.

10. Cheese pick up lines are just cheesy.

11. Why do you call a rat that got ran over by a car? Roadent Kill.

12. What was the name of the rat Roman emperor? Julius Cheeser!‍

13. Did you hear about the rodent who worked out 24/7? He was a real gym rat.

14. I mouse ask you a question…

15. My friend’s a real gym rat.

16. What did the rat say when he saw a bat flying overhead? Oh my! An angel!

17. Aww d-rat, I was so close to getting first place.

18. What is a rat’s favorite breakfast cereal? Mice Krispies!

19. Be a mice person to everyone.

20. Where do rats go to replace their tails? A re-tail store!

21. What is a rat’s favorite game? Hide and squeak!

22. That’s what cheese said.

23. Why was the rat afraid of the river? Because of the catfish!

24. Don’t rat me out bro.

25. That’s totally rat-ical my dude.

26. Do you know how rats fall for rat traps? I mean, it’s such a cheesy setup.

27. What would you name a rat with a wooden leg? A pi-rat-e.

28. What do you call a snitching scientist? A lab rat.

29. What will a rat never tell you? A squeak-ret.

30. What do you call a rodent that steals your dessert? A pie-rat.

31. I’m cheesed (pleased) to meet you.

32. What did the little rat get arrested for? For Rat-keteering.

33. What do you call a spiritual rat? A Buddha-Pest!

34. What do you call a rat with no legs? A furball.

35. I’m having a mouse-warming party!

36. What do you call a rat with a wooden leg? A pi-rat!

37. Mice cream.

38. What kind of insurance do rats need? Road dent insurance!

39. What do rats eat on their birthday? Cake and mice cream!

40. What do you get when you cross laundry detergent with a rat? Bubble and Squeak!

41. Try to a-mouse me.

42. How do rats celebrate when they move into a new house? With a mouse warming party!

43. How do you measure a rat? With ka-rats.

44. Did you see that big rat on the road? I think that was a roadent.

45. What did people say when they caught the Black Plague? Aw rats.

46. What do you get when you mix a rat and an elephant? Who cares? It’s a relephant.

47. What airline did the rat use when he went on vacation? Emi-rat-es.

48. Why do rats need oiling? Because they squeak!

49. Rats! What bad luck.

50. What is a rat’s favorite breakfast cereal? Mice Krispies.

51. Could you help me to practice my ka-rat-e?

52. What do you call two rats in love? Squeakhearts.

53. Cheesy come, cheesy go.

54. What do you call rats who are brothers? Bro-dents.

55. That kid is a real b-rat.

56. How many ka-rats is that diamond?

57. How do rats keep fit? By practicing ka-rat-e.

58. What is a rat’s favorite movie? The Fast and the Furriest.

59. Rat puns are really under-rat-ed.

60. How do you get a rat to smile? Say cheese!

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