150+ Love Affirmations (Relationships, Marriage, Family)

Here we’ve compiled a list of the best and most positive affirmations on Love that will help you cultivate self-love and acceptance.  By repeating this daily, you will become more aware of your feelings, thoughts and actions.

Love Affirmations

1. My special someone will come at the right time.

2. I am terrifically charismatic.

3. I let go of my past relationships and look to the future.

4. I connect with others easily.

5. I am grateful to have my partner in my life.

6. The greatest gift is to love unconditionally.

7. My mind is open to finding love in places I didn’t expect.

8. I’m becoming the person I believe my partner will love.

9. I love my spouse unconditionally.

10. I am attracting my dream future.

11. The more love I give, the more I receive.

12. I attract good relationships into my life.

13. Someone will love me enough to respect my boundaries.

14. I am attracting real connection.

15. My relationships are always fulfilling.

16. I surround myself with positive people.

17. I am attracting the perfect person for me.

18. My partner is a reflection of me.

19. I am open to love in all forms.

20. I receive love in abundance.

21. I am a supportive, loving spouse.

22. I give love to others, and others give it to me.

23. My partner will love me more and more with each day.

24. I love spending intimate moments with my partner.

25. My love for my partner grows stronger each passing day.

26. Wherever I go and whoever I am with, I find love.

27. I can allow someone to be completely vulnerable to me.

28. I reflect the traits I desire to attract in a partner.

29. I’ll love my partner more and more with each day.

30. The people around me respect me.

31. A happy partnership is supportive, balanced and affectionate.

32. I have unconditional love to give.

33. There are no barriers to me receiving love.

34. I am open and ready to find true love.

35. My heart is open.

36. I am attracting a trusting and loving relationship.

37. My life is overflowing with love.

38. I am surrounded by love.

39. My next relationship will be affectionate and loving.

40. I am a patient lover.

41. I believe in my marriage.

42. I will have love strong enough to overcome difficulties.

43. I receive love in abundance from everyone I meet.

44. My marriage is divinely protected.

45. I am manifesting my dream partner.

46. My partner will make time to give love to me.

47. I can become completely vulnerable to someone.

48. I am lovable.

49. I love my soulmate and I love myself.

50. I am overwhelmed with love..

51. I love those around me and I love myself. Others show me love.

52. Our marriage is growing stronger every day.

53. My love is precious.

54. I attract loving and caring people into my life.

55. I am grateful for the people who love me.

56. I deserve to be happy in my relationship.

57. I can find a strong connection with another human being.

58. I am worthy of love and care.

59. I feel surrounded by love everywhere.

60. I embody unconditional love.

61. I love myself and am open to love.

62. I deserve love and affection.

63. I’m thankful for how well I love and accept myself.

64. I open my heart to love and know that I deserve it.

65. I deserve healthy relationships.

66. I am thankful for my spouse daily.

67. I allow the Universe to help me find love.

68. We are in love and happy together.

69. I am in the healthiest relationship of my life..

70. I am open to receive knock-my-socks off love.

71. I love who I am, and so does my partner.

72. I am ready to receive love from another.

73. I only think positively about love.

74. I love to give and receive love.

75. I deserve real and authentic love.

76. I give my heart, ready to receive the heart of another.

77. I will be happy in my next relationship.

78. I am attracting my true love.

79. Real love starts with me.

80. My relationship will be filled with passion.

81. I am worthy of love and deserve to receive love in abundance.

82. I radiate love towards all things.

83. I am meant to have a lifelong love.

84. I exhale negativity and inhale happiness.

85. I release my past and am ready to find love.

86. I am devoted to my spouse.

87. With each passing day, my love for my spouse grows stronger.

88. The partner for me is out there.

89. I am letting love into my life.

90. I am worthy of the compliments I receive.

91. I am whole and ready to accept love.

92. I naturally find love everywhere.

93. I am worthy of a healthy, loving relationship.

94. Forgiveness is natural in my relationships.

95. I deserve fulfilling relationships.

96. I make time for those I love.

97. My heart is healed from brokenness.

98. I am now open to give and receive love.

99. I am loved more than I ever thought possible.

100. My partner shows me deep, passionate love.

101. I attract the type of people I desire in my life.

102. I am grateful for all the love and affection I get.

103. My partner will love me through the hard times.

104. The universe is guiding me to love.

105. I happily give and receive love each day.

106. I believe in love.

107. I am confident, self-assured and full of charisma.

108. Love starts with me.

109. My life is filled with love.

110. I am grateful for the love I receive.

111. I’m worthy of an amazing love story.

112. I am attracting trusting and loving relationships.

113. It’s possible for me to meet the love of my life tomorrow.

114. My heart makes time for those I care about.

115. I trust the Universe to bring my true love to me.

116. I deserve the love I receive.

117. I give and receive unconditional love.

118. I attract loving, supportive, and committed partners.

119. I am with the love of my life. We both treat each other with respect.

120. I am open to receiving unconditional love from my partner.

121. I am making room for an amazing partner in my life..

122. My heart is prepared to receive love.

123. I deserve a true partnership with my soulmate.

124. I forgive others for past transgressions.

125. I am grateful for the potential partner who will love me.

126. I see love everywhere I go.

127. I am fulfilled.

128. My partner will love and accept me for who I am.

129. My spouse and I decide daily to love each other.

130. I only attract healthy, loving relationships.

131. The love of my life will be drawn to me.

132. I will never give up on finding true love.

133. I am ready for commitment.

134. The people in my life love me, unconditionally.

135. Someone will fall in love with me.

136. Love surrounds me and everyone around me.

137. I am so thankful for my partner and how caring they are.

138. The love I seek also seeks me.

139. I’m ready to let someone new into my life.

140. Love is a regular part of my life.

141. Love is my priority.

142. I love myself, unconditionally.

143. Love attracts to me like a magnet.

144. I deserve love as I am.

145. Others can’t help but love me.

146. I will feel loved and appreciated.

147. Sharing love comes easily to me.

148. I love myself enough to respect my boundaries.

149. The universe is full of love.

150. I am love and light.

151. I love being in a relationship.

152. My relationship will be honest and open.

153. My partner will love me in spite of my flaws.

154. I am surrounded by love every day.

155. I embody the love I desire to receive.

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