Top 90+ Best Makeup Captions For Instagram

Looking for best makeup captions for Instagram? Below we’ve compiled a list of catchy and trendy makeup captions that will suit your unique style and adorn your Instagram feed. Scroll down and select the best one so you can stand out from the crowd.

Makeup Captions For Instagram

1. My highlight is as bright as the sun right now, and I’m not mad about it.

2. Crying is for ordinary women. Pretty women go makeup shopping.

3. Never ask a girl with winged eyeliner why she’s late.

4. The only drama that I love is in my lashes.

5. Life is a little brighter when you’re wearing makeup.

6. Capturing the magic of the moment.

7. My name still on their lips like lipstick.

8. Just keep living the best life, girl.

9. Success is the only option because I like expensive makeup.

10. So many nail colors. So little fingers.

11. Never spend a good makeup day without taking a selfie.

12. Your face is ready for any occasion.

13. Look good, feel great. With the help of our artists, you can glow—and feel even better.

14. Give them a reason to stare.

15. The only drama I enjoy is in my lashes.

16. Find the perfect lipstick shade with the help of my ig handle.

17. Behind every great picture is a great makeup artist.

18. Makeup is an expression. It’s an art and a passion.

19. I’ve always been your best friend. I’ll be there for you, through thick and thin.

20. Never underestimate the power of the brow game.

21. I can’t wait to see what you create.

22. Quick to touch up but she cannot touch me.

23. Be as bold as your lipstick.

24. “a make-up artist never skips a beat.”

25. Your face is the canvas, we’re just the artists.

26. I’ve got you covered with the best tools in town.

27. I wear makeup for myself because it‘s fun.

28. Eyebrows speak louder than words.

29. Confidence level: selfie with no filter.

30. Be your own kind.

31. Everything is possible with a little coffee and mascara.

32. I’m just wingin’ it.

33. When in doubt, just add more glitter.

34. She’s giving ‘that girl’ energy.

35. Too glam to give a damn.

36. Hi, I’m your 6-year-old self. What a difference a year makes.

37. Shades of nude.

38. I am ‘that girl’.

39. When in doubt, wear red.

40. Shine bright like a diamond. – rihanna, diamonds

41. I’m a makeup artist, not a makeup artist’s assistant.

42. Lying: that’s where I draw the line like contour.

43. Be bold. Be brave. Be you.

44. Give them a reason to take a second look.

45. I challenge you to create a new look—one that’s bolder, more confident, and more vibrant.

46. In a word? Magical.

47. I love the confidence that makeup gives me.

48. Men come and go. But, your lipsticks stick with you forever.

49. Life is too short not to buy makeup.

50. If you’re not happy, we don’t want you.

51. Perfect make-up. Perfect mood. Perfect day.

52. Ready, set, makeup.

53. Shimmery, shiny, and sparkly are my three favorite colors.

54. I could stop buying makeup, but I’m no quitter.

55. Glossy and bossy.

56. My life might not be perfect, but my makeup is.

57. I don’t need a fairy godmother. I’ve got my mac.

58. Glowing.

59. I’m all about the bold lips, eyes, and cheeks

60. The eyes are the window to the soul.

61. You think I’m listening to your problems, but I’m just doing your brows.

62. Shout out to all the makeup I haven’t bought yet. I’m coming for you.

63. Today’s face.

64. Flawless.

65. Today is gonna be a glow day.

66. Blending is my cardio.

67. Create a high-fashion, yet natural-looking look using this eye makeup tutorial.

68. My cardio for the day – blending!”

69. Boldness is just confidence in your own skin.

70. You can never go wrong with red lipstick.

71. I don’t want to cry over you. You aren’t worth spoiling my mascara for.

72. The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy.

73. The bags under my eyes are designer.

74. Makeup is power. It’s an expression of who you are. Make up your mind.

75. Growing and glowing.

76. Brushes eyebrows. Doesn’t brush hair.

77. Beneath the makeup and the perfect smile, you can find a girl, who’s ready to conquer the world.

78. I’m not just a beauty guru, I’m a badass.

79. Lipstick in one hand, confidence in the other.

80. No need to hide your beauty—let your face shine bright

81. Home is where your makeup stash is.

82. Don’t try to come for me when my makeup looks this fierce.

83. I came. I saw. I contoured.

84. When you’re a bad ass like me, you can do whatever you want

85. Don’t let today be a waste of makeup.

86. My makeup brush is my magic wand.

87. Wake up. Makeup. Repeat.

88. I won’t cry over you, you’re not worth wasting my mascara.

89. The only thing smoking around here is my eyes.

90. A little lipstick never killed nobody.

91. The only thing better than being alive is being you!

92. I own too much makeup.

93. Do you smoke? Only my eyes.

94. All I need is some tinted moisturizer and mascara.

95. There’s no use crying over a broken bronzer.

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